Chapter 126

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Grud followed the runner to this Head Warrior who was "Demanding on their honor" to speak with him.

Soon they arrived at a cage with a bound man who was stripped down to his loincloth and spotted an impressive array of scars and markings that denoted his status and accomplishments.

"This so-called, 'Head Warrior', along with his men, was the first group that tried to break through the encirclement." the runner reported, "Later reports said that bigger groups followed after and pushed through from their back, using this Head Warrior and his men as a sacrifice to break through our perimeter while leading civillans. We wanted to give chase, but the senior hunter on-site stopped us and said they were spread too thin and outnumbered."

Grud just nodded, "Understandable, at least they managed to catch someone of some importance, seeing that I killed their Village Chief."

Grud then walked up to the cage and looked down at the bound and beaten man, "Now, Who are you, Head Warrior, to demand to speak to me despite losing and being captured?" Grud asked the man.

The man in the cage looked upon the towering man that he only knew as The Monter and gulped as he said, "I am Blazebringer Head Warrior Voka, if you release me, I am sure we can come to an arrangement. You have been conquering villages have you not? I can provide information you can use to conquer the other three big villages."

Hearing this name and proposition jogged Grud's memory of two other captives who are related to this Voka. Grud just nodded casually, leaned over to the runner, and whispered something before saying, "That sounds like a most generous offer." as the runner ran off. Grud then asked the guards to let Voka out of the cage to continue their talk.

This made Voka's expression brighten up with hope and encouraged him to push his luck. "And should my information be of use, may I join your mighty village? I am sure I can be a most valuable leader in any battle you may carry out, I have led many in my lifetime."

Grud stroked his beard while he looked like he was considering the proposition, "Maybe, maybe… But first, there is a matter of grudges to settle."

After some time of Voka asking what Grud meant by that and getting no answers, two disheveled men with badly healed injuries were thrown before them. The two disheveled men looked around as they tried to get their bearing, only for the older of them to land his sight on Voka.

"Father?" the disheveled man who locked eyes with Voka said. This caused Voka to squint to give a closer look at the man and his eyes widened when he recognized the man.

"Borak! I thought you were dead!" Voka almost shouted in joy at the sight of his eldest son, he then looked at the other man and recognized him as Joza, his youngest son who recently came of age and was to be properly blooded in in the siege of the Riversong Village, but was thought to be lost during a raid of the tribes bordering the Riversong Village. "Joza! You live!" Voka rejoiced as more of his blood survived.

But the joyous reunion was cut short when Grud spoke, "You rejoice too early Voka, I did mention the matter of grudges to be settled, did it not?" he then grabbed Joza by his hair and lifted his screaming form off the ground, "And there are many grudges to settle, especially from your bloodline."

As Joza shouted and trashed around while hanging on to Grud's hand, Grud's blade burst out of Joza's chest around where his right lung should be. This made Voka and Borak shout in dismay and they were pinned down by the surrounding men when they tried to lunge at Gurd, as for Joza, who just had a large bone dagger cut through his lung, he was wheezing and sputtering blood out of his mouth.

Grud then withdrew his dagger and tossed Joza aside to let him drown in his own blood.

"Why?! We already surrendered!" Voka shouted from where his head was pushed onto the ground.

Grud just looked at Voka with cold eyes, "This is merely settling grudges, I originally wanted to slit their throats in front of the walls to goad the defenders, but your Witch Doctors pulled some nasty tricks and I totally forgot about your boys, but now that there are no more enemies to worry about, it is time to tie up loose ends."

Grud then walked over to the pinned-down Borak, and with a swift kick, the tip of Grud's foot dug into the side of Borak's ribcage. This made a few resounding cracks as Borak's ribs snapped and pierced into his own lung, Grud then walked over to the other side and did the same to Borak's other side.

 "This is merely to settle the grudge for the grief they have caused my people, they will die slowly, drowning in their own blood." Grud said with carelessness in his voice.

