A Duel of Crossblades!  

Hao's Vibe Sense was drinking more of the vibrations being scanned by the weapon Lanor was about to unsheathe from her waist. Despite his blindness, he was able to discern the subtlest of details, giving him an insight into the extraordinary nature of his opponents Blade Edge.


With a swift, adroit motion, Lanor unsheathed her sword, revealing its thin, flexible Blade Edge. The sword, which she called Rapier, was designed for swift, clean movements, allowing her to strike with precision and finesse. As a competent Blade Master, the Rapier's unique properties empowered her, lending her a sense of grace and agility in combat.

The Rapier was a marvel of engineering, its slender body was comprised of a rare alloy that was both lightweight and incredibly strong. The alloy's molecular structure granted the blade a degree of flexibility that enabled it to bend without breaking as well as allow Lanor to execute intricate techniques with ease. The weapon's hilt was adorned with neat engravings that depicted miniature scenes of legendary battles and the victories of famed Blade Masters. One needed a microscopic vision to see the scenes in their full perspective, of course, this was no trouble for Hao's Vibe Sense to peruse. He diligently observed all that he could about Rapier in the free time allotted to him.

"Fhm!" With a puff that exuded a wisp of visible air from her nostrils, Lanor's grip tightened around Rapier's hilt. Shortly, the weapon began to emit a soft glow, its brightness steadily increasing until it bathed the surrounding area in a gentle, ethereal light. The illumination was powerful enough to cast shadows throughout the warehouse, yet not so overwhelming as to be blinding. This unique brightness, a result of the energy flowing through the Rapier, was discernible even to Hao's Vibe Sense, though to a lesser extent than a sighted person would perceive.

Lanor's fierce gaze was locked onto Hao, her body tensed and ready to strike if necessary. The atmosphere in the warehouse had become thick with anticipation of vibrant duel, every member of the gang were watching the standoff between Lanor and Hao with bated breath. Even Raven, who had been idly playing with her daggers, had stopped to observe the potential conflict.


The Rapier's glow seemed to cast a spotlight on Lanor, highlighting her strength and resolve to smack Hao's butt. Her stance was impeccable, the product of countless hours of training and discipline. The very air around her seemed to vibrate with a quiet power, like an energy that excited and unnerved those present.

Hao, for his part, remained calm and collected, his Vibe Sense remained fully attuned to the situation around him. He knew that Lanor's Rapier was a formidable weapon, one that could easily turn the tide of a battle in her favour. However, he was also confident in his own abilities, thus he refused to back down in the face of her challenge.

The tension between Hao and Lanor continued to build as the air continued crackling with the weight of their unspoken challenge. And yet, as the seconds ticked by, it became increasingly clear that neither was willing to make the first move. In the end, it would take an outside intervention to break the stalemate, and to determine the course their relationship would take from that moment on.

"Why are they both just standing there, get it over with already." Scar's impatience surmounted the fixedness allowed by his eyes to view the unspoken feud.

Suddenly, a droplet of water fell from the ceiling. DRIP! The sound echoed through the silence like a gunshot. That was all it took to set the battle in motion.


Hao, confident in his skills and guided by his Vibe Sense, took the first step, his movements clean and purposeful. He anticipated Lanor's initial attack, evading her swift lunge and countering with a flick of his wrist that sent her off balance. However, to his surprise, Lanor quickly regained her footing and executed a slick move that caught him off-guard.

Lanor spun like a top with her Rapier slicing towards its moving target with incredible speed. As she spun, she bent her body low to the ground, then used her blade to carve an intricate pattern in the air around her. Hao was forced to react quickly by leaping backward to avoid being hit by the whirling blade.

"Don't think this is over just yet!" Hollered Lanor hotly.

The duel escalated, both fighters displaying their prowess. Hao's Vibe Sense allowed him to perceive Lanor's every twist, but he quickly realized that he would need to do more than simply anticipate her actions. When her attacks grew more vicious, he called upon his Vibe Seeker ability, a technique that allowed him to better predict his opponent's movements with 70% more accuracy by syncing his rhythm with theirs.

"Let's rock!"

Hao began to dance with a graceful and hypnotic appeal while his head was shaking from side to side and fingers snapping as he tuned into the rhythm of Lanor's body. This was the very technique that had nearly defeated Scar when he and the gang had attempted to capture him in the slums.

"Hmm, that move again?" Scar watched from the sidelines with mixed emotions on his face as he was reminded of the strange and powerful technique that had once bested him.

"Wow! What is he doing?" A child exclaimed with questionable glances.

"Can't you see he's dancing stupid?" Replied another brat with a smug grin.

"I can see that but why is he doing it? Isn't he a big sister supposed to be having a duel of Crossblades?" This youngster had a puzzled expression on his face, but the others were more carefree and entertained.

The warehouse erupted in excitement as the children watched Hao's dance moves. Little Nancy, in particular, was captivated by his deft approach at swordplay, love was blossoming in her young heart as she watched Hao's graceful movements. Vicky, too, couldn't help but be impressed by Hao's unique skill set, this reinforced her belief that she had chosen the right person for the upcoming heist.

"Are you making fun of me?" Lanor grew increasingly angry along with the sharpness of her Rapier.

"Woo- hoo!" Hao's Vibe Seeker allowed him to stay one step ahead of her, their duel became a spectacle of brilliant motion and artistry. Vibe Edge remained sheathed, as he expertly evaded each of Lanor's increasingly aggressive strikes. He danced and dodged while bending himself and supernatural fluidity all the while snapping his fingers.

"Dammit! Why is he so difficult to cut all of a sudden!?" Lanor, frustrated by her inability to land a hit on Hao, redoubled her efforts as she attempted to break through his defences. Hao, however, seemed to be in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the battle, predicting every single move.

"Let me show you the difference between us."

Finally, in a masterful display of skill and timing, Hao seized an opening in Lanor's offense. He feinted to the left, drawing her Rapier out of position, then spun around, using the momentum to deliver a powerful kick to her midsection. The force of the blow sent Lanor sprawling to the ground, as a result, her Rapier slipped from her grasp and hit the ground with multiple clangs.

For a moment, there was silence in the warehouse as everyone took in the outcome of the battle. Lanor, however, was not yet ready to admit defeat. She struggled to her feet with her burning eyes of anger aimed at Hao as she reached for her fallen weapon.

But before she could reclaim her Rapier, Vicky intervened, her loud voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Enough!" she declared looking at the two combatants. "We have a mission to prepare for, therefore, we can't afford any more distractions." She ended the duel abruptly with Hao being the victor. "Now that all of us are here, let me explain the rest of the plan."

Hao and Lanor exchanged one last heated glance before begrudgingly acknowledging Vicky's command. Their battle may have come to an end, but the underlying hate between them was far from resolved.