Chapter 7: Family Dinner.

Have you ever hated someone before, and when I mean hate I don't mean I-don't-wanna-see-your-face kind of hatred, I mean the I-wanna-strangle-you-and-punch-the-artemis-out-of-you kind of hatred. For me, that person was my cousin Dorothy. I think our bad history started when she knocked over my cake at my sixth birthday and couldn't even mutter a sorry (I mean I was dying to eat that cake).

Well ever since then, we've never agreed on something before.

And also, Note to self: if my mom ever calls me and starts the sentence with *sweet heart*, I should abandone the phone and run for my dear life. She is always asking for something impossible and before you figure out that It's a trap, it would have been too late.

Anyways, she called me today because she wanted to inform I and Keira that we shouldn't miss dinner because my uncle Michael, Aunt Beth and Dorothy are coming for dinner.

Just so you don't get confused, Keira and I spend most of our time at our warehouse or should I say workshop? Sometimes we come home after dinner so that was why mom specifically said that we should not miss dinner.

Aunt Beth and Uncle Michael I don't have a problem with but you see Dorothy..... So help me God.

"Oh my goodness Beth, is this really you?" Mom laughed giving Aunt Beth one of her *hugs* (trust me you do not want to experience one of it) "you're looking as dazzling as always" aunt Beth complimented earning a giggle from Mom. Even if you look like you were swept by a mini hurricane, Aunt Beth would still compliment you ( To over thinkers, I'm not insinuating anything).

My family was... Well, what you'd call rich


All right you got me, it's filthy rich

Filthy rich?

You got me again it's Crazily rich Aristocrats

Crazily rich Aristocrats?

Alright, alright, it's-one-of-the-richest-in-Europe-kind-of-rich.

And not to brag I like showing off my house, but I'm not going to describe it now, I don't want to ruin the fun.

The dinner went well, or should I say was going well before uncle Michael decided break the ice.

"So how is school Keira?" He asked with a smile (I try not to get hurt that she's his favourite) "it's fine Uncle, infact, recently the school permitted me to create a book club and it has been so cool, everyone wants to join and....." "ahem" I cleared my throat, I think she should specify "almost everyone wants to join" she rolled her eyes "I even got the permission to explore the grand library and discover new books like: Ideas and opinions by Albert Einstein, The Evolution of physics by Albert Einstein, Why socialism by Albert Einstein, The theory of....." She said some other stuff that I don't want to bore you with.

Finally, he turned to me "what about you Kyle?" "School is fine sir" I replied  curtly "nothing to share?" He asked and Dorothy snorted "if you want to blow your nose you can as well head to the bathroom" I know, harsh right? "Thanks for caring dear cousin but I was just wondering how it would be like being the weird and should I say, abnormal kid in school" she said twirling her fork.

"At least I'm not known as the D-girl in school and why is that again? Oh! It's because that's always the grade adorning your report card" I fired back.

You'd think her face would turn beet red from embarrassment but for you to know how shameless she is, it didn't seem to affect her. If anything she looked smug.

"How are you any better?" She spat and I almost toppled over while laughing, is she joking? Even though I wasn't a geeky Library assistant like my sister, it doesn't mean I'm any less intelligent.

"I'd suggest you confirm things before spouting 'em Dorothy, because if you think I'm like you...." I cast her a derogatory look to make my point clearer "..... then you must be the biggest fool to ever grace the surface of the earth".

She banged her fork on the table in annoyance "oh please, I get better grades than you do" that's my problem with her, she thinks she's more intelligent than I am (emphasis on thinks) I scoffed "if you think you're any better than I am because of your face, then like I said, you're even more stupid than I thought. You know, what surprises and at the same time annoys me about you is that you like gloating on the little advantage you have forgetting that the reason why my face is like this is also the reason why my brain works like a research software, it's the reason why I would always be more intelligent than you would ever be". I said irritated.

"Special? You are special? Then I'm Zeus, Lord of the sky. You're just trying just trying to feel important because of your pathetic situation".

"Pathetic situation? If I'm pathetic then you're hopelessly jealous" I countered, I could do this all day.

"How dare you call me....." "Enough you guys" dad thundered. If there is anything he hates more than MMA, it would be our arguments. "Can't you stay together peacefully?" He continued giving us the stink eye "and you Kyle, why are you insulting your cousin?" Mom asked, how typical "it's always my fault isn't? if she didn't insult me I would not have insulted her" I defended.

"Did you really have to reply?" Okay now she was starting to annoy me, I was about to defend my self when Keira did something that shocked me beyond what words could describe.

"Mom, stop blaming Kyle, after all she started it first and it's not as if he's wrong about the fact that she's jealous. I think Dorothy should learn to mind her business and stop peering into Kyle's issues, if she has a problem with him why can't she just say it"

Holy me! Did she just defend me? I think I'm going to have a heart attack (maybe words could describe it after all).

Mom frowned and Dorothy did what she knows how to do best: act.

"What? Keira how could you say that to me? I was only asking an honest question and Kyle misunderstood my true....." Aunt Beth interrupted her "can we just have a nice dinner without you two clawing at each others throats?" Aunt Beth's number one rule:

Never argue or fight at the dinning table, according to her, it's a moment for families to bond and share a tranquil and peaceful time.

"We're sorry aunt" "sorry Mom" we muttered but I and Dorothy exchanged one more look and one thing was clear to both of us:

This wasn't over.