Will not happen again

Alexander's day had been long and demanding, filled with back-to-back meetings and the weight of decisions that only he could make. Yet, as he drove home, his thoughts were not on the pressing matters of Sterling Corporation. Instead, they lingered on the peaceful image of Cindy, her smile, the way her laughter could light up even the darkest moments.

As he pulled into the driveway, Alexander exhaled, feeling a rare moment of tranquility wash over him. The house stood silent, waiting for him, promising a quiet evening of unwinding. But that moment of calm shattered the instant he noticed the small, nondescript box sitting on the doorstep.

A chill ran down his spine as he picked up the box. It was plain, unassuming, with no markings or return address, just his name scrawled on it in neat, precise handwriting. The familiarity of that handwriting sent alarm bells ringing in his mind.