
8:00 AM, Wednesday 2nd of February

After skipping school on Tuesday, Kiko was a bit early for school, because he woke up extra early so that he could pack his new sports uniform.

There were around 30 students in class at the time and they were all chatting in their cliques which they had established, said cliques correlated with their chosen clubs.

He sat at his usual spot with his feet on the desk next to him as he leaned his back towards the window, letting the breeze hit his face.

"Don't you think there're quite a few hotties in our classes?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"I think I might try asking Sharlotte from the Ancient Greek club for her number."

Kiko drowned out the horny hormonal teenage boys' chatter as he was thinking about his current financial position.

'I think I should learn to manage my money better, after 2 weeks I'm already all out... so I should cut back on buying games and should learn to cook.'


'How tedious.'

'After all the maintenance costs of the apartments I have around 2 000 Aru left, I still need clothes, food, and the unexpected expenses... Not to mention school fees.' he was counting on his fingers till he got interrupted.

{ 1 Aru= 1 US dollars}

'Should I just drop out?'

"Would you mind moving your feet?"

With a surprised look on his face, Kiko looked up at a pretty, blonde-haired girl, with deep blue eyes and a short athletic stature of around 5'2 he guessed.

He glanced at the nameplate on her breast which read...

< Sharlotte Arden >

"My bad"

He yawned as he slowly lifted his feet off the desk.

The girl sat down without saying a word and scooted the desk away from the black-haired teen.

"Sharlotte, I don't bite ya know."

The girl apologetically looked at him and replied.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I just thought you didn't want to be so close."

'He's using my first name?'

"What made you think that?"

The girl pondered for a while on how to say it without sounding insulting.

"uhh... you don't look like the type who wants to socialize."

'Is she calling me a loner?'

Kiko was a bit taken aback by the answer as she didn't strike him as the type to say things directly, especially if they can be interpreted as rude.

Noticing the look on his face she quickly contracted her statement in her defense.

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I just meant you aren't talking to any of the guys so I assumed you didn't want to talk to anyone..."

Kiko then had a sinister idea.

'Lemme tease her abit.'

"What if it's because they don't want to speak to me?"

Kiko frowned as he looked at the girl, who had a panicked look on her face.

"Uh...I-I don't think that's the reason."

"First you rub in my loneliness then you call me a liar... I think you should move even further away."

He sniffed and pouted.

"N-No I didn't mean anything by it... I'll be your friend!"



"T-Then buy me lunch." He sniffed once again.

"Sure, that's what friends do!"

'A lady always keeps their promises, right?'

"Thanks. I need the bathroom" he stood up and began stretching. He was chuckling slightly without a hint of his previous demeanor.


'Did he just play me?'

"Don't go back on your word now, Sharlotte..." He smiled mockingly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed.

"C'mon, that's no way to speak to a friend " He smiled innocently at her.

Kiko began walking towards the door.

"I'm not your friend!"

"See you at lunch, it's a date." he winked at her before leaving the classroom.

'I guess that's my food for today, still a few more days till I can eat three meals though.'

His stomach began growling.

He entered the bathroom splashed some water on his face and looked at himself in the mirror.

"If I don't make the boxing team, what will I do next?"

"I can't join Basketball because the tryouts are on the same day... and there's no way I'm joining those other clubs. I'd simply die of boredom."

The bathroom door swung open when three boys walked in.

'Those perverts from class.' Kiko noted.

"Hey, you!" The one in the middle pointed at Kiko.

He was a boy of average height, with medium-length brown hair and brown eyes, overall, he was simply average. The boy's name tag read.


"What's your relationship with Sharlotte?"

"Hmm... I guess we're friends."

"Lay off, she's mine."

"You dating?"


"Then you have no say." he shrugged.

'no one going to take away my meal ticket.'

"You little!"

He stretched his arms out in an attempt to aggressively push Kiko, but what he pushed was nothing but air.

"What're you doing?"

Kiko had swiftly stepped to the side in an instant evaded quickly.

Nathaniel was embarrassed that he was evaded so easily, so he got up into a sloppy fighting stance.

"Wait! Nathaniel what if he has a senior who is backing him?!"

"You're right!" Nathaniel groaned as he heard his friend's logic.

"Oi, what club are you in?" Nathaniel growled awaiting the response.


"Ha ha ha" the trio began laughing at the comical sight of a skinny boy claiming he was on the boxing team.

"You mean to say you're one of the three freshmen who were dumb enough to join the boxing club?! Haha ha, such idiots. "

"What's so dumb about it?"

Kiko was intrigued and kind of annoyed at the thought of being looked down upon.

"The Tryouts, barely anyone passes, there's a reason there are only 15 members in the whole school."

