The Resurrection Of Sorrow  

"Ahf! Ahf!"

Walking haggardly along the shoreline of Katana Creek, Kiera huffed repeatedly, still sputtering a bit of water from her mouthpiece. She didn't care much about her appearance, a whirlwind of emotions stormed within her, but only one thought shone through the tempest, and that was the sight of Hao's slick dancing moves and silly smirk at the last moment when he kicked her ass into the water. She needed to settle scores with him for mucking up her day and pilfering her noble Bastian. And as luck would have it, she located a two-seater hovercraft sitting idle on the sand nearby. Not caring who it belonged to, she quickly commandeered it. With a grimace set in stone, she zoomed off towards the city where the Skyship had met its unfortunate end.

Emerging onto the crash site, Kiera noticed that the aftermath was still a buzz of activity in the night. Emergency responders were scattered about, picking through the debris and tending to the survivors.

Hopping off her stolen ride to reduce visibility, Kiera prowled the scene, scanning for any sign of her bandit mates.

"We've found another survivor over here!" Someone yelled.

"Huh?" Kiera turned to look if it might be one of her allies who had made it through the crash, but it wasn't. By sheer coincidence, she spotted Yoad being carted off on a stretcher, with his Bastian-Barkcode trotting alongside.

"Isn't that the poor runt from the Hallows? He's friends with those two." Letting her rage consume her, she followed like a trailing shadow.

"Sorry beast, but you have to remain outside while we tend to the patient." They refused to let Barkcode into the medical tent with Yoad, leaving it to wait outside.

"I don't care if he's hurt, I'll make him talk." Kiera's face darkened as she approached very sneakily. She avoided Barkcode and slipped into the tent then easily rendered the medic unconscious within seconds. There lay Yoad before her on the table with his fingers tightly gripping a bag of Blade Tokens, even in his unconscious state. It was given to him by Mentos back at the Mile High Depot.

"Wake up brat! Sleep time is over." Kiera jolted Yoad awake and slapped his face a couple of times for good measure.

"Erm…" Just as his eyes popped open, he was shocked to see how close her face was.

Kiera wasted no time barking orders with her eyes ablaze, "Spill it, where are those chums of yours?"

"What chums? I don't know what you're talking about, Kiera." Yoad, disoriented and panicked, stammered his ignorance. "I'm hurt and I'm beat up, just lay off me will you."

"Who do you think you are talking to like that you little shit? Want me to gut you open?" She threatened him with her Serpent's Lash aimed at his stomach.

"Grr…?" Barkcode who was just outside, sensed the danger and charged into the tent, only to be quickly restrained by Kiera's Whip Blade.

"Settle down, you stupid beast. As for you…" She directed her attention back at Yoad. "You're coming with me." After snatching the bag of Blade Tokens, Kiera absconded with Yoad, skilfully avoiding the attention of the other responders and OSD operatives. Barkcode who she subdued was also hauled along by the Whip Blade as an unwilling participant in the escape.

The whereabouts of Hao and Mentos remained unknown to Kiera, but one thing was for certain, her thirst for vengeance had only just begun.


Roaring through the azure expanse, our motley crew – Hao, Mentos, Euphy, Symphy, and the mighty Maelstrom – swept towards their destination, Sphero's Inc. The structure that now claimed their view was nothing short of an architectural wonder. Imagine, if you will, a colossal disc, poised diagonally like a defiant shield against the heavens, its base akin to an antenna reaching skyward, conducting unseen energies. An edifice of countless levels and intricate compartments beckoned them closer. A veritable titan among the structures of Portal Bay, Sphero's Inc stood as a silent shining to power and prosperity.

"Damn, I always forget how stinking rich your mum is, Vee," Mentos blurted out with his gaze locked on the formidable structure. The words dripped from his mouth with a potent cocktail of admiration and also a bit of envy. He silently wished his folks were as stinking rich.

Sphero's Inc was renowned for crafting a staggering array of Blade Edges, parts of all shapes and sizes, and a plethora of oddities, from cutting-edge factory machinery to detailed droid circuitry and complex cores. The industrious and ambitious woman at the helm of this empire was none other than Hao's mother—Quory Vee. Having laid the company's foundation eight decades prior, she had single-handedly turned it into a goliath within Crossblades' corporate landscape. Even the birth of Hao in her later years had done nothing to dilute her ambition.

"Buckle up, we're going in," Declared Hao, he skilfully steered them away from the main and aerial entries. He led them towards a rather secretive landing spot beneath the mighty building, where a fortified subterranean entrance stood guard. With a glossy metal alloy for a door, this entrance was designed to shrug off immense pressure and any unwelcome intruders. A privilege meant only for the chosen few.

Strolling up to an RSA reader by the door, Hao unsheathed his Vibe Edge. Quick as a falcon's swoop, he plunged the blade into the slot. The device beeped to life, digesting the information from his ISD. After a moment, a sonorous rumble echoed from the door, signalling the locks' disengagement.

"Cor blimey, it's opening!" Mentos couldn't hold back his excitement, he grinned at Hao. "Vee, I guess your mum hasn't entirely given you the boot, eh?"

"Your point being?" Hao retorted, carrying a hint of an edge.

"I'm just saying, if she's kept your ISD in the system, she can't be all that mad, right?" Mentos argued, striving to inject a sliver of optimism into the situation.

"Whatever," Hao grumbled, leading the way into the labyrinthine underbelly of Sphero's Inc.

The usual flurry of human activity was absent, given the late hour. Robotic arms danced in the dim lighting, assembling and disassembling parts with an eerie grace. Conveyor belts produced a monotonous tune while shuttling materials and finished products between stations.

Euphy and Symphy shivered at the sight of the cold machinery. Thus, they sidled closer to Hao with frightened eyes. Maelstrom, picking up on their unease, let out a low growl.

"Easy, Acadian," Mentos soothed while patting Maelstrom's flank. "These tin cans ain't gonna bite."

Unfazed by the visitors, the machines carried on with their tasks, creating a surreal atmosphere. The spectacle was hypnotic yet unsettling.

"Follow me," Hao instructed the group to stay close, he led them towards a spacious elevator tucked away in a corner. The metallic jaws of the machine slid apart to reveal an ample space, big enough to comfortably house their crew and the hulking Maelstrom.

"Are you sure this thing is strong enough, Vee?" Mentos' feet hesitated to go inside.

Hao waved off his concerns, "Just come on in already."

"Ok, but it better not fall."

After Mentos and Maelstrom entered, Hao injected his sword into another RSA slot then pressed a button on the elevator panel. With a soft whoosh, the doors slid shut, sealing them in. The platform began its ascent, delving deeper into the technological heart of Sphero's Inc.

Hao found himself grappling with a train of thoughts. What would await them at their destination? Would their presence here stir the still waters?

On the other hand, Mentos was thoroughly engrossed in the marvels of tech enveloping them. He tried to spark a conversation with Hao, but his attempts were met with silence. Hao's brow was furrowed in deep thought, his mind was lost in the labyrinth of possibilities which left Mentos to marvel at the tech wonderland in solitude.