Any means necessary

14th of February, Monday

4 AM

After an hour's break, Kiko stood up and began tying white bandages around both his left and right hands.


He chuckled to himself as he recalled the words of his coach.

"As if I'm not aware of that already." His face turned stern and he threw a fast jab into the white circle followed by another.

Every time he threw an attack the tree became slightly more indented. After the two quick attacks, he threw a straight.

His white bandages had blood seeping out of them gradually.

Although the pain was sharp he had already gotten used to it after a week of putting himself through it.

There was only one thing in this world that could make this young man work so hard, and that was his chase for 'fun'.

That burning lust for what he had felt during the tryouts was the only thing fueling him.

"Not yet! This isn't it..."


8:00 AM


Valentine's day, a day filled with love and affection; Every girl had butterflies in their stomach wondering if their chocolates would be accepted by the guys they admired, and every guy was nervously waiting for the girl they'd had their eyes on would finally notice their advances and give them chocolate.

Nathaniel who was now bankrupt had his head on his desk and his nails digging deep into his cranium, gritting his teeth.

"What if a girl asks me on a date and I don't have enough money to pay for it... I'm screwed, I'll be known as a cheapskate."

This thought had been going through the teen's mind ever since he was finessed by Kiko.

"Then they'll start calling me Niggardly-Nate."

"And every girl will start looking down on me."

"Then I'll become a loner like..."

As he continued his mumbling, he remembered the reason why he was in such a situation.


He screamed at the top of his lungs as he recalled the fiend's name.

Everyone paused and looked at their mentally insane classmate, then the whispers began.

"What the hell is wrong with him."

"Hehe, that's what happens when no one asks you out I guess."


As he heard the faint whispers of his classmates his already broken spirit deteriorated even further. Before he could begin his mumbles of frustration again over a new topic, the door slid open loudly and a handsome upperclassman walked in.

As he walked in the topic of the whispers switched instantly from their crazy classmate to the dashing young man. All the girls in the classroom instantly recognized his identity and all the guys looked at him with eyes of envy and fear.

"Hey, what is Aristevo-Senior doing here?

"He is so hot."

"He looks like a model."

Ignoring his underclassmen's comments Hubris walked to the front by the podium and scanned the classroom, after not finding who he was looking for sighed dissatisfied.

"Oi! When was the last time Kiko Tensei was at school?"

Everyone went silent as they tried to remember who their senior asking about.

'Who the hell is that?' They all thought.

After not getting a reply, he walked back to the door before someone finally spoke up.

"Well then, you're all pretty much useless." The young man sighed.

"I think it was on the third." After taking a few moments to think Sharlotte Arden finally pinpointed the date.

'What has that idiot gotten himself involved in, that one of the scariest upperclassmen would personally come here for.'

Sharlotte pondered.

"It was a Thursday if I recall correctly."

Before her senior could reply a head poked through the door close to where Hubris was standing.

"Vice Captain, I've already told you he hasn't been coming to school."

The head belonged to Nicholas Draken.

'Called Drako'

[Amateur City Super Lightweight champion]

-Age: 16{Turning 17}

-Height: 1.83m/6'0

-Wingspan: 1.83/6'0

-Weight: 68kgs/1lbs

-Record: 68-7-7

-Punching speed(jab): B+

-Punching speed(straight): B+

-Punching force(straight)- C-

-Dominant Arm- Left

Drako had red-dyed shoulder-length wavy hair tied back in a ponytail. He was mildly attractive similar to Jerry and had a black tattoo peaking from his white shirt. He had olive skin and green eyes.

"I just wanted to see with my own eyes, I can't believe someone is skipping school just to avoid club activities." He chuckled amusedly

The baffled senior sighed as he scratched his head.

"That's not the weird part though..."

"Elaborate?" Hubris tilted his head 40 degrees and asked curiously.

Drako looked at his vice-captain seriously before answering.

"He isn't at home either."

"What do you mean he's not at home?" Hubris had a confused expression on his face.

"He hasn't been at home either, Hulk and I have been stopping by his house every afternoon and we always go in. But he's never there."

"Strange, what about his parents?"

"It gets weirder, the school doesn't have their names nor numbers."


"Yeah, I was shocked too."

1-J was listening to their conversation when someone in their class finally remembered who the youth they were talking about was.

"Ohh do you mean, the guy with the weird red eyes? I saw him yesterday!" A girl finally spoke up.

She had long blonde hair and blue eyes; she was quite tall and had attractive facial features.

member of the girls' soccer club

The two club members twisted their heads to look at the freshman as they said in unison.


