Both Our Asses Kicked Out Of Batoon Market  

Hao and Mentos eventually found a Batoon Market near the centre of the Depot. It was a large, well-kept store, filled with a multitude of items and beasts on display. The interior was spacious, with high ceilings and wide aisles that accommodated the creatures and their potential buyers. The walls were decorated with various beast-related decorations and equipment, giving the place a warm, yet exotic atmosphere.

Shifting his gaze from one object to the next, Mentos playfully bounced Hao's shoulder and said, "This place has all sorts of items."

"It sure does." Hao agreed. "It seems we've come to the right place." What prompted Hao to say this wasn't the neatly crafted saddle before him, no, it was the array of Bastians that his Vibe Sense was tuning into. They appeared to be a storehouse present at the rear end of the establishment where the beast companions were kept ranging from common species to hybrid.

"Hey, what's got you smiling like that?" Inquired Mentos upon seeing the crescent shape of his friend's lips.

"We've come to the right place, I'm sensing some creatures in the back."

"For real? Is it ok if we go there directly?" Mentos seemed impatient to get things over with.

Hearing what he asked, Hao replied, "I don't know, maybe one of the clerks can help us out."

"Yeah, let's go search for one while we continue to browse." And so they ventured further into the Batoon Market.

The owner of the establishment was a slender-looking man with a broadsword strapped to his back. He wore an elegant outfit that suggested both wealth and taste. His eyes darted around the store, carefully observing his customers and their interactions with the wares.

"Hmm…? Those two…" His visuals fell on Hao and Mentos browsing his store, he could tell they were new customers, and potential big spenders at that. Hence he approached them with a warm smile, extending his hand in greeting.

"Welcome to my Batoon Market, friends. My name is Garron. How may I assist you today?" his voice sounded smooth and inviting.

Turning to face the speaker, Hao responded, "We're looking to purchase a Bastian, preferably one that's strong and versatile."

"I have just the beasts for you. Follow me." Garron nodded, leading them to a section of his store called the Beast Showcase. Here, his workers diligently prepared the beasts for viewing, grooming and calming them to present their best features. Despite the workers' hard efforts, it was clear that they were underpaid for their strenuous work.

Upon Garron's request, his workers brought in a line-up of Bastians, ranging in size, shape, and abilities. Hao and Mentos marvelled at the magnificent creatures, listening intently as Garron described each one and their unique qualities.

There were five Bastians on display, from the smallest to the largest and most expensive. The first was a small, agile creature with large, powerful wings, perfect for speed and manoeuvrability. The second was a mid-sized, quadrupedal Bastian covered in thick, armoured scales, ideal for defence and strength. The third was a large aquatic creature, capable of traversing great depths and withstanding immense pressure. The fourth was a versatile, chameleon-like Bastian, able to blend into its surroundings and move with stealth. And finally, the fifth was a colossal, muscular beast with incredible strength and endurance, perfect for carrying heavy loads and long journeys.

"So, what do you think?" Garron asked, treating them kindly as he imagined the considerable sum he would earn from their purchase. His expression was a combination of eagerness and confidence, showcasing his salesmanship.

Hao and Mentos walked back and forth, observing the line-up of beasts and scrutinizing their hefty price tags, which ranged from 25,000 to 50,000 Blade Tokens. They both knew they didn't have enough money to buy the Bastians they desired which was the biggest of them all, but that didn't stop Mentos from attempting to negotiate a better price.

"Would you consider lowering the price on this fourth Bastian, the chameleon-like one?" Mentos inquired, hoping to strike a deal.

"Hmm, what did you just say?" Garron's friendly demeanour quickly vanished the moment he realized they were trying to bargain. "You want me to lower the price? These are already the best prices in the Mile High Depot!" He scoffed, his tone now icy and displeased.

Hao and Mentos exchanged nervous gestures, realizing they had underestimated the cost of the Bastians. Mentos tried one last time, hoping to find a middle ground. "We truly admire the quality of your Bastians, Garron. Perhaps there's some way we can work out a more affordable deal?"

Garron's anger flared at their persistence. "You come into my store, waste my time, and have the audacity to ask for a discount? You should be ashamed!" He glared at them in utter contempt.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Garron ordered his workers to remove the Bastians from the showcase area. "Get these beasts out of here!" he barked and his workers hurried to obey.

Garron turned back to Hao and Mentos and told them sternly, "I suggest you leave my store immediately. I have no time for poor, pathetic souls who can't afford my magnificent Bastians."

Seeing their chances slipping away, Hao and Mentos grew desperate to purchase a Bastian, especially Hao. Thus he pleaded with Garron, "Please, there must be something we can work out. We really need a Bastian for an important experiment."

Garron, however, was resolute in his decision, those without sufficient funds could never sway him. He clenched his fists and marched towards Hao and Mentos with his face red with anger. "I've already told you, get out of my store!"


With a swift, powerful kick, Garron sent Hao and Mentos tumbling out of the store, their buttocks were smoking hot. They landed hard on the ground outside with their faces pressed against the cold stone. Hao's bag of Blade Tokens accidentally slipped from his grasp and spilt its contents across the pavement.

Garron who was standing in the doorway of his establishment with his hand resting on the hilt of his broadsword spoke once more, "If I ever see either of you in my store again, I'll chop you into pieces with this very blade," he threatened before returning inside.

"Dammit, that was a big failure." Commented Mentos as he brushed off his bottom.

"Yeah, but he didn't have to literally kick our asses out of there." After getting up Hao realized that some of his Blade Tokens have spilt out on the floor, "Hey, help me collect these will you."

"Sure thing."

While Hao and Mentos scrambled to gather the fallen Blade Tokens, they were left with no choice but to leave Garron and his Batoon Market behind. Their search for a Bastian would have to continue elsewhere, but the lingering question remained: where would they find one that they could afford, and how would they raise the necessary funds if the need arises? For now, they could only pick themselves up and venture deeper into the Mile High Depot, hoping for a stroke of luck that would change their fortunes.