Indigo Cloud City

Indigo Cloud City, one of the seven most populated cities in the Black Tortoise Continent, was the only city in the continent’s northern region with a population of over two million people. Its governor, Xiaolin Feng, was Xiaolin Lun’s father.

The city is home to qi-users from various sects and clans that varied in size. Most institutes could only send one representative to participate in the competition. However, the Xiaolin Sect, the Fire Fortress Sect, and the Soaring Sword Sect, the three largest sects, could each send up to three representatives. Xiaolin Lun was formerly a member of the Xiaolin Sect, but he left the clan to settle up his own village, the Floating Cloud Village, outside the city; he could send one separate representative to participate in the tournament.

“Sir, in less than half a shichen we’ll arrive at the city’s west gate. Would you like to visit any place before registering for the tournament?” Chun Jiangtu asked.

“No, we’re going to register for the tournament first. Then I will visit my father along with Fong and Yue before joining you and Leng San at the resting spot within the city.”

“Understood,” Chun Jiangtu slightly bowed.

Excited, Leng San got a chance to do some sightseeing along the way

‘One thousand five hundred years is such a long time. Things have changed a lot since then. The arts, the residences, I am, perhaps, one of the few who had overseen the transitioning of eras.’

After the registration, Leng San and Chun Jiangtu separated from the rest to search for a place to stay within the city. Leng San, out of curiosity, asked Chun Jiangtu.

“Elder, why must we find a place to rest? Couldn’t we stay at the governor’s residence? Isn’t the village chief the son of the governor?”

Chun Jiangtu shook his head.

“You did not know what had happened. Four years ago, the village chief resided in this city as the governor’s son and as an elder of the Xiaolin Sect. Obviously, life was easy back then, everyone in the city gave him respect and Xiaolin Yue was only fourteen years old. However, due to her city-toppling beauty, the son of the leader of the Fire Fortress Sect, one of the largest sects within this city, fell for her. The leader of the sect then proceeded to propose a marriage between his son and Xiaolin Yue to the governor. Xiaolin Lun refused to let his daughter marry the son of the Fire Fortress Sect, a well-known womanizer. He wouldn’t let something like this happen to his daughter, who he could give up his life for.”

“But the influence of the Fire Fortress Sect is comparable to the Xiaolin Sect. If there was a confrontation, both sects might be ghosted away from the city. To avoid possible confrontation, my master volunteered to move out of the city for the sake of the Xiaolin Sect.”

“Even though my lord had left the clan, the Fire Fortress Sect could not force my lord, the son of the governor and the younger brother of the Xiaolin Clan’s leader, to hand over his daughter.”

To clarify, the governor wasn’t the leader of the Xiaolin Clan; it was his oldest son.

“Deducting from what you’ve said, the village chief’s enemy is the Fire Fortress Sect.”

“Correct!! Please do not take it easy on the representatives of the Fire Fortress Sect, if you were to confront them within the tournament. Just don’t let them die.”

“Please leave it to me, elder,” Leng San smiled, the corner of his lips slightly tugged up.

‘Xiaolin Yue, she doesn’t quite like my face. If I could defeat her enemy, she might have a change of heart.’


The first round of the tournament took place the next day. Flocks of participants, eight hundred aspirants in total, gathered at the arena. The first round of the tournament would be separated into sixteen divisions, with fifty participants per division. In other words, the first round was a battle royale, only the last two participants left will be eligible for the second round, totaling thirty-two participants. Via a lucky draw, Leng San was assigned to the seventh division. After the lucky draw, all participants would stand by beneath the stage and take turns to appear on the stage, starting from the first division.

“I have confirmed that Leng San was assigned to the seventh division. No one in the division has qi that is higher than the third level of the indigo stage, except one participant,” Chun Jiangtu reported to Xiaolin Lun.

“Brilliant!! We were quite lucky. I believe Leng San could easily survive this round of the tournament. What about the other young participant that you speak of?”

“Erm…” Chun Jiangtu appeared hesitant.

“Why do you appear to be hesitant? Just tell me his name and qi level.”

“He’s the tournament’s favorite, the same age as Leng San, with a seventh-level indigo qi. He’s the number one prodigy of the Indigo Cloud City, the only son of the Soaring Sword Sect, Yi Longwang!!”

Xiaolin Lun stared at Chun Jiangtu. His irises widened.

“W..What did you say!!”