"You!... You!... now you will never get the information on how to attack the other big villages. How many lives can you throw at the other three villages? Haha… from what I can see, you do not have enough bodies to conquer them all without great losses!" Voka shouted with a tinge of madness in his eyes.

Grud just barked a laugh at Voka's empty threat, "I never needed your information, and it seems like your people really pulled back all the way because you are mistaken about something. This is an all-out war, which means every willing body from the old lands has crossed the waters to come here and fight. All the men you see here are just one of the four groups sent to destroy the four big villages, so I should be expecting the other three big villages to be nothing but ash any day now." Grud said in a taunting voice, but he knew that if the other villages were anything like the Blazebringers, they might still be in the thick of the fight even now.

Voka paled at the Grud's declaration. He knew that if what Grud said was true, and if there were other men like Grud around, this was a full-on invasion that was carried out so fast that they did not have a chance to react and rally the other villages for a defense, now he understood that it was too late by the time they noticed the smaller villages getting wiped out.

Grud then reached his hand out, and a spear was placed in his hand, "Now that I have fulfilled your request to me and we have spoken, I find that it is time to tie up loose ends.", Grud said to Voka and then asked the men pinning him down to lift him up.

When Voka was upright, Grud ran his spear into Voka's lower gut and violently ripped the spear out before Voka could react to what happened. It was only when Voka looked down at his torn-open belly, that he lost the strength to stand as he cried out in anguish.

Grud took a sniff at the bloodied spear he had just used, and his enhanced sense of smell picked up the faint scent of bowels, this let him know that he had successfully nicked Voka's intestines, dooming him to slow and painful death.

Grud had seen many hunters dying from getting run through their bellies by Tusk Pig's tusks or similarly horned or clawed beasts, and it was not a good way to go. If they even made it back to the tribe with such an injury, the best the shamans or medicine men could do was give them something to let them go painlessly, or ask someone to quickly end their suffering.

As for Voka and his sons, Grud instructed the guards to throw them back in their cages and left to die, then stab them in the heart when they were thought to be dead. Grud had better things to do with his time, like getting back to his wives and kids, it had been too long since he saw them.


It took one more week of preparations before Grud and his men were ready to make their way back home, slaves and spoils of war in tow. As for Grud, being a chieftain and all, he did not necessarily need to tow anything himself, but what he towed he did out of a sense of responsibility.

Behind him, Grud was pulling a small sheltered carriage large enough for more than two people to comfortably lay down and some extra space for storage. In said carriage which had its covers closed was Adana, passed out and cumulated from Grud's morning romp with her, but Grud ensured her comfort with many furs, cushions, and the two attendants he selected taking care of her.

As for the two attendants taking care of Adana, over the last few days, Grud had noticed the smell of his cum emanating from their mouths whenever they were done taking care of Adana. This made Grud extremely tempted to take the two women there and then, but he restrained himself as he kept telling himself that he already had enough women and children and ended up taking his sexual frustration out on Adana.

Soon, Grud gave the order, and the great march home was called. Their first stop on the way home was the Riversong Village, but this time, instead of the rapid advance of men on the warpath, they had to drastically lower their speed to account for the captured Blazebringer villagers turned slaves.

But despite the longer travel time, there was little complaining from the men, especially those who showed great prowess in battle and had the first pick of the slave women to warm their tent at night.

As for Grud, as usual, when they stop every night, he would park his carriage away from the general populous, preferably with some foliage as cover, and rail Adana in and out of consciousness until he felt his balls were sufficiently drained, and while Grud was fucking Adana, her two attendants would always be nearby furiously masturbating and finger-fucking each other while trying to keep silent while thinking Grud did not notice, but Grud could hear and smell them going at it, and it only made Grud go harder on Adana.

Eventually, they arrived at Riversong Village to the cheering masses that came out to greet them, and among those cheering masses were two women Grud missed greatly, Tala and Kaya, who were looking a lot more pregnant from when they left the tribe.