
Violet qi shone bright. Everyone could sense the overwhelming quantity of Leng San’s qi. If they weren’t here to witness the amount of this lowest-rank violet qi, covering more than one hundred feet of area, with their own eyes, nothing would’ve convinced them that this wasn’t just a fairy tale.

Qi that dispersed in the atmosphere was then compressed into the palms of Leng San. He opened his arms to ready himself for the attack of countless indigo swords of qi.

Within the blink of an eye, the indigo swords of qi kept coming out of Yi Longwang’s body, replacing Leng San’s violet qi. The target of the qi swords, which came from all directions, creating a dome shape covering the stage, was none other than Leng San!!

“Leng San, this technique is called Heaven’s Veil Qi Swords. This is my strongest technique. Step forward, if you wish to forfeit, or else, this technique might critically wound you or kill you!!”

“Please ready your attack!!” Leng San’s open arms were imbued with violet qi that shone vividly.

Yi Longwang squinted her eyes.

“Heaven’s Veil Qi Swords!!”

After Yi Longwang called out the name of her last technique, the swords of qi bolted towards Leng San in an instance!!

“Raging God’s Sky Breaker!!”


An immense amount of compressed qi exploded from Leng San’s hands. It shredded the indigo swords of qi that were cornering him immediately.

Swords of qi that appeared from Yi Longwang’s body were eaten alive by the Raging God, like an insect that flew into burning flames.

After destroying the swords of qi, more than fifty percent of qi remained within the Raging God’s attack then assaulted Yi Longwang’s body.

The color of Yi Longwang’s face completely drained. Fear took over her heart. The incoming Raging God made her feel like she was standing at the base of a snow mountain, waiting for an avalanche to end her life.

Yi Longwang’s body trembled. She couldn’t move her body, her irises swelled up, as death was only one step away. The girl was in despair.

As Yi Longwang was on the brink of death brought by the Raging God, the god of death himself reached out a hand and unexpectedly wrapped it around her waist. Once the Raging God was only three steps away from her, it was as if the dimension of time had been distorted at high speed. Once she regained her consciousness, she was standing behind the trail of the Raging God.


A loud crash resonated, creating a mini earthquake. Yi Longwang’s side of the stage then disappeared, leaving just a hole that had a radius of five meters behind.

If the referees weren’t able to pull up their wind wall, a defensive qi, in time, numerous spectators would have been injured.

“Master Yi Long, if you’re still holding onto me, I’m afraid… we might be misunderstood.”

Leng San’s words helped Yi Longwang regain her composure. Her body was being held by Leng San, like how a groom would hold a bride. Both of her arms were holding onto Leng San’s neck. The girl turned beet red like a ripened fruit, ready to be harvested.

“R...re...release me now!!”

Yi Longwang fled from the boy’s embrace. Her face was still bright red. Was she angry? Or was she embarrassed? She raised her trembling arms and pointed at Leng San.

“Yo...yo...you’re such an opportunist!!” She expressed her anger.

“I saw that master Yi Long wasn’t even trying to evade my attack. I was afraid that my lady’s...ah! your face might be scarred forever. So, I just assisted you in evading my attack,” Leng San smiled as he crossed both of his arms behind his back.

“If you still want to fight, please resume the match.”

Yi Longwang’s face gradually turned pale at Leng San’s words, as if it had awakened the fear within her heart. She reorganized her memories and realized that Leng San was the one that saved her from the grasp of death! But the death was also created by Leng San!!

Yi Longwang snapped out of her nightmare and regained her graceful composure. The girl slightly shook her head, turned to the audience, and cupped her hands.

“I, Yi Longwang of the Soaring Sword Sect, had accepted his defeat.”

After the end of the sentence, the crowd’s heated conversation was deafening!!

“He defeated Yi Longwang!!”

“Shit!! His power is debilitating!”

“Oh my godddddd!!! Master Leng!!”

“The number one prodigy has been chaaaanged.”

After the tournament, within half a day, the entire population of the Indigo Cloud City would know about Leng San, the representative of the Floating Cloud Village!!

Xuanwu Jincan, the referee, frowned in wonder.

“His last technique is very similar to the techniques of the Devas, or maybe he isn’t a human? No that’s not possible. Usually, the Devas have white wings growing from the middle of their back and their hair is golden. Who is this Leng San?”

Despite his curiosity, Xuanwu Jincan didn’t ask Leng San directly.

