What it means to be a prodigy

The youth with long jet-black hair, scarlet red eyes, and pale skin stood in the forest packing up his tent and began packing his sleeping bag.


"Back to school, I guess."

10 AM

A teen dressed in a black blazer, white pants, white shirt, blue tie, and black shoes was walking through the empty wide hallway with his hands in his pockets and a large messenger bag on his shoulder. His hair was mildly wet and draped down to his shoulders elegantly. The sound of his shoes tapping on the tiles reverberated across the hallway. He stopped outside a wooden and metal sliding door and opened it.

The sound of the door opening attracted the attention of all 40 pupils in the classroom and their eyes fixed on an attractive young man with scarlet eyes.

A short old man with balding hair and green eyes turned his attention to the man who walked and momentarily stopped teaching.

"Thank you, for finally gracing us with your presence Tensei..." The professor said sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Without looking at his professor Kiko walked to the back of the class and nonchalantly took a seat near the window.

The pretty girl who sat in the seat next to him turned to him.

"Who the hell just skips school for a month straight?"

He put his elbow on the table and his head on his closed hand, the youth smirked as he looked at the beauty.

"Is that worry, I detect in your voice Sharlotte?"

The girl scoffed at the ridiculous question.

"Of course not, I was thriving without having someone leeching off of me."

"Too bad 'cause I'm back. So, what are we eating today?"

"I'm eating chicken alfredo; YOU can eat shit."

"I didn't expect THE Miss Arden to be so foul-mouthed..."

"The hell's that supposed to me-"

A long white marker glided across the air to the back of the classroom towards Sharlotte.

"You two KEEP QUIET!" Professor Lee shouted at the two as his eyes practically bulged out his eyes.

The youth extended his hand and caught the marker calmly.

"Sir, I think you dropped this." He grinned playfully.

He threw the marker back at the professor at a speed way faster than the one at which he caught it.

"Since I did you a favor... you owe me one. I guess, I'll also be eating chicken Alfredo today."

2:30 PM

Kiko walked into the Gymnasium dressed in his usual training gear: a black compression shirt, black shorts, black tights, and sneakers.

He replaced his white bandages with new ones and put on his new pair of boxing gloves. The door to the gymnasium opened and a pretty petite girl walked in, her eyes twitched slightly as she saw the last person, she would've expected to be in the gymnasium especially the first one there.

"Hey Rachel, would you mind tying my gloves for me."

The young girl walked up to him and began helping the youth.

"Kiko? Why're you here?"

"Am I not a club member?" The girl finished tying the gloves and took a step away from the youth.

"Well, I guess assumed you dropped out of school, you haven't been seen for a month."

"I didn't know you noticed me that much." He teased.

He began jumping on the spot to warm himself up.

"I-It's not l-like that. "

"I'm kidding." He chuckled.

The scarlet-eyed teen began throwing jabs at the punching bag at an alarming speed before he transitioned and threw straight at the bag causing it to sway wildly.

He began hopping on the spot, waiting for the bag to steady again.

"So, what do you think? I'm amazing, aren't I?" He grinned proudly as he looked at Rachel.

"Actually, although your speed is amazing, and you've improved your accuracy and technique, your power is quite frankly disappointing." She carefully analyzed.

"Huh? Can't you see the bag is swaying like crazy." He questioned.

"That's a light bag."

He stopped hopping and looked at her dumbfounded.


The door once again opened, and a tall black-haired freshman walked into the gymnasium with his gloves in his hands and a towel around his neck.

Rachel's attitude completely changed as Percy walked in and she became exponentially timider as she usually is.

Kiko noticed the change in atmosphere and looked at the two confusedly.


He began punching the bags once again with the same level of accuracy multiple times.


The rest of the club members rushed in along with a wave of testosterone. Kiko had a pair of earphones on and was delivering a wave of barrages to a heavy bag. The bag didn't sway in the slightest and felt like he was back in the forest punching the tree.

A large hand gripped the shoulder of the newbie as he was practicing on the heavy bag.

Kiko looked at his tall senior as he shook his head to take off his earphones.

"Storm? So, what are we working on today."

"Storm-senior. "He corrected in an irritated tone.

'What the hell is wrong with this kid? He just shows up after disappearing acting like everything is okay. Well, Coach will probably scold him anyway...'

"Same as last week; jabs and straights, till you reach 80% accuracy."

"I'm on roughly 90 right now..."

Storm chuckled slightly before he replied to the ridiculous statement.

"It'll take you three months to reach that level... don't rush kid."

"Draw a circle." Kiko pointed at the heavy punching bag using his black gloves.

'Are all the freshmen this year cocky? Percy and now him.'

"Okay then, show me what you've got," Storm said as he drew a circle on the punching bag.

