
7:00 AM 1 February 2071, Monday


The sound of a loud alarm clock reverberated around the small 1 bedroom apartment.

"Hrhh! already??"

A complaint could be heard coming from a pile of clothes and empty crisp packets, a hand slowly emerged reaching for the alarm clock. After failing to properly dismiss it multiple times, he poked his head out to get a view of the clock before smashing the top to dismiss it.

After turning off the annoying device he emerged from his fortress of filth and walked towards the bathroom without bothering to open the curtains. As he glared at the mirror a youth with tanned skin, jet black straight shoulder-length hair, sunken cheeks, and scarlet eyes returned the scowl right back at him.

"Is school even necessary?"

"I mean there's food there so there's that."


After rationalizing the idea of going to school with his reflection he picked up his toothbrush and began brushing as he wondered how much different high school was from middle school, not that he attended class much.

After concluding brushing his teeth he hopped in the shower for 15 minutes afterward he began dressing in his white and black uniform and added his name tag to conclude the outfit.

He took one more look at himself in the mirror before verifying he did everything necessary.

Although he was skinny, he didn't look like he was on the verge of starving to death, he was actually quite attractive he stood at an average 5'8 with a sharp jawline, low almond sanpaku eyes, and clear skin. Not that he currently cared for romance at the moment, he simply wanted to enjoy his 'worthless' life. Before leaving he glanced at the messy apartment and sighed,

"I'll clean that up after school."

8:05 AM

He was already at the entrance of the school within 15 minutes which was the sole reason he chose it, convenience.

St Winter's Highschool is a public school that has over 3 000 students due to its high number of students there are many clubs, and many of them excel, with 4 being among the best in the region.

Those being the girls' volleyball club, gaming club, basketball club, and boxing club.

Although these were of no interest to him, not even gaming although he spent all his time playing games. He no longer felt any enjoyment when playing anymore, it was merely out of habit and a bit of obligation.

The entrance ceremony was not eventful, simply greetings and the honoring of last year's awards until the speech of the headmaster.

"...We encourage you all to join clubs to try and find an activity that you deeply enjoy, so as per tradition all first and second years have to join at least one club, your homeroom teachers will be handing out the forms which will need to be submitted by the end of the day. One last note, spots are limited so make sure to hand in your application as soon as possible so you get into your desired club."

Upon hearing those words Kiko's heart sank as he realized all his free time had just been stolen from him...

9:30 AM

Class 1-J was the class Kiko was assigned to, in his large class of 40 students he sat at the back corner near the window as he stared outside thinking of what to eat for lunch.

'Hmm, I don't have any money since the tenants pay rent on the 13th, so I'll have to settle with the complimentary school lunch today.'

Kiko had inherited his late mother's apartment building meaning he got passive income from the tenants every single month, which was enough for his living expenses.


Kiko confusedly glanced at the front of the class to look at the teacher that was screaming at him.

"What's up?"

"Is what's outside more interesting than my lesson?"

"I guess, I'm just not interested in geometry."

"You cheeky brat! You have detention after school."

"Tsk, you asked" he mumbled, not wanting to escalate the situation any further.

Snickers began through the whole class soon followed by whispers.

1 PM Lunch

Kiko collected his lunch, which was cold meat sandwiches, milk, and a protein bar, which he devoured all of it in mere minutes.

He looked at the application and ticked the box next to gaming and took out his handheld gaming device and played till the end of lunch.

"I'll just stick to what I know, I guess."

5 PM end of detention

Since it was the first day no one had detention besides him, and as punishment he just had to clean and tidy up the classroom and was free to leave afterward.

"That old fool made me late to hand in my form."

Kiko began heading to the staff room through the wide hallway, where there were not any students in sight. A rare occurrence for a school so large.

He knocked on the door twice and was answered by a tall burly man with a large nose and shaved head who stood at about 6'3 the man towered over the student, so much so that Kiko could see his grey and black nose hairs.

"What?" he asked in an annoyed voice as he didn't expect any students to still be on school premises.

"Hey, I'm here to hand in my club application."

"At this time?"

"I had detention."

"On the first day? You're quite the troublemaker" The man scowled.

Kiko ignored the man's remark and handed him the paper.

'Another annoying one' Kiko noted.

The man looked at the application and back at the youth.

"Sorry kid, the gaming club is full. Pick something else."

*sigh* 'of course it is...'

"What else is there?'

"There's crochet, knitting, creative writing, Ancient Greek, basketball, and boxing."

Kiko frowned as he heard the options, the first four were already out of the equation.

'I don't have any use for crocheting and knitting, and I'm not much of a scholar either.'

"Basketball huh? Not a fan."

'Football wasn't much fun, I can't imagine basketball being fun either.'

The man chuckled as he heard the kids' comment.

"I can tell."

Kiko ignored the rude comment once again before pondering for a few moments.

"Boxing is fighting with fists, right?"

"Yeah, you look a bit too fragile for that."

"Hmm... I guess I will join the boxing club then. "

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

"I did, I just don't care for your opinion."

The man was about to bicker with the boy before he remembered he was an adult and mustn't give in to childish taunts.

'He's just a kid Darrel, calm down.'

"Very well then, sports club tryouts are on Wednesday. Should you not make it you'll be forced to pick a different club."

Kiko waved as he walked out the door.

'He'll be right back here after he doesn't make it, there's a reason why only 3 people applied..."

{Author Notes}

- This world is slightly different from ours, but the basic principles are mostly the same.

-Highschool is 5 years

1st year starting at 13-14

5th year at 17-18