Fresh Meat

After his creative attack landed successfully, the youth laid down on the surface of the ring, panting.

He lifted his arms up and took off the pair of borrowed gloves. He opened his left hand wide and had a smirk on his face.

"I can feel it... the embers of ecstasy."

He clenched his fist tightly...


The whole gymnasium was silent, the previous loud chatter and playful atmosphere had gone quiet.

Every single member of the boxing club felt a different emotion. For some it was intrigue, others disgust for the lack of technique and others felt threatened.

The one to break the silence was a tall well built, pale senior who had a striking resemblance to Percy.

'Eddy Captain of the boxing club.'

Eddy was slightly shorter than his younger brother, but he was not short by any means. He was bulkier than his younger sibling as well as had more muscle definition. He had the same deep black hair color and piercing coal eyes, but his face was more mature. His hair was a slightly grown-out buzz cut. Although you could tell the two were related from a glance, it was easy to tell them apart Percy had a younger-looking face while Eddy had the features of a young man.

He looked at the scarlet-eyed boy who was lying in the middle of the ring briefly before turning to his peer, Collin. Collin's eyes were filled with shock and envy as his jaw was on the ground.

"What're you still doing here?"

His tone was monotone, it wasn't rude, conniving or aggressive, he was a genuinely curious, but that was the worst. part.

His voice was cold and deep, although it wasn't that loud it boomed around the whole gymnasium. Everyone listened when he spoke."


That's what Kiko observed from the other's behavior, everyone respected this young man.

'But why?' He wondered.

The freshman's heart dropped upon hearing those words. He stood silently, embarrassed as the captain rubbed salt onto his wounded pride.

A senior of above-average height stood up from where he was sitting and walked up to Collin and looked at him with the eyes of a predator.

"You deaf? You heard the boss. You failed, leave..."

'Hubris Vice Captain of the Boxing club'

[Amateur National Lightweight champion]

-Age: 15{Turning 16}

-Height: 1.78m/5'10

-Wingspan: 1.78/5'10

-Weight: 75kgs/165lbs

-Record: 70-1-1

-Punching speed(jab): B+

-Punching speed(straight): B+

-Punching force(straight): B

-Dominant Arm- Right

Collin began walking to the exit with his head low as he mumbled something under his breath.

Jerry walked back to the center of the ring and looked at Kiko with eyes filled with curiosity. He stretched out his arm to help him get up. "Welcome to the club."

He smiled earnestly as he helped his junior up.

Taking his offer, Kiko stood up.

"Welcome to the club tadpoles!"

The one to openly welcome the 2 first years was the coach of the boxing club.

Former 5-time National Middle Weight Champion

Most consistent world rank: 11th

Professional record: 53-5-7

Knockouts: 89%

Using the stick in his right hand he pointed at the captain and introduced him to the 1st years.

"This is the captain of the boxing club, Eidikos Avenoir... Ignore the strange first name and call him Eddy."

He snickered as he insulted the 5th year.

"Don't just decide that for me."

Ignoring him he continued to introduce the Vice Captain. Using the same stick,he pointed at the senior that had intimidated Collin into leaving.

"This is Hugh Aristevo, we call him Hubris because of his attitude."

{Hubris- Means excessive pride or self-confidence}

He began laughing once again before continuing.

Hubris had blue eyes; long black hair styled as a mullet that came down to his collar. His ears and nose were pierced but didn't have the rings in them at that moment. In terms of attractiveness, he was comparable to the captain and could pass for a celebrity.

He went back to his seat and took out his phone.

"You'll meet the others, the more you practice. Go rest up you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

Kiko and Percy walked out the door into the changing rooms.

After collecting his belongings, he left swiftly. On Kiko's way out he received a slap on his back from a massive ogre.

"Well done kid, I underestimated you."

The mass monster left as quickly as he came, Kiko could feel the spot where he slapped stinging.


That night Kiko once again went to bed hungry, but the sleep was way better than the previous night due to his exhaustion.

Thursday, 3rd of February

4:30 AM



With his eyes still closed Kiko answered the call with a groggy voice.

'I don't recall giving anyone my number.'

"Come out Kiko-junior. Wear something comfortable, you have 5 minutes."

The voice on the line was deep and vaguely familiar.

After minutes of internal screaming, the lazy youth opened the apartment door dressed in long black tracksuit pants and a white long-sleeve compression shirt.

He looked below to find a huge man dressed in the boxing club training uniform and Percy Dressed in black shorts and a black hoodie, with his hands in his pockets.

Both of them stared at him.

'The ogre from yesterday?'

The senior was 6'3 and was absolutely massive, he had short dark-brown wavy hair and green eyes, his skin was quite tanned, and his bicep was the size of Kiko's thigh.

