Chapter 6: Sally Robertson.

Kyle's POV...

It's a beautiful day as usual, the sky is bright blue, the sun is shining brightly, the plants are covered in morning dew and I'm feeling good (which rarely happens by the way).

I bounced into my school looking confident and all smiles, even my mates in homeroom that always stared at me distastefully actually smiled at me (well some did, you know their just some people in school that are natural jerks and trying to get them to be nice is like trying to teach a baboon how to speak English. No offense). Some even winked and I guess everyone is in a good mood today, after all it's the last day of school. "Blessed day isn't it?"

I think I might've forgotten the person walking behind me: Introducing Keira Robertson, my younger sister (twin actually but I'll never say it to her face after all I'm one minute older than her. She should show me some respect) "yeah it is" I replied

"you're smiling today meaning something is going to go terribly terribly wrong" she sighed "ouch" that hurt my feelings. I paused then turned to her giving a goofy smile "oh God! Kyle what did you do?" She crossed her arms across her chest "hey I haven't done anything...." "Yet" I muttered the last one under my breath but I guess she heard it because she gave me one of her usual I'm-going-to-pulverize-you kind of look. I dragged her to a corner.

"okay, I have a plan on how we can infiltrate the Enriques cartel without getting noticed and how we can come out unscathed" "you have a plan? Oh no! I don't want to see the four walls of the police station again. No offense" "lots of offense taken and by the way you're not being fair" there's no way I'm going to admit that I always get us in trouble.

"oh please how I'm I not being fair? The last two times you've *planned* something, it has ended with mom bailing us out. The first time, you suggested we nick a bike to teach the owner which is a gangster a lesson and unfortunately for us, the sheriff saw it as a perfect time for him to patrol and bust two teenagers trying to steal a bike and before we could say Jack Robinson, boom! We were in the police station.

The second time was even more ridiculous and saying this out loud makes me realize how much of a mistake it is to listen to anything you have to say" she walked right past me and headed for her homeroom "Keira!"I called after her "will you just listen" "wait let me ask you, did you do your research on the time that the security there would lessen?" "Research?" I passed her an irritated look.

Does she think I'm like her? I'd rather parade myself dressed like Horus than sit down and read a stupid book or actually plan something in detail. She believes in reading her stupid non-fiction books about how Albert Einstein conquered the world with a chemical or any other boring book she can get her hands on.

While I believe that you should fight first and think later, I believe in action because when our enemies want to strike they don't go all:

Hello, we're going to attack you tomorrow but not to worry, you'll find the strategy we're going to use in book blah blah blah.

They don't do that.

"You're hopeless" she sighed then continued walking "I'll meet you at lunch" I called after her.

Today is one of the days whereby each minute seems like an hour, I couldn't even concentrate in class because of the text message I received during lunch. Let me rewind, it went like this:

When I entered the cafeteria today, my phone vibrated in my pants pockets, it turned out to be a video. The content of the video made my skin crawl and the hairs on my neck stand up. For over a year now myself and my sister has been searching for the person that killed my elder sister, the police opened the case then, but come on this is Mexico, if it is a big cartel like we suspect that killed her, then they could easily pay off the police. "Kyle?" a voice jerked me out of my reverie "come sit with us" my sister, her best friend and her brother waved at me "anything the problem?" I asked when I got there. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't appreciate their kind gesture but it's just that I'm used to sitting alone. It's kind of my thing "of course not, we just want to talk" Clyde said with a kind smile on his face. Right, they just want to talk but I hoped it's not about anything concerning school because my brain was on panic mode. 

Back to present.....

"Class is over big head" No response "Kyle" "what" I replied absentmindedly "what's wrong?" She asked in a gentler tone "nothing, why would you..... why would you even think that" my head was spinning "well 1, you are thinking which means something terrible must have happened and two you don't stutter, you talk as sleek as Loki god of lies which is quite understandable since you lie a lot and...." She mumbled "you are such a headache"

I slung my back pack over my shoulder and walked out. It was like I was on a roller coaster of emotions, when Sally was alive we used to be very close, she used to tell me that my looking different didn't mean that I am abnormal, it means that I'm special.

Keira caught up to me at the school gate "Kyle, it's about aunt Sally isn't it?" She asked softly "I'm sorry for snapping it's just that" I took a deep breath "when I entered the cafeteria at lunch, a notification popped up on my phone, that was when....." I was Interupted by the sound of my ringing tone (collide by Ed Sheeran: you should try it by the way, it's nice.)

"It's mom" I whispered to Keira before swiping the answer button "mom" "Sweetheart, how was your day?" sweet heart? Oh God she wants something.

Hello my esteemed readers, there you have it, our Male lead and second most important character, watch out for the next chapter to discover the link between the Browns and Robertsons.

Do you think the death of Jasmine's sister Emily has connection with the death of Sally?