Unforeseen Visitors  

Amid the colossal lift, Hao, Mentos, and the Bastians congregated; the delicate luminescence of the cabin lights subtly kissed their countenances. Euphy and Symphy snuggled together, boring the look of kids tossed into an alien world. Maelstrom, who'd recently acquired the moniker Acadian, stood guard with a vigilant gaze flitting around the novel surroundings.

"Hey, Vee," Mentos piped up, attempting to fracture the prevailing quietude, "This is my first time inside Sphero's Inc. Quite an impressive joint, don't you think? You must come here often, right?"

A brief pause ensued before Hao responded. "Nah, not really. Mum and I aren't exactly on the best of terms. But right now, this is our only sanctuary since your place got raided."

Absorbing the weight of Hao's words, Mentos said, "I'm hoping she'll shelter without a fuss, if only for a brief while."

With a sigh, Hao responded, "I'm with you on that one."

Perched high above them, ensconced in a luxurious penthouse crowning Sphero's Inc was a stunning woman luxuriated in a decadently outfitted bathroom. The sensuous mood, amplified by the candlelight's undulating glow and the air heavy with jasmine's sweet perfume, was nothing short of romance personified. This woman was Quory Vee—Hao's mother. She was a visual delight of allure. Her age, a mere 103 years, contradicted her impeccable skin and taut physique which commanded awe from all fortunate enough to behold her.

In the midst of her young lover's arms, a man whose rock-hard physique sparkled with water pearls, Quory savoured the moment. His muscular embrace circled her waist, his lips tracing a path of soft kisses down her neck, his wandering hands exploring the breathtaking landscape of her body. Quory's eyes fluttered shut, surrendering to the enveloping pleasure.

Suddenly, the mirror flickered alive with a notification followed by an automated voice chiming in: "Distribution channel, access granted. ISD-Signature recognized-Hao Vee."

"Huh? That little punk?" Quory's eyes flew open, halting her lover mid-caress. She gently extricated herself from his hold with her visage morphing into an expression of seriousness.

"Hey, what's up, babe? Let's continue," The man was unable to comprehend her abrupt behavioural shift, he reached out for her, only to be met with her steadfast resistance.

"No, you need to go. Now." She told him.

His excitement swiftly evaporated from his groin, replaced by flaccid puzzlement. "What's the deal, Quory? I thought we were just getting to the good part?"

Disregarding his confusion, Quory led him out of the bathroom while his attire was still in disarray from their preceding escapades. He fumbled his way into the main living area, barely managing to throw on his clothes before she decisively closed the door behind him, leaving him in a state of bemused shock.

"Damn woman, always such a tease. I promise, next time, I will break your back out." He grumbled to himself while walking away.

"Whew." Now in solitude, Quory glided over to a state-of-the-art table situated at the heart of the penthouse. The table top lit up responsively as she interacted with it. She summoned up a screen that displayed the lift containing Hao and the others. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Her stern gaze was fixated on the image of her rebellious son.

Back in the lift, the group carried on with their chat, oblivious to the fact that they were under surveillance.

Hao asked Mentos, "Hey, have you ever met my mother?"

Mentos shook his head. "No, I've only seen her picture on billboards and heard stories about her. They say she's a force to be reckoned with in the business world."

Hao let out a small laugh. "That's one way to put it. She's... intimidating, to say the least."

They continued to pass conversations back and forth. A short while later, the soft, polished steel doors of the elevator slid open to reveal the 110th level of Sphero's Inc. Hao, Mentos, and the Bastians came out into a sprawling, high-tech space where ideas were born and brought to life.

The open-source laboratory was a web of innovation; a melting pot of the sharpest minds on Crossblades. Engineers from different branches converged here to brainstorm, collaborate, and launch revolutionary projects. The air buzzed with energy, ambition, the unique tune of intellectual fervour and technological prowess.

The laboratory contained machinery and shadowy corners replete with whispered ideas. Modular workstations populated the space, equipped with advanced tools and equipment. High above, the ceiling was an intricate structure of technological voyage that reflected off the chrome surfaces.

Nestled among the workstations were compact, yet comfortable apartments for those who wished to stay overnight. Each dwelling was designed with an aesthetic that blended seamlessly into the lab. The convenience was unparalleled, it allowed the engineers to work late into the night, so their minds were free from worries of the journey home.

As the group ventured further into the workstations, Mentos and the Bastians followed Hao closely while looking around in mild apprehension. Hao, however, moved with the familiarity of a native. The lab was a part of his past, a part of him. The world around him buzzed with the rhythm of creation that only he could appreciate fully.

As they continued to navigate the space, their explorations were interrupted by a sharp voice. "Hey, you can't be here, this is a restricted area." A young woman in a white lab coat, whose eyes were hidden behind safety glasses and her brown hair pulled back into a tight bun, blocked their path.

"Hmm." They halted then a silent standoff ensued between the group and the newcomer. The air around them thickened, moreover, the lab descended into an abrupt lull.

The woman's gaze was stern, and her posture defiant. "Listen here, you guys are intruding in a restricted area. How did you even gain access to this place? I thought only authorized persons had access and clearly you're not worth the intelligence beaming off my shoulders."

Hao was about to say something to knock this arrogant woman down a notch, however, before he could respond, another figure darted over. A middle-aged man whose face was lined with years of diligent study instantly recognized Hao. He quickly grabbed the woman by the arm, pulling her away and whispering urgently into her ear. She looked at Hao again with surprise and embarrassment. She quickly scurried off, leaving the path clear for Hao and his companions.

In her wake, the whispers began rippling through the lab like the aftershock of an earthquake. "So that youth is the heir of the company's founder?" A voice floated from a corner.

"He is." Another person confirmed with disbelief tingeing their words.

"That's him, really? I thought he'd be older," A third voice chimed in, carrying a note of intrigue.

"What's with those beasts of his?" an engineer asked while eyeing the Bastians cautiously.

Undeterred by the whispers, Hao led his companions further into the lab, towards a particular workstation present at the back which only he could access. It was spacious and filled with all kinds of tech paraphernalia. There was a glass door that led to a balcony that overlooked the city. It was a sight that Hao could not fully perceive through his unique Vibe Sense, but it was a partial view that he cherished nonetheless.