Always meant to be mine!

In a dimly lit room, a man sat alone on a chair, his figure cloaked in shadow. The only source of light was a thin, sharp streak that pierced through the darkness, cutting across his face and revealing a deep, jagged scar. The scar marred what was otherwise a strikingly handsome face, running from his temple down across his cheek, almost splitting his face in two. The disfigurement was severe, and it gave him an unsettling, fearsome appearance.

The man sat at a desk, his fingers drumming lightly on the surface as he stared ahead. Before him was an open box filled with photographs. These were not ordinary pictures; they were snapshots of Alexander and Cindy, captured over the years. There were photos of them laughing together, sharing intimate dinners at various restaurants, and even candid moments when they were unaware of being observed. The images detailed their life together in unsettling clarity—a documentation of their every move.