Chapter 127

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Tala and Kaya ran up to Grud, or at least they moved as fast as their pregnant bellies allowed, and embraced Grud in a hug, Grud replied in kind while laying kisses on them, after they were done greeting each other Tala looked behind Grud.

There, she saw a hand-drawn carriage with two nervous looking women standing beside it. "These are your spoils of war I presume?" Tala asked as she and her sister walked over to inspect the two women they presumed to be their new sister-wives.

Tala walked over to the two women who I learnt are called Anu and Ysmir. Tala started their interaction by very blatantly copping a feel on Anu and Ysmir's tits, followed by giving their butts a squeeze. 

This made the two women squeak out in surprise, followed by Tala saying in Newland dialect, "Our dear husband chose well." she then opened their mouths to check their teeth and picked up a familiar smell that she missed. "It seems like they have been enjoying the taste of our husband as well."

While Tala was checking out their sister-wives to be, Kaya went to check out Grud's carriage which was supposed to be full of his spoils of war. What she got instead when she pushed aside the flaps was a wall of damp smell she was intimately familiar with.

Inside, Kaya saw a cumflated, unconscious, and heavily lactating, Adana. Kaya climbed inside to check Adana's condition and soon climbed out to join Tala in copping a feel on Anu and Ysmir, but this time she groped them under their clothes, only to feel no milk coming out from their nipples.

Kaya then whispered something to Tala with a none too happy face before they both went into the carriage. After a few moments, Tala and Kaya stormed toward Grud with a look on their faces that told Grud he had done something wrong, the look on their faces was so obvious that even the other men around knew that Grud was in trouble as his wives instructed him to pull the carriage into the village.

So when Grud arrived at their house in the Riversong village, Grud was pretty much ordered to carry Adana inside while Anu and Ysmir were gently guided inside.

The moment they were behind closed doors, Tala and Kaya started slapping Grud's shoulders while scolding him, "What did you do to that poor girl?!" Tala shouted at Grud.

"I'm sorry, I did not have sex in weeks, so I claimed her as my woman from a conquered village. I did not think the both of you would mind." Grud said defensively.

"That's not the point!" Kaya butted in, "The point is that you had sex only with her, how many often did you fuck her?"

"Err… three weeks… whenever we stopped to rest?" Grud said timidly, not really knowing what he did wrong, his women never complained about getting fucked stupid.

Tala rubbed her temples as she spoke, "Husband… did it ever occur to you that she needed some rest? Did you take her first time?" Grud nodded, to which he got another slap on his arm, "Then she especially needs more rest, have you even given her belly time to get back to normal before you bloat her up again?"

Grud could only shake his head while feeling bad about not being more considerate. Tala continued her interrogation by asking, "Why could you not use those two while giving Adana a break?" she said in Newlands dialect while pointing at Anu and Ysmir, "By the looks they have been giving you all this while, they would have been more than happy to open their legs for you."

"Bu- But… As much as I want to have more women, do you not think we have too many children? I am sure I already have one on the way with Adana, I did not want to add more." Grud said pleadingly.

At this point, his wives stopped hitting him and just gave him a stern look, it was Kaya who spoke up while hugging Grud, "Silly man… as one of your many wives, you can be sure your wives will tell you when it is too much."

Kaya then turned to Anu and Ysmir, "So, why did you not ask our husband to lay you when you clearly want it?" Kaya asked.

The two women who were already blushing, blushed harder before Ysmir spoke up, "We… we were scared… when we saw master's big… thing, and we were also scared because we saw Adana did not truly wake up even when she had her eyes open."

Kaya just sighed, "It will take a while before she gets used to it. Things should be fine now that we are here." she then turned to Grud, "But before that, we have some people to introduce to you."

Kaya then went off into another room and came back with ten scantly clad women. While Grud was looking on in stunned silence at the implication of what he was seeing, Tala lined Anu and Ysmir up next to the ten women and stood next to Kaya.

"Now Dear, we know your stance on adding more women to our family, but as much as we like having your seed inside of us, it is quite hard walking around with bloated bellies, even when we are not pregnant. So we have decided to get more women to lighten our burden." Tala said.

Hearing this, Grud became sullen as he sat down on a chair, "I see, my actions have burdened your daily lives. I have been selfish to my wives."