"Hey! c'mon, we're going on a run."

"You're insane, have you looked at the time?"

Disregarding his junior's rudeness, he continued.

"All first and 2nd years must run every single day, I'm the one who leads it... let's go." He briefly explained.


"Fuck that."

Kiko turned around and went back into his apartment.

He hopped back into bed and began snoozing, although it didn't last long.


He jumped up in surprise and stared at his door that was laying on the ground.

'That'll be like 50 Aru.' The youth's face went pale as he reminded himself of the repair cost.

The ogre had punched his door down.

"What the hell!?"

"I tried asking you nicely."

The 4th year picked up his junior with his left hand and his shoes with his left.

After making a huge fuss, reluctantly the lazy teenager joined his 2 fellow club members for the worst experience of his life.

nicknamed 'Hulk' by the boxing club

[Region Amateur Heavyweight champion]

-Age: 16{Turning 17}

-Height: 1.91m/6'3

-Wingspan: 1.91/6'3

-Weight: 115kgs/254lbs

-Record 40-1-2

-Punching speed(jab): C

-Punching speed(straight): B

-Punching force(straight)- A+

-Dominant Arm- Ambidextrous


He was panting deeply as he stopped in front of his home next to Hulk who had been waiting for him.

"You're really fast but your stamina is horrible, same thing tomorrow."

Kiko had stopped multiple times along the way to catch his breath.

'I blame the video games.'

The demon chuckled as he left alone because they dropped Percy off at his home earlier.

"This is not fun!"

He screamed at the top of his deflated lungs, as he watched his Senior finally leave.

Before he had left Hulk had given Kiko his muscle-building training program, as instructed by Coach Azure.

13:00 Lunch (School notice board)

There was a list of sports clubs on the notice board with the list of freshmen that had made the teams.

Nathaniel was standing in front of it gaping his mouth in disbelief.

He felt a chill up his spine as a sinister being wrapped its arm around his shoulder.

"So, where's my money?"

Kiko smiled deviously at his classmate.


After receiving the bank transfer from Nathaniel's life savings, he walked to the cafeteria so he could finally buy his own food.

The murmurs of the students at the notice board could be heard echoing through the hallway.

"This year the boxing club has 2 Freshmen?"

"That's a first. Last year they had none."

"I mean that was expected of Senior Avenoir's brother, but the other guy?"

Nathaniel hung his head as he listened to the words he wholeheartedly agreed with, but then his heart sank.

"I mean I expected it when I heard 'He' was trying out."

"HUHH?" Nathaniel turned his head to face the tall girl who had said the comment.

her nametag read.

A first year who made the girls' volleyball team.

She was 5'11, had short brunette hair cut in a pixie cut, and hazel eyes that anyone could get lost in. She was a beauty Nathaniel wouldn't dream of talking to, under normal circumstances...

Nathaniel turned to the girl and interrupted her conversation, without regard for politeness. This was the scammer that took his money who they were speaking about after all, there's no time for politeness or flirting.

"What do you mean?"

"About what?" She asked him confusedly and a bit annoyed.

"That idiot Kiko, why were you so sure he could make the team?"

"Well..." she tapped her chin and thought.

"That guy, it's what he does."

"W-what do you mean."

She was deep in thought for a bit before answering.

"Answer me!"

'How demanding, this guy is starting to get on my nerves.'

"He went to my middle school, and every semester when we could apply for a club, he'd sign up. He'd try out then make the team effortlessly then quit the next day. Last year he did it for the football club."

"Huh?? Why would he do that?"

He grabbed a hold of her shoulders tightly.

Now she was really pissed off by the loud monkey.

"Get off me!"

She swatted the fly that clung to her.

"Sorry." Regaining his shame, he apologized

"When we asked him, why he kept doing that he always replied: that it simply wasn't fun..."

Kiko sneezed as he was drinking his protein smoothie from the plastic bottle.

"Am I catching a cold?"

3PM (Boxing Gymnasium)

All the seniors were doing their own thing: working the bags, doing weight training, or doing cardio. Some of the Seniors were even working with one of the 3 assistants. The only one who wasn't doing anything was sitting on a stool near a punching bag writing on a notepad.

The assistants were 2 girls and one guy.

2 freshmen and a 4th year.

Kiko alongside Percy was standing opposite Coach Azure.

"Young Avenoir, you are free to go do your evaluation with an assistant and get straight into sparring."

Percy nodded quietly and left. Towards a weird-looking machine with padding manned by the 4th year male assistant.


"Hmm?" Kiko looked at the old man awaiting his instructions.

"You won't be allowed to box this year."