Humans in general didn’t know about the existence of the Devas and the Asuras as opening the dimension that connects between realms was quite difficult.

Those that knew about the Devas and Asuras were limited to only leading clans of each continent that had a history of more than a thousand years!! To which the Xuanwu Dynasty was one of those.

“The winner of this year’s youth tournament of the Indigo Cloud City is Leng San of the Floating Cloud Village!!”

The referee announced.

Xiaolin Lun’s body trembled in delight.

“He...he… really won the tournament. Hahaha.”

“The result is far beyond our expectations,” Chun Jiangtu commented.

Everyone in the arena started seeking answers to the questions they had in mind. Who is this boy? Where did he come from? Which sect did he belong to? But no one was able to find an answer to any of the questions, as Leng San’s background was a complete mystery.

“Silly kid, you need to escape,” Freya’s voice warned Leng San.

“What’s the matter, Freya?” Leng San slightly frowned. He was waiting for the awarding ceremony.

“Several users of powerful qi are heading this way. And all of them are users of fire qi!!”

“Wh...wh...what did you say!! This is bad. They are probably members of the Fire Fortress Sect.”

Leng San needed to think of a plan, as he started finding a way to escape from the arena. Suddenly, the boy spotted someone that might have enough authority to get him out of this place.

Leng San smiled, cupped his hands, and slightly bowed.

“I need your help, Elder Xuanwu Jincan!!”

Leng San asked in a voice loud enough for other people to hear.

Xuanwu Jincan was a little confused. He raised his right arm and revealed his palm as a gesture to allow Leng San to speak.

“It is true that the winner of this tournament will be awarded a big sum of money and an offer to join the ranks of officials governing this city.”

“But I am not interested in these prizes. What I would like to wish for is to be accepted as a member of the Xuanwu Dynasty and become one of the main forces in protecting our Black Tortoise Continent. Elder, would it be possible to grant the wish of a young one?

Xuanwu Jincan smiled and nodded. Personally, he would be very pleased to have Leng San, a prodigy in martial arts, be added to the defense of this continent. But Xuanwu Jincan, with his position, did not have enough power to officially accept the number one prodigy of the city as a new member of the dynasty.

Nonetheless, he was glad that Leng San had shown his interest.

“Brilliant, what an honorable ideology for such a young person. I would be more than glad to have you join the ranks and files of the dynasty, but…” Xuanwu Jincan seemed uneasy as he said.

“What is bothering you, elder?”

“Honestly, it’s certainly a good thing for the dynasty to have such a skillful official like yourself, but we would need a royal decree to offer a position within the dynasty. It will be necessary for me to return to the palace, propose your idea and issue a royal decree to come here and take you back to the palace. In total, it would probably take around three months for the whole process.”

“Th..th...three months!!” Leng San lost his composure.

‘Shit!! I have to hide myself from the Fire Fortress Sect for three months!!’

“Is it possible to let me accompany you for the returning trip?” Leng San went on with the only plan he had in mind, which was to be under the protection of Xuanwu Jincan. The Fire Fortress Sect would not be bold enough to declare themselves as an enemy of the Xuanwu Dynasty.

“That isn’t possible. I traveled here by riding the Swift Eagle. He could only carry the weight of one man.”

“Well then, this young one will leave this matter for you to proceed. I will wait for you and the royal decree in this city,” Leng San cupped his hands and slightly bowed.

“Alright, I will depart now and come back as soon as possible,” Xuanwu Jincan brought out a seal from his dimensional ring. A bright light suddenly flashed.

Within ten breaths, the Swift Eagle, a blue stage magical beast, flew down from the sky at lightning speed. Xuanwu Jincan then hopped onto the eagle’s back and exited the city. Within the blink of an eye, the man and the bird were already three li apart from the city.

Leng San was stupefied. He didn’t think that Xuanwu Jincan would leave the city this early!!

“Wa...wa… wait, elder…”

Xuanwu Jincan was too far away to hear Leng San’s voice.

‘Shit!! This old man, why is he in such a hurry. I thought he was going to rest here for at least two to three days so that he could somehow stall some time to let me escape. This won’t do. I have to escape from this place immediately!!’

As Leng San was about to use his light-body technique.

“Whose name is Leng San!!”

The voice echoed throughout the area. From his sense, Leng San knew instantly that the owner of the voice had a low-level green qi!!