Chapter 99 - Wheelz, My New Arm!  

Taking us back to Vicky's domain, a simple yet inviting table was stationed outside, gathering the attention of Lanor, Hao, Mentos, and the sprightly young ones. This table was no beauty queen, mind you. The timber, weather-beaten and worn, told stories of years past. It bore three objects. First up was a punchy, ruby-red soda can, a celeb in the Wranglers District for its saccharine, fizzy goodness. The second was a glass cup, plain as a butter knife yet elegant in its simplicity. Currently vacant, one could almost see it brimming with an icy concoction on a scorcher of a day. Finally, a guitar, its wooden frame radiating under the sun's rays. Its strings were stretched taut, set to strum melodies at a finger's touch.

Mentos, with curiosity bubbling over, was the first to shatter the silence. "Oi, what's all this, then?" His gaze had a dance with the guitar, a look of bafflement flickering all over his face.

Hao, having issues with the clarity of his vision, had to rely more on his sound perception to comprehend the arrangement. He was trying to piece together the items from the noises they made when Lanor decided to be his tour guide.

"The ensemble includes a soda can, a glass cup and, surprise, surprise, a guitar," Lanor was gentle as she traced each item with her fingers, the reverence akin to introducing Hao to old mates.

"A guitar, really? You're pulling my leg," Hao was bemused, not having considered a guitar in the lineup.

"I had the same inkling," Mentos joined in, still looking at the guitar. He traced his fingers over the strings, and a soft tune resonated in the calm of the afternoon.

Breaking it down for Hao, Lanor painted a clear picture of the training regimen with these everyday items. "These, my friend, are going to be your workout buddies. The soda can is a lightweight champion, the glass cup ups the game with a bit more heft and requires finer precision. The guitar, on the other hand, is your crash course in the finesse and control you'll need with your shiny new arm." Taking a breather, she added, "And by the way, we're calling your new arm Wheelz."

That caught Hao and Mentos off guard, "Wheelz?" Both were left scratching their heads over the choice of name.

"Why the moniker Wheelz?" Hao queried, getting a feel of the name.

"Well, I thought the name was pretty cool, mate," Lanor confessed with an infectious smile.

"That's a bit naff," Mentos, quick to show his displeasure, had his arms crossed and a frown making a home on his face. He went on to suggest an alternative, "How about Clunker or... Rusty?"

"Nope, put a sock in it and go stand over there. We're sticking with Wheelz," Lanor had enough of Mentos' meddling, and with a sweep of her hand, she sent him off. With Mentos sorted, she had her focus back on Hao.

She produced a screwdriver from her toolkit and approached Hao with it. She was on him in a flash, with the screwdriver going to work on Wheelz. "Wheelz here is a compilation of intricate machinery. The most crucial part that you should keep tabs on is the Steam Splinter Cells." Opening a compartment, she revealed 3 canisters teeming with silver dust and bubbles fizzing around. It was warm to the touch, a result of the energy it housed. "These power up your Wheelz, and it's currently housing three of these cells."

Midway through her explanation, she gave a knob a twist with her screwdriver and a wave of steam hissed out. The kids, taken aback by the sudden eruption, recoiled with surprised shrieks. But the steam dissipated quickly, leaving behind a whiff of metal and heat.

"Cor, that's a bit hot," Hao remarked, taking note of the lingering heat. He gave his new arm a flex, the mechanical joints whirring smoothly under Lanor's proficient tuning.

"You good, Vee?" Mentos rushed over to check on his mate while carrying a hint of worry and admiration for Hao's new arm.

Once the heat had cleared fully, Lanor plucked a Steam Splinter Cell from the Loader of Wheelz, a compartment specifically built to house the cells. She then displayed the cell proudly for Hao to admire.

"He's blind, you idiot," Mentos chided, amused at Lanor's mistake. "Hao can't exactly make out what you're showing him."

"Oh, right," Lanor admitted with her cheeks donning a blush.

"Hahaha!" The kids broke into fits of laughter with their giggles dancing in the serene afternoon.

"Shut it!" One glare from Lanor and they were back to their poker faces.

The cell was then carefully put back into its home in the Loader. "Alright, let's start off with something simple," Lanor grasped Hao's arm and began guiding him in the direction of the soda can.

"Don't worry, I can locate it myself," Hao reassured her. Despite his blindness, he could still sense the objects around him.

Hao extended Wheelz towards the soda can, the cool surface offered a refreshing touch against his mechanical fingers. He was surprised to feel the droplets of condensation on the surface, providing him with a tactile blueprint of the object.

"Wow, this arm's tactility sensors are surprisingly good." He went to pick up the can but squeezed too hard, causing the can to slip and tumble to the ground with a soft clink.

Lanor was quick to recover the fallen soldier and put it back in its place. "Give it another go, Hao. Remember, strength doesn't win the game here; it's all about control."

"Ok." Hao agreed and took a deep breath to compose himself. Reaching out again, this time his touch was more measured. He felt the can's resistance as his fingers closed around it. Tightening his grip, he held the can firmly without squeezing too hard. He was overjoyed when he managed to pick it up without dropping it this time.

"I did it!" He couldn't contain his glee, an impressive feat considering the circumstances.

"You nailed it, mate!" Mentos couldn't resist a cheer.

"Yeah, you were awesome!" And the kids followed suit with their accolades permeating the air.

"Eh." Hao blushed slightly at the attention

"Those sprogs seem to be quite taken with you. They don't show me half that affection," Commented Lanor with a playful hint of envy in her voice.


Their celebration was abruptly cut short by an explosion in the distance, a plume of smoke rising from behind a few rundown buildings. The sudden shock made Hao lose his grip on the can, crushing it in the process.

"What's that?" Mentos' focus was fixed on the rising smoke.

"Is it serious?" Hao's nose twitched, picking up the scent of something burning.

"Just another day in Wranglers District, don't fret," Lanor shrugged off the commotion as routine and pulled out another soda can from a bag by the table. "Let's get back to work," she commanded Hao.