Act it out

Cindy Richards had been acting very tough, but now that Alexander Sterling was here, she was so docile, and her face was full of a lot of grievances.

Alexander Sterling looked at her and felt pain. He knew that she was just acting, but he still couldn't shake away the fear that something bad could have happened if he was not here.

Victor Chen was now kneeling and performing a kowtow. He stammered, "I…did not…know she was your person!"

This was a lie; Cindy Richards had already told him that she was Alexander Sterling's wife, but he just chose not to believe. Olivia Ashford heard the white lie and scoffed, "Did she not tell you earlier that Alexander Sterling was her husband so who are you trying to pretend in front of now?"

Victor Chen's body shook. His lackeys also knelt beside him. The scene was very funny, but no one would dare laugh in front of Alexander Sterling.

Victor Chen was also quite a scary man, and many people did not like dealing with him because he was shady as hell, and seeing such a man kneeling in front of another man while shaking in fear was not what people thought they would see today.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of scene.

Benjamin Clarke was still standing by the stairs when he watched this scene. His manager came over and pulled him up before anyone recognized him, "Do you want to cause a scene greater than that one?"

Benjamin Clarke did not speak, but he had a sad face when he looked back and saw Cindy Richards in Alexander Sterling's arms. Although he could not hear what they were talking about, he figured they were so close to even hug like this in public.

He had never once liked anyone, but his heart was now twisting funnily. He could not have fallen for Cindy Richards at first eye sight, could he?

He walked back with his manager because Alexander Sterling was here now; he would handle all the rest.

Down there, Alexander Sterling looked aloofly at Victor Chen and said coldly, "My wife suffered quite a bit in your hands. I want you to humor me, act out everything that happened, I want to catch something!"

Victor Chen looked up angrily. Was Alexander Sterling asking them to…?

He was right; Alexander Sterling wanted them to play out what had happened. The man took Cindy Richards in his arms and sat down at a nearby chair, calmly waiting for the action to take place. When he saw that Victor Chen was taking too much time, he looked directly at him, "Chen Enterprises is such a…"

Before he could even finish, Victor Chen understood the threat because he suddenly sprang up and ordered some of his men to act out what they had been doing.

The people in the club were suddenly surprised by the turn of events. There were some things that only Alexander Sterling could do. They quickly took out their phones and recorded as Victor Chen and his lackeys acted out the play.

Victor Chen and one of his men stood at the center and started dancing just like Cindy Richards and Olivia Ashford did earlier. The DJ had also put on the same song from earlier for even better dramatic effect, and Victor Chen and his lackeys started dancing like crazy when one of the men shouted, "Wow, you have such nice skin, I want to sleep with you tonight!"

Victor Chen acted repulsed, but the man quickly ran to him and ordered some men, "Catch him for me, I want to give him the strongest liquor and see if he will resist me tonight!"

The scenes were a bit exaggerated, but they gave out the rough idea of what had happened before.

The more Alexander Sterling watched, the angrier he got.

Cindy Richards, who was next to him, did not dare look up and see what sort of shenanigans Victor Chen and his people were doing. She also did not dare to look up and look at Alexander Sterling.

She looked sideways and saw Olivia Ashford, who was enjoying the scene way too much! The only thing left were pumpkin seeds, and she would be excellent!

Victor Chen's men acted out, and even the part where one of them slapped Cindy Richards was not left out. The man who slapped Cindy Richards slapped Victor Chen so hard that the man saw stars.

Seeing the slap, Alexander Sterling involuntarily turned and saw the palm prints still etched on Cindy Richards's face.

He got up and walked out in brisk steps, much to Cindy Richards's surprise.

Olivia Ashford turned to Cindy Richards, "Why did he leave?"

Cindy Richards did not understand either, but she could also not stay here any longer. She quickly held Olivia Ashford's hand, and together they exited the club, but before she could reach the door, Victor Chen suddenly grabbed a hold of her hand and begged,

"Madam, we did a good job, right? Please talk to your husband to…"

Cindy Richards shook off her hand from his and sneered, "Why would I? You did not listen, so eat your own stupidity!"

After that, she quickly left!

The club was silent except for the music, but now that Alexander Sterling had left, everyone could now breathe well. They all looked down at Victor Chen, who was still sprawled on the floor. He looked so angry that they thought he was going to swallow them up!

Many of them had recorded everything that happened, but they could not record Alexander Sterling out of fear. What happened here could also not reach outside, so everyone had to keep their mouths shut.

The club's manager also knew to clear the footage. No one could know that Alexander Sterling came here.

Seeing how Alexander Sterling had left without a word, even they understood that the end was not going to be very good for Victor Chen and his people. Even his own family was not going to escape the wrath of Alexander Sterling.

Outside, Cindy Richards quickly saw Olivia Ashford off before getting inside the car Alexander Sterling had parked at the side. She quickly buckled up, and before she could finish, Alexander Sterling quickly sped away!