"Are you saying I won't make it passed tryouts?" Kiko was now somewhat interested in the challenge of the boxing club.

'Could be fun...'

"Haha, of course. look at you, you couldn't land a punch on a training dummy even if it let you. "

"Care to put your money where your mouth is?"

"Hmm? sure how much?" Nathaniel smiled at the thought of making an easy buck without doing anything.

"1 000 Aru." The scarlet-eyed lad extended his arm offering his hand.

"Huh?!" Bryson, Nathaniel's short stubby black-haired friend exclaimed.

"SURE! 1 000 Aru and you never speak to Sharlotte again."

"Whatever." After shaking hands with Nathaniel, Kiko began walking towards the door.

As he passed the trio Brett, who was 5'9 averagely built, and had buzzed red hair, tried shoving him as he walked past... but this attempt failed miserably as the Youth effortlessly dodged without even looking at him.

'1 000 Aru, huh? that'll last me quite a while. I can't lose my meal ticket either, she'll be valuable in the future.'

Kiko didn't pay much attention to the feeble attempt at violence and walked back to class.

"Nathaniel, are you sure about this? 1 000 Aru is a lot."

"Don't worry Bryson, it'll be impossible for him to pass the tryouts."

"What makes you so confident?"

"That test... to pass it, you have to land a hit on a 4th year."

"What's so difficult about that?"

"Do you seriously think a normal freshman with no prior training will be able to land a hit on someone on the verge of becoming a pro?"


1 PM Lunch

"Heyy Sharlotte!" As she was attempting to sneak out of class, Kiko wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to the cafeteria.

'Can't let those meat buns sell out.'

"Kyaa!" Sharlotte screamed as she was dragged to the cafeteria.

After his sponsor bought all the food, he scuffed it down and stood up.

" 'preciate it"

"You're not going to leave me here to eat alone, are you?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do" he let out a slight burp and left for the classroom. "

"Freeloader," she whispered as the boy left.

3 PM Club activities

Dressed in black mesh shorts and a compression shirt, with hand wraps on his hands he walked into the boxing club gymnasium.

It was large, about 3,000 square meters with a huge, square boxing ring in the middle, surrounding the ring was various equipment (multiple punching bags, punching machines speed bags, and multiple others.)

Lined up were 15 members in identical clothing, Red and white shorts and black tank tops. Opposite the boys was an old, well built, tall 6'2 pale man with short white hair. In his hands, he had a 1-meter-long stick.

Next to Kiko were the 2 other aspiring boxers. One was a 1st year with blonde medium-length hair and blue eyes, he was quite athletic looking and was decently tall, Collin Hendrick.

The other kid gave off a completely different vibe of confidence he was perfectly cut while having plenty of muscle, he was 6'2, had Black short spiky hair, and had eyes so black that seemed to absorb all light, Percy Avenoir.

"Well, I'm not one to waste time. the trials are simple land an attack on Jerry here, our lightest 4th year."

He pointed towards a tall lanky senior with black curly hair and brown eyes, he had a smile on his face. He glanced at the group before putting on his gloves and head gear.

He walked into the ring and started rotating his left shoulder.

'Only one of them seems promising, well that's better than last year.' He thought.

The rest of the seniors sat down and began placing bets on who they thought would pass.

"Jerry is a bantamweight fighter, so he should be lighter than the two of you." The coach looked at the other two prospects.

"Well unfortunately no one else here is as light as you so you'll have to go against him. Since I don't expect any of you to hit him under normal conditions...Jerry will only be allowed to use his lead hand. "

{Hand placed in front when in traditional or southpaw stance: In other words, their jab hand}

"All you have to do is land one blow, with your fists of course. It doesn't matter where it is. So, whose first?"

"Obviously above the belt." The coach laughed, amused by his own humor

Percy walked up calmly and looked at his senior without a hint of fear.

"So, you're captain's brother, huh?" Jerry looked at the youth with eyes full of curiosity.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Percy walked into the ring with an expression of annoyance.

"Cocky like your brother, hey?" Jerry chuckled.

"You've got a minute, begin!"

Percy immediately closed in on his opponent.

Jerry threw a barrage of jabs at the freshmen's head, which he bobbed and weaved as sweat began to accumulate on his forehead.

Percy attempted to throw his own jabs, but they were swatted away effortlessly. Percy took a few steps backwards to take a few breaths, or so it seemed...

"Don't tell me you're scared of your dear upperclassmen. "Jerry mocked.

The senior quickly approached him with his arm ready to deliver another flurry of attacks.

This time the jabs were much faster than before.

"15 seconds left."


