You touched my wife?

Cindy Richards was still recovering from the slap when she saw someone standing behind Victor Chen. His eyes were murderous, and his gaze was solely trained on her and no one else.

Alexander Sterling looked scary, and Cindy Richards almost wanted to get up and run away!

Victor Chen was oblivious to the impending danger, and when he saw that Cindy Richards had finally been caught, he exclaimed in happiness,

"Finally! I can now have you to myself! Your skin is so silky and beautiful that I almost want to have you right here. But because I care so much about privacy, I will definitely serve you very well later on my bed!"

His words were getting more and more vulgar that some people even covered their ears to block off such nonsense.

Benjamin Clarke, who was getting down from his lounge, heard these words and somehow felt very angry. He looked at the palm prints still clearly imprinted on Cindy Richards's face and felt a strange pain engulfing him on all sides.

He wanted to walk up but then he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He saw Alexander Sterling.

He naturally knew who Alexander Sterling was, but what he did not know was what such a formidable man was doing in such a place. This did not seem like Alexander Sterling's scene at all!

He followed Alexander Sterling's hard gaze and saw that it was directed towards the girl he was just about to save.

Benjamin Clarke immediately had questions. What was the relationship between that woman and Alexander Sterling?

Cindy Richards was still being held by the two men. They had probably not seen Alexander Sterling because the place was a bit dark from the lighting that had been set. Cindy Richards suddenly smiled, and Victor Chen laughed when he saw that smile,

"Are you smiling because you are imagining what will happen later? Don't worry, I am quite excited too!"

Cindy Richards now laughed fully and then said, "I already asked if you knew who I am, but you did not believe me. Now look, my husband is really here to get me. Are you ready for the consequences?"

Victor Chen stopped laughing. He could now feel the foreboding air behind him. It was like the whole place was being squeezed by some unseen force. For some reason, he did not want to look behind him but when he heard Cindy Richards say, 'Now look, my husband is here,' he turned around unconsciously only to be met by the angry face of Alexander Sterling.

Everyone in the capital knew who Alexander Sterling was, and Victor Chen vaguely remembered that Cindy Richards had told him that he was her husband. If he was really here to avenge his wife, then he was dead meat!

Alexander Sterling had been very worried when Cindy Richards did not come back home. He ordered Daniel Owens to trace her movements and only found out later that she had actually gone to a club.

He was suffering here, yet she had gone to have some fun?

He was mad at first, but when he remembered all the things that went on in the nightclub, he could not sit still any longer and quickly drove out to pick her up only to find some idiot laying hands on her.

Alexander Sterling's expression could be considered calm, but there was fire brewing under that calm exterior. He looked at Victor Chen who had a shocked expression after seeing him, "You touched my wife?"

Victor Chen felt so afraid that his knees almost gave away. He was shaking so much from fear that he was almost unrecognizable. He stammered, "Alex…Alexander…M…Mister Sterling…"

He could not even form complete sentences.

With Alexander Sterling's sudden presence, everyone was on edge with fear. He was a madman who could do anything if he wanted to right now. They looked at the high and mighty Victor Chen and sighed in their hearts.

If Victor Chen was like this then what about them?

Seeing their boss buckling, the men holding Cindy Richards released her, and Olivia Ashford quickly went over to help her up.

Cindy Richards then walked slowly to where Alexander Sterling was standing and immediately apologized, "I was wrong?"

Seeing the prints on her cheek, Alexander Sterling felt as if his own heart was being twisted painfully. He did not make any move, but he asked, "How are you wrong?"

Cindy Richards did not dare look up. She also did not know how to respond, so she held her aching cheek and her expression suddenly became pitiful, "It hurts so much, I cannot even think of an explanation!"

When he heard her say that it hurt, Alexander Sterling gently lifted his hands and touched her face, "Does it hurt so much?"

Cindy Richards nodded and then as quick as lightning, she buried her face in Alexander Sterling's chest, "Darling, it hurts so much!"

Alexander Sterling froze. He felt the soft arms wrapping around his waist and almost lost his mind. He never once imagined that she could act this way towards him, and he also never imagined that she would one day call him so sweetly.

He gently wrapped his hands around her to soothe her pain and then said, "Tell me, who bullied you?"

Anyone who touched something that belonged to Alexander Sterling must die, and in this case, they had touched his wife. Cindy Richards was his bottom line!

Cindy Richards made herself comfortable in his chest, "It is that man named Victor Chen. He abused me and said all sorts of scary things. He also threatened my friend and said that we would all…"

She did not say the last part, but Alexander Sterling understood because his hand suddenly tightened around her.

"…I was so scared…he even ordered his men to give me the strongest alcohol, and one of them even slapped me wuhuhu! Husband, you really have to find justice for me today!"

Cindy Richards cried pitifully, and the more her tears soaked Alexander Sterling's shirt, the more pain he felt!

Alexander Sterling's hold on Cindy Richards tightened.

Victor Chen saw how badly Alexander Sterling's face was changing. He tried to salvage the situation, "Mr. Sterling, I…"