The Mile High Depot  

Bright and early in the morning before the sun arose from beneath the earth's underbelly, both Hao and Mentos had set out somewhere. They were currently soaring through the air in the birds' domain, being transported in a commercial Skyship. The Skyship was a marvel of engineering, with sleek metallic wings and propellers powered by crystal-infused engines. It could carry up to 200 passengers and boasted a weight capacity of 50 tons, which was remarkably high for an aerial vehicle. Its presence in the sky was a nuisance to the aerial creatures, for the noise and wind generated by the engines disrupted their peaceful habitat.

Among the passengers were people of varying ages, shapes, and sizes, each carrying their own personal items. Some had various pets cuddling with them, while others were engaged in conversations. The cargo area of the Skyship was filled with crates, empty cages for beasts, and other miscellaneous items that travellers required for their journeys.

Conversations buzzed around the passenger side of the Skyship. A woman mentioned their destination being the Mile High Depot, a famed establishment located among the clouds. She explained how it was a hub for commerce, technology, and rare items, drawing people from all corners of the world.

While the passengers busied their lips, Hao and Mentos were glancing out the window where they saw the Mile High Depot getting closer. The floating city was an impressive sight, with buildings and platforms suspended in the air by advanced technology. As the Skyship approached, they could see people milling about, carrying out their business in the bustling depot.

"I can't believe you talked me into this, Hao," Said Mentos, shaking his head. "What you're planning is heinous, not to mention very dangerous."

"Relax, Mentos," Hao replied, keeping his voice low. "If this all goes well, we'll be one step closer to unsheathing Judgment Day." The X-Class sword never left his back, it was concealed beneath a dark cloth that hid its true nature.

Mentos took his head from the window and glanced at him. "You mean you'll be one step closer to unsheathing Judgment Day, not me. If you do manage to unlock that sword, I don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity." He expressed his fears about the weapon, knowing its power could be catastrophic if unleashed.

"Relax, relax," Hao chuckled, patting his friend's back.

A short while later, the operator's voice echoed through the Skyship. "We're now approaching the terminal. All passengers, please brace yourselves for landing."

"Oh, we're about to land," Hao listened to the broadcast. He and the other passengers held onto handlebars or rails as the Skyship began its descent. The landing process was smooth and controlled, the engines gently lowering the vessel onto the platform. Excitement flickered across the passengers' faces as they prepared to disembark.

They left the Skyship through the side doors in an orderly manner. Hao and Mentos exited soon after, the wind rushed against them as they stepped out. They alighted on a platform and glanced over the edge. The ground was so far below that it wasn't even visible.

Exiting the terminal, they entered an expansive area with many levels and spaces stretching as far as the eye could see. People were selling wares, merchants hawked their goods, and regular people moved about on the ground or in neat flying vehicles. Long stretches of balconies and corridors connected the various sections of the Mile High Depot, which was adorned with magnificent designs and complex machinery.

What separated this place from the world below was the many Bastians moving about the area. Beast companions or Bastians were creatures that had been tamed and trained to work alongside their human partners, performing tasks and providing support in various ways.

"Wow, this place feels like a different place all together from what we're used to below." Commented Hao

"Yeah, this place has its perks." Mentos smiled.

While walking through an open market where loads of people and beasts were present, Hao and Mentos came across a large velociraptor-type Bastian being ridden by its master, who was perched atop the creature. The Bastian was loaded with cargo on all corners, including wooden crates, sacks of grain, and barrels of various liquids. The cargo was strapped securely to the beast with thick, reinforced ropes, making the process efficient for the beast's owner, who could transport large amounts of goods without needing additional help.

"Check that one out." Hao focused on the Bastian with his Vibe Sense as it walked by them, his mouth agape at the sight of the massive creature. "Wow, I want one just like that! Look at the size of that beast!" he exclaimed, clearly impressed by the animal's strength and versatility.

Hearing his enthusiasm, Mentos replied, "A Bastian that size isn't cheap and I doubt you've brought enough Blade Tokens with you to purchase one like that legitimately." He eyed the bag of Blade Tokens hanging at Hao's waist, which was filled to the brim but not nearly enough for such a large creature. "Still, we should be able to get you something adequate with what you've brought."

"I sure hope so," Hao said, touching the bag of Blade Tokens as they continued exploring the Mile High Depot. They were both excited about the browsing adventure that lay ahead.

This wasn't their first time visiting the Mile High Depot, but the place changed so regularly that whenever they came here, it always left them with new impressions. The constant evolution and adaptation of the floating city were part of its charm, this was so due to the innovative spirit of its residents.

After having their visual feast of the Mile High Depot, Hao and Mentos decided to get down to business. They weren't there as tourists; they were there searching for a Bastian to purchase, one that could aid in Hao's planned experiment. Hence, they searched around for the closest Batoon Market they could find.

A Batoon Market was a place for selling and mainly purchasing all sorts of Bastians, along with other items such as beast armour, adornments, and essentially anything beast-related. These markets were a one-stop shop for those who wanted to buy, sell, or trade anything related to the magnificent creatures that roamed the world.