Ambush In The Narrow District  


A sharp intake of breath resounded through the room as Yoad landed on the grubby floor like a sack of potatoes. Surprise twitched his features, and he was up on his feet in a flash, brushing off his attire with a vengeance.

Nearby, Kiera was giving the wall a right good seeing-to with her Serpent's Lash. SLASH! SLASH! There was a fury twisting her features into something fierce with a grunt for punctuation on every hacking swing. For all anyone knew, she was picturing Mentos' mug on that innocent wall and giving it what-for.

"Mark my words, those rotten beast nappers are in for a chop-up!" she bellowed. Her words rebounded off the lonely architecture. They had sought refuge in a timeworn building in the Parkour District, a stone's throw from the Wranglers District. Unbeknownst to her, her quarry was just a quick sword stroke away.

"Lost her marbles, she has," Yoad spoke softly while watching Kiera unleashing hell on the poor wall. Turning to Barkcode, his faithful beast sidekick, he gave a nod towards the stairwell. "Let's nick off while she's occupied."

In complete accord, Barkcode trailed behind Yoad, creeping towards the stairwell. Their movements were slow and careful, trying not to ruffle any feathers. But, just when they had descended a few steps, a loud yell reverberated through the building, bringing them to a grinding halt.

"Get your arses back here!" The words came from Kiera, sounding anything but chuffed.

"Darn it." Yoad and Barkcode hustled back up the stairs while their hearts were galloping a mile a minute.

"Thought you could pull a fast one, did you?" Kiera shot a threatening glare at Yoad, moreover, whipped the air into a frenzy.

"Hu!" Yoad gulped, taking in the sight of the dancing whip with a sense of impending doom. That's when Kiera's gaze landed on Barkcode, and her lips curled into a wicked smirk.

"Why didn't I think of this before?" An idea sparked in her mind. "That Bastian of yours, with its keen sense of smell, could probably lead us straight to those beast nappers. Oi, sniff them out for me." She gave it the command but the beast whined in protest, only answering to Yoad's orders. That got Kiera on the warpath, so she began threatening to sever their Beast Link. "Do you hear me, brat? I'll cut both of you up until you're an inch close to death."

"I'll help, I'll help! Just leave us alone," Yoad eventually buckled feeling a touch shaky. "Not sure how well Barkcode's nose will work in this busy district, but he'll give it a try." His gaze flitted out the window, landing on the bustling scene outside with a pang of anxiety creeping in.

"Shut it and get to work, you weasel, before I skin you alive!" Kiera's patience was hanging by a thread, hence her barking orders.


On the flipside, over in the Wranglers District, Scar and Vicky bounced along in an old, rusty truck, navigating the tight lanes. Vicky, the formidable woman riding a wheelchair, took up most of the truck bed. Raven was there too, eyes peeled for trouble. Two other persons were up front in the driver's pit.

"Why'd you save that little punk and also gave him a new arm and all?" Scar grumbled with his displeasure for Hao clear as day. "You should've let him croak."

"And why did you leave him and his mate back there with Lanor?" Raven pitched in equally curious like Scar. She wasn't too fond of Hao, considering he'd cut down her friend, Silas.

Looking out at the road fading behind them, Vicky just shrugged and said, "Don't worry, Raven he won't try anything stupid. As for why I saved him, let's chalk it up to his X-Class sword. It only resonates with him. If we want to execute our plan and bump up our survival odds, that sword might just be our lifeline."

Scar grumbled some more, not quite buying what Vicky was selling. "I get all that, but still that little shit is..."


His words were abruptly cut off due to a sudden ambush. Dark figures in ragged attire sprung from their hiding spots, leaping from the buildings on either side. More were tailing them on modified carriages drawn by lizard beasts—Libdo Rangers, their mouths were leaking acidic venom and their eyes were twinkling maliciously.

"Is it Rector's lads?" Raven queried, eyeing the attackers.

"Nah, just some Slum Rats trying to pilfer our cargo. Deal with them, will you." Vicky instructed, unbothered by the sudden onslaught.

"You've got it, boss, I've been waiting for the chance to cut somebody up." Like a maniac, Scar picked up his weapon—Scissor Cleaver which was unique as he was. Its twin blades, shaped like an extended meat cleaver, opened and closed with a menacing snarl, ready to slice through anything that dared to cross its path. After licking the sharpness of his Blade Edge, Scar got to work.

"Die, you cock suckers!" He leapt to the side where he met an incoming enemy mid-way and completely cut him apart.

Slash! Slash!

"Don't leave me out!" Raven also joined in on the fun with her matching pair of daggers in hand. "Come get some!" She beckoned hotly upon seeing a Slum Rat climbing up the side of the truck. She met him there and commence the twirl of her blades.

Whoosh! Rattle!

The burly man with a grizzled beard who was driving the truck looked through his rear-view mirror and shared with his companion, "Huh, it's bleeding hell back there. Those bandits aren't messing around."

"Speed this shit up then!" Yelled the other passenger.

"That's what I'm doing!" The driver sunk his foot on the accelerator, moments later, he was caught off guard by a Slum Rat that lunged at him through the side window. "Ah, get off me!"

"Pull this truck over!" The Slum Rat tried to twist the steering wheel into a crash, but the driver held his ground, moreover, his companion was also doing his best to aid him by trying to kick the assailant out.

As it seemed he was about to be overpowered, Raven came along from the outside and sliced through the enemy.


"Arh! Bloody hell!" With blood spewing from his side, the Slum Rat sprawled onto the dirty street below.

"You ok?" After checking the driver's condition, Raven returned to the rear of the truck where the Slum Rats were mostly condensed.

"Get them, boys!" With this tall order, the Slum Rats rained down from the rooftops like swarms of locusts. Their rusty blades, though lacking in finesse, were brandished with a desperation that made them dangerous. Beast Carriages manned by Libdo Rangers were closing in behind the truck, sounding their menacing roars that were bouncing off the buildings and the residents' stalls that were set up on the sidewalk.

"These damn rodents chose the wrong person to rob today." Vicky remained calm. Bide her time before triggering the Gatling gun affixed to her mechanical left arm gauntlet. "Have a load of this, you fart sauces!" BAM! BAM! BAM! She started spraying a barrage of bullets towards the incoming threats. The lucky ones scrambled, seeking shelter from the bullet storm while the unfortunate ones were riddled with bullet holes.

"Kyah! She got me!" This fella died before he hit the ground and got run over by a Libdo Ranger.

"That big bitch has a gun in her arms! Ignore the small fries and take her out first!" This man who operated a Libdo Ranger alongside the walls seemed to be the leader of the gang. At his behest, over a dozen Slum Rats began launching themselves from buildings towards Vicky.

"Who does that bastard think he is calling a small fry?" Scar was pissed when he heard the man's voice through the blood-splattering and bone-crushing he was dishing out to the Slum Rats who ganged on him. He wanted to go and help Vicky but he was too busy. "Dammit!"

"Get her!" Screamed the dozen of Slum Rats approaching their oversize target sitting in her wheelchair.

"Got a big surprise for you lot," Vicky's devious grin split her face into a maleficent portrait. She waited until her opponents closed the distance before she flicked a switch on her wheelchair which triggered a transformation that sent missiles whizzing through the air before detonating amidst the Slum Rats. BOOM! The resulting explosion propelled them skywards. Body parts scattering, coupled with their screams, formed a haunting chorus through the district.

"Ha-ha! That should teach those bastards not to mess with us." Scar relished the sight of the Slum Rats' visceral strewing all over. "It's high time I finish up on my side as well." He returned to dissecting his enemies.

Slash! Slash!