"Let me elaborate, put simply unlike Percy over there you have never trained a day in your life, not to mention your body is well below average. I also heard from Hulk that; your stamina is atrocious."

'Then why the hell didn't you tell me yesterday!'

"So, for 10 months. You'll be building all the basics up as well as your body. if you don't build 6 kilograms by next year, I'm kicking you out of the club."

'Changing clubs will be really troublesome."

"So, what you're saying is I'm useless right now?"

"Exactly! I like smart kids like you. Storm will be training you in boxing techniques and Hulk will help you build muscle. You won't be sparring until you get up to 61kgs or any other forms of matches. Understand?"

"Sure, whatever. There go my embers..." He mumbled.

"What was that?"


Kiko sighed as he contemplated just ditching the club.

Coach Azure pointed at the senior who was sitting in the corner near the punching bag.

"Go join Storm for today."

The youth left to go practice with his senior.

'Hmm... I wonder if that'll break his spirit.'

'The speed and adaptability he displayed yesterday shows he has talent, if honed correctly he could be a beast. But of course, he wouldn't compare to THAT monster...'

The coach compared the 5th year captain and Kiko in his head.

Kiko arrived before the senior he was assigned to.


"It's senior Storm, kid."

-Age: 15{Turning 16}

-Height: 1.85m/6'2

-Wingspan: 1.86/6'2

-Weight: 68kgs/150 lbs

-Record 39-3-14

-Punching speed(jab): C

-Punching speed(straight): C

-Punching force(straight)- C-

-Dominant Arm- Right

Storm was fair skinned and tall, had black hair, (a bowl cut), and a headband holding his hair back. He had mild acne, soft facial features, and sharp hazel eyes.

"Let's jump straight into it."

'People in this club aren't a fan of pleasantries, are they?'

Storm stood up and picked up a black marker, He drew a medium-sized circle on the punching bag. He capped the marker and threw the pen on the ground.

"You saw this yesterday from Jerry, but I'll demonstrate it again as he was quite sloppy."

'How rude.'

He walked up close to the Punching bag, bent his knees and lifted his arms, and threw a jab precisely inside the small circle. The punching bag swayed bag slightly.

The speed of the punch was much faster than those Jerry's and was extremely accurate, his whole fist landed in the designated area.

'So, he wasn't just insulting Jerry.'

"That's a jab. A fundamental part of boxing used by everyone no matter what style use whether you're a slugger, in fighter, out fighter et cetera."

'What the hell is he on about?'

Staying in his stance he threw another attack into the circle. This time he extended his opposite arm and pivoted his hips putting his body weight into the attack.

"And that's a straight."

"So, your task is to jab and throw a straight, a one-two combo. Currently, I expect you to be around 30 percent accurate from what I saw yesterday. I expect the same speed for each jab and straight, and the same amount of accuracy. You won't be moving on till you achieve. 80 percent accuracy."

Kiko stood in front of the punching bag and bent his knees slightly, with his left arm he threw a jab at the bag. The speed of the attack was faster than his senior's. Following up he copied the senior's 2nd motion and threw a straight using his right hand.

"Wow! You are terrible..."

Kiko's heart sank as he heard the words of the senior.

"You coulda at least pretended," he complained.

Although fast, only a quarter of his fist's surface area was inside the circle.

25% accuracy.

Frustrated at his failure, Kiko threw another combo, but it was at the same level.

Every time he threw an attack, Storm adjusted his junior's form strictly and critiqued everything he made a mistake in.

Kiko's form became better and better, but his accuracy stayed the same.


"We'll try again tomorrow, rest up."

The only people left in the gym were Coach Azure. Storm, Percy, Kiko, and 2 other seniors.

Percy was warming down in the corner with some cardio after a hard day of work.

Exhaling deeply Kiko left the gymnasium without bothering to wash up.

'I'll shower at home...'

"How is he?" The coach asked the senior curiously as he watched the youth leave the gym.

"He definitely is athletic, but I don't think boxing is for him..."

"Hmm... Well, boxing does take a special type of crazy. I wonder if he has it."

Confused by his coach's words, Storm asked him to elaborate but was only met with a vague answer.

"It's funny you don't see it yourself. You're one of the more insane ones..."

'What's this old man on about?"

"It'll take him around 2 months to be proficient with the techniques." Storm reported.

"Hmm... That's longer than I expected."

Arriving at home Kiko was filled with frustration, for the first time he had failed miserably.

7th of February, Monday


"Oi, Percy. Where's Kiko?" Leonard asked him about his peer as he was tying his gloves preparing to spar with his junior.

