
"Are you trying to tell me you're a faggot?" asked a pale Berenice, and David felt as if he had just been hit by a five-ton boulder.

"What did you say?"

He had to ask. He couldn't believe that such offensive words had come from Berenice's mouth. She, his goddess for more than ten years could speak so disgustingly about any man? Could she talk like that about him?

Apparently Berenice realized what she had said. She was confused.

"I'm sorry. You surprised me," she replied with pale lips. "I have to go now. Bye!"


She walked away with a quick step leaving him in shock. Berenice, who literally moments ago asked if he loved her, now called him a faggot? But... why?

He was in deep shock and noticed that he was unable to even move his leg. The woman he had considered an ideal, a deity, called him such an insulting name! Why? Hadn't they been good colleagues before? Was the fact that he was dating a man so offensive to her?
