Rector’s Gallery  

The blazing remainder of the celestial ball above retreated its presence below the high-rising buildings, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, this signified the start of something exquisite. Rector's gallery buzzed with loveliness. Lavish modes of transportation pulled up and landed in the expansive driveway, making it evident that this was no ordinary event. Luxurious skyships adorned with expensive gold filigree gently descended from the heavens, their sleek hulls possessed a smooth surface capable of reflecting the faintest bit of light. Ground-bound vehicles, such as extravagant Sword-Gliders and ornate Beast-Drawn Carriages, rolled up to the entrance, each one more elaborate than the last.

The driveway led up to a magnificent building that stood tall and proud, its many floors reaching for the heavens. Rector's Gallery was a masterpiece of architecture, with its exterior adorned by glowing Kem ore designs that shimmered like stars in the twilight. The intricate patterns formed a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow, captivating all those who laid eyes upon it.

Elegantly dressed individuals of high standing and wealth, with a passion for swordplay and art, strolled along the gorgeous carpet that stretched from the driveway to the main entrance of the gallery. The rich fabric felt like a river of luxury beneath their feet, guiding them towards the opulence within. Men and women alike flaunted their finest attire, from tailored suits to flowing gowns that trailed behind them like wisps of smoke. Their outfits were completed with eye-catching accessories, but none more important than the swords that hung proudly at their sides.

Before gaining entry to the gallery, each guest had their sword scanned by a discreet but highly advanced security system. This ensured that only those with legitimate weapons and invitations were permitted inside, maintaining the gallery's prestigious atmosphere.

Rector's gallery was renowned for hosting the most decadent and exclusive events in Parkour District. Inside, the guests were treated to a sumptuous feast of delectable cuisine and the finest spirits. They mingled and socialized in opulent, high-ceilinged rooms adorned with exquisite works of art from renowned masters. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, as conversations buzzed with rumours about the night's main attraction – the unveiling of a highly classified item that was said to redefine the very nature of swordplay.

As the evening progressed, the guests eagerly awaited the moment when the secret vault would be revealed. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Hao Vee and his unlikely allies were preparing to execute their daring heist.

A short while later, another Beast Carriage approached the entrance of Rector's gallery, its majestic form drew the attention of the gathering crowd. With its exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful detailing, the carriage was a sight to behold. The beast that pulled it was an enormous, muscular creature with shimmering, iridescent scales and piercing, intelligent eyes that appeared to take in its surroundings with keen awareness.

The carriage came to a stop at the driveway, and the door slowly swung open to reveal a young couple, elegantly dressed and radiating an air of sophistication. They were Hao Vee and Lanor Finican, hand in hand, perfectly disguised as an affluent and enamoured couple. The two exchanged warm glances, at least Hao pretended to.

He wore a finely tailored, dark blue suit that perfectly accentuated his lean, athletic build. The luxurious fabric appeared to absorb the fading light, making him appear even more mysterious and enigmatic. Instead of his regular blindfold to mask his empty eye sockets, Hao donned a pair of stylish dark shades that lent an air of intrigue to his persona. His dark hair was slicked back, giving him a suave, debonair appearance.

Lanor, on the other hand, was a vision in crimson orange. Her floor-length gown, the colour of a fiery sunset, was a striking contrast to Hao's dark attire. The dress hugged her slender frame before cascading into a flowing train, creating an ethereal effect as she moved. Her ginger hair was styled in an elegant updo, with tendrils framing her face and drawing attention to her striking eyes. Makeup had been expertly applied to conceal her freckles, transforming her into a vision of beauty.

As Hao and Lanor stepped down from the Beast Carriage, their hands intertwined, they set foot on the gorgeous carpet that stretched out before them like a luxurious path to opulence. The plush fabric seemed to cushion their every step, further enhancing the air of extravagance that enveloped them.

The couple strolled confidently along the carpet, their gazes meeting those of the onlookers with a combination of amusement and nonchalance. As they neared the entrance to the gallery, their hearts raced with nervousness for the daring heist that lay ahead. But for now, they continued to play their roles to perfection, allowing the magic of the evening to envelop them in its spellbinding embrace.

"Wow, look at all these rich folks." Lanor had never been among this type of crowd before, she was awestruck as she took in the extravagant scene before her. The atmosphere was electric with the hum of conversation and laughter, the scent of fine perfumes could be sniffed out from miles away, moreover, the rich fabrics of gowns and suits rustled with every movement. She tried to maintain her composure, but a subtle wonder shone in her eyes.

Hao noticed her expression and couldn't help but tease her. "Enjoying the view, are we?" he said with a smirk. "Just follow my lead, and you'll fit right in."

"My mother taught me proper etiquette, thank you." she spat at Hao, trying to hide her discomfort as they walked towards the entrance, doing their best to maintain their pretend relationship. "I know how to behave."

"Is Vicky really your mother? Because, trust me, you ladies don't resemble each other at all." He added with physical gestures, imitating Vicky's imposing stature and then gesturing at Lanor's slender frame. "She's as big as a mountain, and you are..." He paused, grinning, "Well, you know what you are."

"I don't like the way you say that. Are you trying to say that I'm not attractive, is that it?" Lanor retorted, her cheeks flushing with indignation.

Hao diverted the conversation, sensing that he may have pushed too far. "We're not here to talk about that. Focus on the mission." He tugged her hand gently, hastening their steps as they approached the entrance. Lanor was visibly upset, but she kept her emotions in check for the sake of the heist.