As Jerry threw the last jab from his barrage, Percy swiftly weaved, bent his knees, and twisted his hips, he used the strength in his legs and threw a devastating straight at his body. The senior received the brunt of his attack in his abdomen, but despite the sheer force behind it, he was barely damaged.

'What the hell? But I'm a welterweight??' Percy was baffled by the lack of damage.

"Well done. "

He had won. The first freshman had passed.

Next was Collin, as the bout began Kiko began analyzing the previous battle.

'Hmmm... interesting, is this boxing?' Kiko was intrigued.

He looked up to watch Collin, then...

Collen had no guard up and was just standing near the edge of the ring, timidly.

Jerry rushed in with a wide grin on his was and...

"You're gonna regret having your arms down." The senior warned.


Collin dropped to the ground, out cold after being struck by an uppercut by Jerry's less dominant hand.

'That was quick.' The scarlet eyed youth smirked.

'It wouldn't be the infamous boxing club if everyone passed, would it?' He chuckled to himself.

"I guess it's my turn?"

Kiko walked up into the ring and began stretching his limbs.

"You still gonna try out after seeing that?" Jerry asked curiously.

"Of course..." he bluntly answered.

' Can't lose my meal ticket. '

There were murmurs from the spectating seniors.

"What's that skinny kid thinking?"

"Does he wanna die?"

"I guess we only have one new member this year."


Kiko waited for his opponent to act, with his arms swinging above his knees.

"Clearly you didn't learn from your peer's mistake!"

The senior shuffled towards him and threw a barrage of jabs which were swiftly dodged without a hint of effort from the youth.

Although in his dodging there was an issue, there wasn't a hint of technique. An inefficient way of dodging any normal person would make use of, making it evident that he has never trained in any type of way.

After dealing with the barrage, the youth distanced himself again and the same scene occurred multiple times although, the senior ramped up the speed after every attempt, but to no merit, all his attacks were dodged without a hint of struggle although the fatigue was piling up on Kiko while the aggressor seemed to still be full of vigor.

"The aim is to hit me, not to dodge... although I'll admit you are quick."


After distancing himself once again Kiko exhaled and looked at his senior with a puzzled look.

'I wouldn't say this is boring... but it's certainly not fun.' The first year complained

'Although its miles better than football.' He internally consoled himself

"5 Seconds left!"

'Shit, my meal ticket.'

After hearing his time was running out the youth dashed at his senior with his arms still hanging, this time he was the aggressor.

As soon as he was within range, Jerry threw a jab using his usual right hand, one that was much faster than the previous ones.

The sight that occurred next was so shocking that you wouldn't have believed it even if you watched it with your own eyes.

Kiko leaned to the left side of the punch and bent his knees, so much so that his knees were now about 80 degrees. It looked like he was on the verge of falling just as he was about to, he did something even more puzzling he twisted his torso and used the momentum to throw the most unorthodox uppercut they had ever seen, using his left hand. This all happened in mere moments.

The punch came at such a bizarre angle that it was impossible to predict and even if one managed to do so, one could never match its speed.

With perfect precision, it passed under Jerry's armpit and was heading straight for his face. Kiko landed the punch square on his senior's jaw before he fell over from losing his balance.

Had he been stronger or heavier the attack would've knocked the senior out cold.

Incomparable speed and world-class flexibility these were the talents the gods had bestowed upon this youth.

The 2nd Freshman has advanced...

{Author Notes:}

Weight classes:

Bantam Weight- 60-65kgs (135-143lbs)

Super Lightweight- 66-71kgs (145-157lbs)

Lightweight- 72-77kgs (159-170lbs)

Welterweight- 78-84kgs (172-185lbs)

Middleweight- 85-91kgs (187-200lbs)

Light Heavyweight- 93-100kgs (205-220lbs)

Heavy weight - 105-120kgs (231-264lba)

Kiko Tensei


-Height: 1.73m/5'8

-Wingspan: 1.75/5'9

-Weight: 54kgs/119lbs

-Record 0-0-0

-Punching speed(jab): N/A

-Punching speed(straight): N/A

-Punching force(straight)- N/A

-Dominant Arm- Right

Percy Avenoir

-Age: 13{Turning 14}

-Height: 1.88m/6'2

-Wingspan: 1.88/6'2

-Weight: 78kgs/172lbs

-Record 0-0-0

-Punching speed(jab): N/A

-Punching speed(straight): N/A

-Punching force(straight)- N/A

-Dominant Arm- Left

Jerry Fisher

-Age: 16{Turning 17}

-Height: 1.80m/5'11

-Wingspan: 1.80/5'11

-Weight: 61/134lbs

-Record 15-5-8

-Punching speed(jab): D

-Punching speed(straight): D

-Punching force(straight)- D

-Dominant Arm-Left