
Victor Chen's lackey really did go and brought back a bottle full of hard liquor. He opened the top, and just from the smell, one could tell that it was really strong.

He looked at two of his men, "I want you to hold her tightly so that the alcohol can get in well!"

Back at the VIP lounge, Benjamin Clarke had gone to the washroom while his manager had been left alone. He had turned his head, and so he was not able to see what was going on down there. He was also not able to see that the girl Benjamin Clarke was very interested in was actually in big trouble!

Cindy Richards moved backward to avoid being touched by these filthy men. Olivia Ashford was also suddenly afraid. She took Cindy Richards's hands and laced them with her own for comfort.

She also felt very guilty for causing Cindy Richards such trouble. She was the one who had called Cindy Richards here!

Cindy Richards analyzed her escape route in her mind. Although the men were bulky, they seemed to have a lot of strength but they did not look too clever so she needed her wits to save her.


Cindy Richards shouted. Victor Chen paused and looked at her, "What is it that you are trying to do now?"

Cindy Richards smiled eerily and looked at him, "I already asked earlier, but let me ask again, do you know who I am and are you ready for the consequences of your actions today?"

From what she had gathered, Alexander Sterling was a much-feared man. Everyone cowered at the mere mention of his name, so he was who she was going to use today. If she said right now that she was actually Alexander Sterling's wife then everything was going to be fine!

Victor Chen looked bored, "Okay, humor me, who the hell are you?"

Victor Chen said that, but deep down, he was just a cat playing with a mouse. He wanted this lady. Her perfect skin was enough to drive him crazy. She was so fresh that it made his ferociousness rise so much that he almost could not control himself!

He must have her, no matter what!

Cindy Richards took in a breath when she saw that the two men closing in on her had stopped. She looked at Victor Chen, "I am the daughter of a very prestigious man. If he hears about what you are doing, then he will definitely not let you off and I am also the wife of the CEO of Sterling Group, Alexander Sterling. If word gets out that you tried to do nasty things to his wife, how will he react? Do you think you can survive?"

Olivia Ashford heard this and turned to Cindy Richards in disbelief, "You are married?"

Cindy Richards whispered back, "It is a long story!"

Victor Chen's eyes wavered for a second.

He had said that he would not care even if she was the president's daughter, but she actually said she was Alexander Sterling's wife?

Alexander Sterling was a very formidable businessman with connections that ran deep. He was akin to the devil and many people feared him for he was very ruthless. If he really heard that his wife was in such a predicament, then what would he do?

Victor Chen's lackeys began taking a few steps away from Cindy Richards. One of them even turned to Victor Chen, "Boss, should we really do this? What if she really is that man's wife?"

Victor Chen thought Cindy Richards was lying just to get out of there. He suddenly laughed, "What is there to be afraid of? Isn't every woman in this country Alexander Sterling's wife? She is just a delusional little bitch and there is nothing that will happen!"

He then turned to Cindy Richards who had a look of disbelief, "You dare lie to me? I will make sure to punish you well for it later! Take her!"

He ordered, and the skeptical men sprang into action. They went over quickly and tried to hold Cindy Richards, who tried with all her might to resist. Her father, Oliver Richards, had enrolled her in some self-defense classes, and maybe they would come in handy today.

She dodged the hand that was getting closer and closer to her and then let out a kick. The man bent down and held his groin area in agony!

Cindy Richards did not have time to care for him. She quickly walked to the side and stopped another man from getting close to Olivia Ashford. She pulled him aside and landed a punch on his face!

The man also fell down and held his bleeding face!

The commotion was such that everyone who was in the bar started scurrying away from them. No one had initially wanted to join because Victor Chen was involved, and no one dared to stand up to him either!

They watched the show with relish.

Victor Chen, on the other hand, was somehow more excited than he was before. The way Cindy Richards was fighting only made his happiness reach a higher level. Her slim body was very lithe, and the way it moved was so fascinating that he almost wet his pants!

He looked at the remaining men, "Go and get her for me!"

The men followed the order, but they were still so afraid.

Cindy Richards fought. Her brows were covered in sweat, and her body was starting to get tired. She had not worked out for a very long time, and she was sure to get a body ache by tomorrow.

One of the men caught her off guard and turned her around. Cindy Richards did not know what was happening, but she suddenly felt a very strong force approaching and Olivia Ashford shout from the side, "Cindy Richards!"

Pain engulfed her entire face, and she almost saw stars. The man who had just slapped her turned her around and held her by the hair. She felt her roots tingling, but the man was holding her so tight that she could not even wiggle out of his hold!

This motion had just been seen by two people who stared angrily at the scene without blinking.

The first person was Benjamin Clarke, who had just seen the man send that slap, and the second person had just arrived just to witness the man laying hands on Cindy Richards.

His anger bubbled over!