-Age: 15{Turning 16}

-Height: 1.75m/5'9

-Wingspan: 1.78/5'10

-Weight: 81/179lbs

-Record 44-3-6

-Punching speed(jab): C+

-Punching speed(straight): C+

-Punching force(straight)- B-

-Dominant Arm-Right

Leo was a fair teen who had bronze clear skin, wavy medium-length black hair (an undercut with a middle part), and brown eyes. His appearance resembled that of a minor celebrity.

Percy replied nonchalantly to his senior's question as he rotated his shoulder and stretched his limbs. He began bouncing on his toes, to stay warm.

"I don't know, he's been missing since Friday. He hasn't been coming to school either, according to his classmates."

Leo chuckled upon hearing Percy's words.

"Did Storm treat him that badly? I mean he is a technique fanatic."

"Maybe it was too much for him, boxing isn't for everyone."

Percy replied as he got into his peek-a-boo fighting stance and waited for his senior.

{Peak a boo fighting stance- Boxer lifts hands in front of their face, their arms close together and hands both by their chin. With their legs bent slightly. [utilized by Mike Tyson]}

After fastening the gloves and wearing his red headgear, Leo got into a fighting stance. He stared at his junior with a grin.

{Traditional boxing stance- less dominant side forward, shoulders are shoulder-width apart. dominant hand near their chin and lead hand slightly above.}

'Is he a switch hitter like his brother?' Leo wondered cheerfully.

"Hey let's watch this. Let's see what Captain's brother is made of." A 4th year told the other seniors.

The only person who didn't bother pausing their training to watch the bout was Eddy.

Percy Avenoir

-Age: 13{Turning 14}

-Height: 1.88m/6'2

-Wingspan: 1.88/6'2

-Weight: 78kgs/172lbs

-Record 0-0-0

-Punching speed(jab): C+

-Punching speed(straight): B-

-Punching force(straight)- C+

-Dominant Arm- Left

The seniors gathered around the ring to watch the two Welterweights' bout.


The sound of the Bell starting the match rang and the two infighters closed in on each other.

Utilizing his longer reach Percy threw a jab using his right hand at his senior's face.

In a quick movement Leo weaved his head to his left, he twisted his body and threw a straight at his opponent.

The punch connected with Percy's guard, and as he guarded the attack the impact caused his own gloves to hit his face.

Trying not to address the pain, he stepped back to gain some space.

'We're both infighters, but he's more experienced. I have the reach advantage, so I'll keep my distance and strike him from afar.'

"C'mon, that's not how we infighters fight is it now?" Leo said in a whiny voice and stepped in to get closer."

Learning from his previous attack, he shot 2 simultaneous jabs at the senior at a higher speed this time whilst stepping in.

This time he wanted to be in control.

Parrying the first jab and slipping the second one Leo also stepped in.

Percy threw 3 body hooks at his senior who had his guard up to block the attacks.

Leo began smiling, impressed by his junior's adaptability. The two began exchanging blows with Percy landing more,but Leo landing the more decisive ones.

"He's Impressive," Hulk commented.

"As expected of the Avenoir bloodline. He might surpass his brother." Hubris replied and smirked at Eddy who was working the bags. He said it just loud enough so that he could hear him.

"..." The Captain didn't take the bait.

"Yeah right." Jerry began laughing at his vice captain's ridiculous statement.

After 2 minutes of trading blows, they were panting lightly, but still fighting in close quarters.

Leo had now retreated towards the ropes and Percy was throwing light jabs to keep him there.

Percy took one step closer to throw a straight with his left hand.

"Gotcha! This is what it means to be an infighter."

Instead of moving back in an attempt to have more time to guard against the blow, Leo took more steps inward and watched the attack be thrown at him.

In an instant, he weaved underneath and threw a left body hook at the right of his junior's abdomen. Right below the liver.

Percy dropped to his knees and clutched his abdomen in pain.

Ding Ding!

The spar was over.

14th of February Monday


Just outside the woods 30 minutes away from his home, was a teenager with long shoulder-length obsidian hair and deep red eyes. He was dressed in White mesh shorts and no shirt. His scrawny body was covered in healed scars of various sizes and shapes.

There was a small backpack on the ground with multiple plastic empty water bottles next to them.

Both his fists were bleeding, quite intensely and he was in a traditional boxing stance, he was staring at a tree intensely which had a white circle drawn on it. Almost half of the circle was red covered in blood.

"Around 33%..."

{Arthur Note}

-I'm currently researching martial arts and more intensely so I can work on describing the fights much better and using better terminology.

-I'm also working on the way I describe situations and things. please be patient as I am improving with every chapter.

-I can't believe my Novel has 800 Views in 2 days! I don't know how many of those people are actually reading it but, even if there is one person. I'll try my best to improve and release more chapters.

-Please feel free to criticize my novel in the comments