It’s Not Time Yet...

“Sixteen participants were eliminated from the inability to fight. The winners of the seventh division are Yi Longwang and Leng San.”

“What!! That scumbag was just running around!! Shit!!”

“What the hell!! Why is he so lucky!! He was just running around the stage. The randomness of his path probably helped him evade Yi Longwang’s sword of qi.”

“Is the referee blind? Did he just win by avoiding fights?”

The referee of this match, Xuanwu Jincan, had been sent from the Xuanwu dynasty, the ruler of this continent, to provide an unbiased judgment. His qi was at the sixth level of the green stage.

Leng San looked like he won the match out of pure luck, but Xuanwu Jincan saw through his acting as well!! He didn’t know Leng San’s motive, but he was certain that Leng San had been hiding his capabilities, so he allowed the boy to advance to the next round without a qualm.

The tournament then continued until sixteen divisions had their winners, totaling thirty-two participants. All the remaining participants were summoned to the stage by the referee.

“I will announce the rules of the second round. In this round, qualified participants will have to pair up to compete in a two versus two match against neighboring divisions. The winning team will advance to the third round, while the losing team will be eliminated. Division one and division two, please get ready. The rest please step down from the stage.”

Leng San’s team was scheduled to be in the fourth match.

In this round, Leng San still carried on with his chicken run. Yi Longwang, alone, ended the match in less than ten breaths. Both of them were able to advance to the third round.

“Why is that scumbag so lucky again? He got to pair up with Yi Longwang.”

“Referee!! Your judgment is unfair!! He survived out of pure luck.”

“Goshhhh… that trash with violet qi got to the third round, but I was eliminated at the first round. What the hell!!”

Eliminated participants were heavily criticizing the referee who let Leng San advance to the third round by running away from confrontations. The referee, however, did not care about the complaints as Leng San did not break the rules of the tournament.

Sixteen participants remained after the second round ended.

“The third round will be a one-on-one match. The losing side will be eliminated. The matchup will be decided by a lucky draw. Please come up to the stage.”

According to the result of the lucky draw, Leng San’s match will be the first one in the third round.

“The third round will take place tomorrow morning. Remaining participants, please have a good night’s rest. The tournament will resume the next day!!” The referee announced.

After that, everyone left the arena. Leng San continued to be Indigo Cloud City’s favorite topic!! His qi was the weakest out of all the participants, but he managed to survive to the third round by just running away from opponents!! The referee’s judgment was heavily criticized. However, the crowd couldn’t wait to see how pathetic Leng San would be during tomorrow’s match.

Once the lucky draw was over, remaining participants went separate ways to return to their lodgings to heal their injuries by drinking medicine or with the help of doctors of their sects, in order to be in their optimal condition for tomorrow’s match.

“I want to know why you tried to hide your capabilities by acting in such a manner, in the arena?” Yi Longwang approached Leng San from the back and asked.

Leng San turned to the boy and smirked. He knew that Yi Longwang saw through his act from the beginning.

“It’s not time to show yet!!” Leng San shortly answered.

Yi Longwang frowned and left without a word.

“No wonder everyone dubbed him as the number one prodigy of this city. An exceptional martial artist he is. It would prove to be difficult for me to defend myself if he was wielding a real sword.”

“Hmph!! What an idiot!! You really didn’t know?” Freya’s voice perked up.

“Know about what?” Leng San was confused.

“That participant is female.”

Leng San couldn’t believe his ears and turned his back to look at Yi Longwang, who was walking away.

“It’s true that Yi Longwang’s facial features were quite feminine, but what about her body? Breasts? Hips? Where’d they go?” Leng San was dumbfounded, but he chose to believe Freya, the Devas’ king’s daughter, who never lied.

“Ugh!! I couldn’t believe you didn’t see through her disguise. My specialty in medicine taught me everything about body structure. This girl used qi to alter her body structure by shrinking the size of her breast and hip, more than that, she altered her throat to create a slight protrusion, Adam's apple. But she couldn’t fool me.”

“If she were to return to her original appearance, her beauty would be comparable to Xiaolin Yue!!”

“Ohhhhhh!!! So she managed to fool the entire city,” Leng San grinned while rubbing the tip of his chin.


“Absurd!! You managed to advance to the third round, but why did you have to act in such a manner!!”

Xiaolin Lun bawled at Leng San. His face was red as a beet.

“Please pardon me, I believe that this isn’t the right time to show my cards and I am already a ‘trash’ in the eyes of other people. I am just answering their wish to see a monkey show,” Leng San calmly answered, completely unfazed by Xiaolin Lun’s anger.

“Sigh… You’re just…” Xiaolin Lun sighed and shook his head.

“Well, you did manage to survive till the third round, so I will let you do as you please. But please show the crowd what you’re made of and take away my embarrassment in the first two rounds.”

“Thank you, I will not let you down in the next round,” Leng San cupped his hands and humbly bowed.

“In the next round, your opponent is Zhong Jiangfan, the son of the West Wind Village’s chief. This is the boy that offered to represent our village for five thousand gold coins. You must not lose to him.”

“Oh, so this is the thief that tried to rob you in the disguise of offering help. If that’s the case, I will teach him a lesson, that even five gold coins are too expensive for him!!” Leng San grinned.

“Good!! Now get some rest and heal your body for tomorrow’s match.”


On the morning of the third round, the number of spectators increased by threefold from yesterday as the final rounds would take place on the second day of the tournament. A different arena that could hold more than a hundred thousand people was separately prepared for the last rounds.

Sixteen participants were present for the third round. The winner of the tournament must consecutively win four matches. The expected winner was, of course, Yi Longwang.

The time for the first match has arrived. Leng San would go against Zhong Jiangfan. Once both of them stepped onto the stage, the crowd became alive!!

“Hahaha, the scumbag actually came to the match!!”

“This time, Yi Longwang isn’t here to help the scumbag!!”

“I am waiting for your chicken run. Stay in the fight for at least three breaths. Hahaha.”

Provocation from all directions surrounded Leng San. The boy completely ignored the voices and looked at Zhong Jiangfan with his signature smirk.

Leng San cupped his hands and humbly bowed as usual.

“Master Zhong Jiangfan, please go easy on me.”

Zhong Jiangfan stared at Leng San with a look of disgust, as if he was staring at a piece of trash.

“This is the representative of the Floating Cloud Village? If they accepted my offer, they wouldn’t have to face such an embarrassment!!” Zhong Jiangfan said, looking down on Leng San.

“I will go easy on you. I will give you a chance to attack me first. Come on, scumbag!!” Zhong Jiangfan held out his right hand and flicked his finger to provoke his opponent.

Leng San smirked before disappearing into thin hair, circulated qi to the palm of his hand, and reappeared right in front of Zhong Jiangfan.


The loud sound rang throughout, no one could’ve missed it. It was the sound of Leng San’s palm slapping onto Zhong Jiangfan’s cheek!!

Zhong Jiangfan’s head flipped from Leng San’s slap of the palm, sending his body flying for ten steps!!

“Ohhhh, thank you for giving my palm a chance, Master Zhong Jiangfan…”