Realizing what she had said, Tala's eyes widened as she rushed over to hug Grud, immediately followed by Kaya, "I am sorry for my words, dear husband, it is not how I meant when I said 'burden'. All of us love the feeling of carrying your warmth around in our wombs, but we thought it would be nice to have some days that we can walk around properly without wobbly legs and a bloated belly. That is why we gathered these women to share the load." she said while gesturing to the twelve women lined up before them.

"Do the others know about this?" Grud asked.

"Nita was the one who suggested it." Kaya said as she kept hugging Grud.

After a while of hugging, Tala asked, "So are you fine with adding these women to our family? If you are really against it, we can still send them away."

Grud looked at the women lined up before him, looked at their faces and curves, and noted that his wives chose well according to his taste. They were all pretty-faced, big-breasted and wide-hipped, when they saw me staring at them, Grud could see a little bit of fear and uncertainty on their faces, and when Grud inhaled, he picked up the distinct scents of their pussies leaking fuck juice, which was to be expected due to Adana lying nearby and emitting massive amounts of pheromones from the industrial load of cum that was pumped into and glazed with.

This made Grud have thoughts of taking these women here and now, making him pop a boner that Tala and Kaya immediately noticed and both their hands made their way to grab his dick over his tunic.

Kaya closed into Grud's ear but spoke loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I will take this as a yes." and gave Grud's dick a tug.

Next was Tala's turn to stage whisper into Grud's other ear, "In that case, let us show our sister-wives to be, what they are in for." she then turned to the lined-up women, "Once our husband takes you, none other will compare." she said with conviction, even though she had never been with another man.

Tala and Kaya then proceeded to climb up on the dining table and threw off their dresses as they beckoned Grud to themselves, "Come husband. Our holes have been lonely without you, and fisting each other's asses is just not the same as your mighty rod."

In the blink of an eye, Grud threw off his clothes and advanced on his two wives, as for Tala and Kaya, they prepared themselves to get their bellies filled, orally first. They laid down on their backs with their heads hanging off the corner of the table with their mouths wide open, ready to receive Grud's girthy member.

The tip of Grud's dick approached Tala first and slid his dick into her mouth. With practiced ease, Tala relaxed her throat muscles as Grud's dick rammed down her esophagus until the head of his penis popped up in her stomach and his balls smacked into her face.

The moment Grud buried his huge penis in Tala, the twelve women in the audience screamed in shock but stayed to stare in fascination at the inhuman feats being performed. What they were witnessing was the equivalent of a street magician swallowing a sword, but there was no retractable trick sword, they could very clearly see the moment Grud's dick bulged Tala's neck all the way into her chest.

What the twelve women did not know was the changes their bodies would go through when exposed to massive amounts of Grud's semen for extended periods of time. They did not know that their bodies would literally evolve to accommodate Grud and become his breeding stock.

As Grud vigorously shook his hips back and forth, the only sounds that came out of Tala were moans and the wet sounds of a dick pistoning in her mouth, and more wet sounds of Grud fingering her pussy, making her juices spray all over the table she was on.

While Tala was busy wetting the table, Grud bent over to put one of her leaking tits in his mouth to start draining it of milk, and Kaya was busy draining Tala's other tit.

When the twelve women got over the shock of Grud actually managing to fit his oversized cock into Tala's mouth, they started to feel hot and bothered. They started by rubbing their thighs together, then they started fondling their own breasts as they saw how Grud was manhandling Tala's tits, but soon that was not enough. 

When one of them could not stand it any longer, she reached her hand under her skirt and started furiously rubbing her clit, this caused the rest of the women to drop all pretenses and started masturbating where they stood.

Soon, Grud was at his limit, he could have gone on for much longer if he had resisted the urge to cum, but he understood that Tala was holding her breath while he pleasured himself, so he did not hold back. 

"I am cumming!" Grud announced, causing Tala to reach up and grab his buttcheeks and pull him in to sheath his cock all the way inside of her. Just at that moment, Grud's hot cum raced down his shaft and jetted out the tip that was protruding inside Tala's stomach.

With Grud's cum-hose pumping ropes of cum at full speed and power, it took mere seconds before the twelve women in the audience started seeing Tala's belly start to bloat, at least more than her pregnant belly, and less than a minute before Gurd was done cumming and slid his still hard cock out of Tala'a mouth as she gasped large breaths of air.

After Tala quickly caught her breath, she grabbed Grud's shaft and sucked his tip, draining his urethra of any leftover semen.