I Will Become the Trash You Wish to See!!

Xiaolin Lun was perturbed. This prodigy, only fourteen years old last year, was one of the youngest participants in the tournament at the Indigo Cloud City, but he, who was only at the fourth level of indigo stage, was able to cause quite a stir by defeating the eighteen-year-old Xiaolin Zhi, the prodigy of the Xiaolin Sect, whose qi was at the sixth level of the indigo stage. That match had been the talk of the town throughout the Black Tortoise Continent.

“Sigh… We could only hope that Leng San could avoid an unnecessary confrontation with Yi Longwang, who would probably be one of the two participants to proceed to the next round.”

Anxious, Xiaolin Lun held his temples.


The first round of each division was filled with unexpected turns of events, especially the rounds that included participants from the three largest sects in the city. Rounds that had more than two participants from the three largest sects would always be exceptionally boisterous.

The skills of disciples of each sect weren’t that far from each other, despite coming out victorious, superficial injuries were unavoidable. The tournament continued to spur on, spectators cheered on the participants, until it was the seventh division’s turn.

“Participants of the seventh division, come up to the stage,” one of the referees announced.

Little by little, the participants came up to the stage. But there were only eighteen participants out of fifty!!

The only possible reason was Yi Longwang, the prodigy, and the tournament’s favorite. The boy’s qi was several levels higher than the other participants and he’s the successor of the Soaring Sword Sect’s leader. Not to mention his qi, just his inherited martial arts was superior to the core disciples of other sects, who were considered dragons amongst the commons. It would not be far from the truth to say that Yi Longwang was a dragon amongst dragons.

The other participants chose to not participate from the fear of sustaining life-threatening injuries that might cripple their ability to fight for the rest of their lives. For the rest, their only hope was to survive along with Yi Longwang.

Once Leng San stepped onto the stage, sounds of criticism echoed throughout!!

“What in the world!! That kid’s qi is still in the violet stage.”

“Hahaha… Look at that idiot.”

“Go home you scumbag!!”

“We need an apothecary to prescribe some medicine for his head.”

Not even one word of praise, only two words, ‘trash’ and ‘scumbag’, resonated within the arena.

Leng San smirked. Why would he let these words get to him?

‘If you guys really want to be entertained by a “trash”, then I will answer your wishes, by becoming the kind of “trash” that will trample on all of you in the end!!’

Once Leng San reached the stage, the participants were divided into two sides. One side was made up of sixteen participants and the other side was a boy of small stature, about Leng San’s shoulder. The boy stood tall with arms crossed to the back. Despite his feminine face, he had a piercing gaze, along with seventh level indigo qi.

“The match will start now!!”

Once the referee gave the signal, sixteen of the participants started going at each other with all they had at once. The match looked like a riot scene. Blood spilled within five breaths.


“Finger Shower!!”

“Rock-Smashing Eagle’s Claw!!”

Flows of qi and aura from the techniques of the participants shone on only one half of the stage!! No qi was able to penetrate the other half.

Leng San looked at the other side and saw the tournament’s favorite stood still, without any change in his stance!! And even though some of the participants was losing control and was sent to his side, they would be panicked and hurriedly go back to the other side.

Amongst the sixteen participants, two of them spotted Leng San. They darted towards him!!

“Trash!! I will get you out of the way!!”

Leng San smirked, before circulating his qi towards both legs, and… ran away!!

“Please don’t kill me!! I’m scared!!”

“Please don’t kill me!! Please don’t!!”

Leng San ran around the stage, screaming like a headless chicken...

The spectators, participants, and even the referee were speechless!! No words could describe the scene they were witnessing. After a short while, bursts of laughter exploded within the arena.

“Hahaha… look at the trash!! He’s running around!!”

“This is the first time we’ve seen such a coward!!”

“How did he become a representative of the village?... What an embarrassment.”

Xiaolin Lun and Chun Jiangtu felt like their bodies were shrinking from embarrassment.

‘Why is he running around?’ Both of them were having the same thought.

Leng San didn’t stop running, ignoring the laughter that came from all directions. And of course, he didn’t stop screaming for help either.

“Please don’t kill me!! I’m so scared!!”

However, once a participant got near him, the boy would miraculously dodge and gave the opponent who was about to attack him a light push before falling onto the floor in confusion. The only person who did not fall for his acting was the other prodigy, Yi Longwang.

‘He’s hiding his true colors.’

He continued to observe Leng San, waiting to see his opponent’s capabilities. The boy then frowned in disappointment after realizing that it wouldn’t happen in the near future.

“To speed up the tournament, I, Yi Longwang, will be the one to judge the outcome of this match!!”

“Radiant Sword!!”

Yi Longwang released his qi, which slowly transformed into the shape of a sword. Seventeen rays of qi in the shape of a sword shone all over the stage and shot towards each participant in the disguise of an excuse to test Leng San’s competency.

Leng San could sense the qi sword that was rocketing towards him. The boy frowned as he knew that he couldn’t evade the attack without using his ability.

“Mountain Dragon Qi!!”

Clinkkkkk!! It was as if the qi sword hit a chunk of iron!!

Once the light from the swords of qi disappeared, sixteen participants were seen rolling on the floor in pain. The only participant left standing was Yi Longwang, while Leng San was...

Crouching on the floor, trembling with fear...

Yi Longwang’s eyebrows knitted together. He didn’t understand why his opponent had to put up such a show.

‘His defensive qi was marvelous, but why did he choose to act like a coward?’