She was a bit intimidated by the first years, so she thought for a bit before answering.

"At the convenience store, he practically bought the whole shop."

"Hmm, then I wonder where he is," Hubris answered.

The bell indicating the beginning of Homeroom rang

"No point worrying about someone that useless, if he doesn't want to be found there's no point looking for him. Since he's okay, we shouldn't worry needlessly. " Drako shrugged.

"Good point."

The two walked out to go back to their classrooms.

"Who was that delinquent-looking guy?"

"Be careful what you say... That was Drako senior."

"I hear he broke into a teacher's house and punched him in his sleep just cause he got a bad grade."

" I hear he eats babies."

The freshmen continued spreading absurd rumors about the senior.

'Is that scammer just using my money to go on a shopping spree?'


Nathaniel screamed once again.

The class had already accepted that he had random outbreaks and chose to ignore him.

Sharlotte sat down in her seat and looked at the desk next to hers.

"That idiot, where are you?"

3 PM

Percy was the second one in the gymnasium, he was already fully dressed in his training gear and was stretching all his limbs.

Rachel Free, a black-haired freshman (styled in a bob) was short had dark brown eyes, and was fairly short.

Rachel was dressed in her school uniform which was a black blazer, white skirt, and a blue tie. She walked up timidly to Percy with a red box in her hands.

'You've been practicing for days now. You can do this Rachel!'

Inside the changing room stood a senior peaking through the slightly open door observing.

"Ah, young love!" He excitedly exclaimed.

Percy picked up the skipping rope and looked at the timid girl confusedly.

"What do you want?"

"I-I was wondering if you'd go out with me?" she bent 90 degrees and held the chocolate out politely.

'Well done, Rachel.'

"Eh? Now, why the hell would I do that?" He asked in a genuinely confused voice.

The timid girl's heart shattered into a million pieces as she heard the words, she never thought she'd hear.

'What does he mean? This has to be a joke, right?'

"I-I..." With tears streaming down her cheeks, she struggled to say anything.

"Since you can't answer me, quit bothering me. Go away." He said in a cold monotone voice.

'How could he?'

The girl ran away embarrassedly with her shirt drenched in tears.

After overhearing the encounter, Jerry waited for Rachel to leave out of respect before he went to confront his junior.

"Oi, was saying no politely really that difficult?" He said angrily as he walked up to his junior and gripped his shirt.

"I simply said how I felt like how she did. Is that an issue?" Percy replied nonchalantly.

"The issue is that you acted immaturely, how don't you see the problem?!"

"Why would I put someone's emotions above my interests?"

"Do your interests cause you to be an asshole?" Jerry's face was close to Percy's and he was on the verge of striking him.

"They cause me to disregard useless individuals. I have no reason to interact with people if it won't benefit my goal. Maybe if you worried this much about your boxing this much your record wouldn't be so pitiful."

Jerry gripped the youth's shirt even tighter and pushed him.

Percy took a few steps backward due to the push.

"Maybe if you stopped trying to be your brother, you'd gain your own personality. No matter how much you try you and you never will be Eidikos."

Jerry scoffed as he walked back towards the changing rooms, but he stopped before leaving to say one last thing.

"The reason we admire him so much is because of his strength, not his shitty personality, remember that before you try to follow in his footsteps."

'You ruined my mood that I don't even feel like practicing today, fucking apathetic bastard.'

Jerry left the gymnasium with his hands in his pockets.

After Jerry left the gymnasium Percy chuckled slightly upon hearing the accusation which he deemed ridiculous.

"Be like him? Hell, no I'll fucking surpass him." He declared to himself.

He unraveled the skipping rope and began skipping in one spot, every hop his breathing became slightly heavier.

"No matter what it takes."

2nd March Wednesday

3 AM

His bandages were stained red, the tree he had been punching had tapped out from his constant abuse. The teen was exhausted from all his training and sat by the roots drenched in sweat as he gulped down the last water bottle he had.

Over the past month, Kiko had stuck to the strength regime he had been given by Hulk, ran double the amount they had run with him and Percy, and subjected himself to the gruesome 'tree accuracy training.'


{Arthur Notes}

-I finally got myself a cover after hours of going through different AI programs, hence why this chapter was delayed. I'm sincerely sorry about that.

- Although I'm happy I got a cover it doesn't really fit my theme and will be look for options of replacing it.

-I also saw I have 7 'collections' thank you to everyone reading my Novel!

-Next chapter coming in 7 hours.