'Maybe this'll snap him back to reality.'

Kiko took off his gloves, and he threw a quick jab into the circle with his whole fist landing inside.

"You want to see me throw a straight too?"

"96%..." Storm muttered.

"No, it's fine."

"We're moving on to hooks tod-"


Both Storm and Kiko snapped their heads to look at the ring, where two upperclassmen were standing opposite each other one both in traditional boxing stances.

Kiko smiled as he looked at Storm then looked back at the boxing ring.

"Watching is a form of practice, right?"

Storm sighed as he looked at his underclassman.

'I guess watching the captain fight could be beneficial.'

Leo rushed dashed towards Eddy and threw multiple jabs. The captain began bobbing and weaving easily without bothering to break a sweat.

Leo upped up his speed and began incorporating straights.

Interrupting the barrage Eddy threw a light jab that stunned the 3rd year.

He staggered slightly as blood dripped from his nose.

'That jab looked quite slow; how did it deal that much damage?' Kiko pondered.

"Leonard, I thought you had improved. This is pathetic."

Eddy shuffled closer to Leo and threw another jab this time it being way slower than the previous one.

"Don't you dare underestimate me?"

Using his right-hand Leo parried the jab and moved in closer, crouched, and threw a stunning body hook that could split mountains. In a split second, Eddy crouched and got into the peek-a-boo stance.

As he blocked the hook using his right arm, he received a jolt of pain that could make a grown man buckle. Eddy's face stayed the same nonchalant expression.

"Why does Leo still try to challenge him, he'll never win. It'll be the same result as last year's City Championship." Hubris commented in a condescending tone.

"I'll admit your power has improved. I wonder how your defense compares."

"Come at me." Leo taunted.

Eddy threw a ground-shaking left hook at Leo's head.

"C'mon captain, I'm not a kid."

Leo ducked to avoid the attack and immediately countered using a left uppercut.

"Last year, that'd been way too quick for him to dodge, he has improved." Hulk observed.

Without any alarm or panic, Eddy quickly took five steps backward to gain some distance.

"Uh, that's not fair. Y'know I'm an infighter." He playfully complained.

Leo shuffled forwards carefully with his guard up protecting his chin.

Two jabs whistled through the air sniping past Leo's guard.

Once again, he was staggered by the attacks but this time his nose was practically pouring out blood.

"You still wish to continue?"

Wiping the blood using his forearm and looked at him determinedly.

"Hehe, this is nothing."

"That bastard doesn't give up does he." Drako began laughing amusedly.

"You have more grit than last time; I'll give you that. But grit doesn't win fights. I'll be ending this now."

"Not if I finish it first." This time Leo slowly approached the captain, with his guard even tighter than before.

Leo threw a single jab that ripped through the air, its intent wasn't to damage but to distract the defendant for what was to come.

Before Leonard could reveal the card under his sleeve. Eidikos shifted his head to the right and gathered his power from his legs and threw a straight using his left hand at Leo's solar plexus.

The attack struck Leo's hardened abs, although his body was sculpted from a young age and honed for boxing, it was no match for the attack. It knocked all the wind out of him and left him unconscious.

"Leo no matter how you try, you'll forever be mediocre..."

"Assistants, get him a stretcher and take him to the infirmary." The captain commanded as he rubbed his right arm.

'He fights weirdly.' Kiko stated.

"You may be wondering why the captain is so special, Captain Eddy is an ambidextrous switch hitter."

"He's a what?"

"A boxer who can switch their stance on the fly, not only that. Most switch hitters switch from orthodox to southpaw. But the Captain can use any stance."

"But that wasn't the only thing that was strange, Leo is an infighter, but Eddy outclassed him in that as well as outfighting..." Kiko reported.

'Calling him Eddy? This kid has no care for honorifics, does it?'

"Oh, you mean that. He is also a boxer-puncher."

"You keep saying phrases like I'm supposed to know what's that supposed to mean."

"It's not my fault that you're ignorant. A boxer-puncher is someone capable of utilizing all fighting stances; infighting, outfighting, slugging, you name it."

"So basically, he is a walking cheat." Kiko laughed at the ridiculous idea of a boxer who is capable of doing everything."

"Exactly, and don't be fooled by what you saw here today....' Storm warned

"What do you mean?"

"Captain Eddy was holding back, that but was nowhere near close. He could've knocked him out with a single jab."

"That's insane."

"Precisely, if I were to put a number on it, I'd say that was 15% of his ability."

'Huh?! 15??'

Storm looked up at Captain eddy who was standing in the ring taking off his headgear.

"That man is hailed as the Jack of All Trades, Master of All. The Eidikos Avenoir..."

{Authors Notes}

-I've intentionally withheld Eddy's evaluation report and record.