In My Heart

When will Gustav finally get rid of this anxiety? After all, David has never, not once, suggested that he is interested in a girl. Already more of a man....

Gustav turned on his side. No, he won't fall asleep. His heart was beating too fast and his head was full of thoughts. He won't work, he was too tired for that, but maybe a walk in the fresh air will calm him down a bit, relax him? He won't go out for long, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Gustav heard David close the front door, so he won't see Meiden outside the bed and won't be mad at him. So actually, maybe a little exercise will do Gustav's body good. And a sip of fresh air.

Thinking no more, he got up and got dressed. His muscles were painfully stiff, but that was the fault of spending many hours in front of the computer. If he stretches them, they should feel better. In fact, the very decision to go out for a walk relaxed him a bit.