
‘One with green qi, six with blue qi, and thirty-seven with indigo qi. Shit!! Why do they need this much manpower to pursue just one kid with violet qi?’

Leng San tried his best to keep his facial expression from changing and remained calm. He was the winner of this tournament. The Fire Fortress Sect wouldn’t be bold enough to harm him right in the arena.

“I am Leng San. Is there a problem?”

“You shitty brat!! Stop fooling around. You knew that your technique had turned our young master of the Fire Fortress Sect into a cripple and destroyed every single meridian in his body!!”

“Today, I, Su Zhao, one of the seven elders of the Fire Fortress Sect, will avenge for my nephew, Su Guanbiao!!”

Su Zhao disseminated his high-density green qi. The people within the area were uncomfortable with its pressure.

Actually, Su Zhao and his men had spread out within the arena as Leng San was talking with Xuanwu Jincan. He waited until Xuanwu Jincan left the arena, before making a move to cut off any possible escape points.

Leng San’s eyebrows slightly furrowed.

‘This doesn’t look good at all. Negotiation doesn’t seem to be an option.’

Leng San cupped his hands and bowed in his usual manner.

“Elder Su Zhao, I believe there might be some misunderstanding between… ah!! Elder Xuanwu…”

Leng San looked past the shoulders of men from the Fire Fortress Sect and painted a sign of relief on his face!!

Su Zhao and his men turned pale and immediately looked behind.

Leng San slyly smiled.

“Dragon Spirit!!”

Once Su Zhao looked behind, he had to knit his eyebrows, as there was nobody behind, not to mention Xuanwu Jincan. Su Zhao turned back to find that Leng San had disappeared...

“Damn it!! That lying son of a bitch!! He tricked us!!”

Su Zhao’s face turned red with anger at the thought of being tricked by a brat.

“Users of blue qi, separate into three groups and head to the north, south, and east gate. Those with indigo qi will search within the city. I will go to the west gate. Use the signaling fireworks of our sect to notify the others immediately, once the boy is located!!”

Su Zhao ordered his men and went straight to the west gate.

Everything escalated within less than twenty breaths, confusing the people of the city.

“The...the little master of the Fire Fortress Sect had become a cripple!!”

“Never thought that that boy, Leng San, could be this cruel.”

“He won’t be able to escape the influence of the Fire Fortress Sect!!”

“Master Leng!!” One of Leng San’s fangirls shouted his name.

The crowd had commented on the situation amidst the confusion.


Leng San escaped to the south gate. He predicted that Su Zhao, who was the strongest, would head to the west gate; the path to the Floating Cloud Village.

“Silly kid, where are you going?” Freya asked him.

“I am thinking of heading back to the Valley of the Ten-Thousand Trees to cultivate my qi. If I have any remaining strength, I will return to this city and wait for Xuanwu Jincan.”

“Xuanwu Jincan can’t save you from the pursuers, for now at least. Why do you have to come back to wait for him?” Freya was curious about the boy’s plan.

“It’s true that returning to the city is no different from returning to the tiger’s cave. But joining the Xuanwu Dynasty would allow me to access items that could help me become stronger rapidly. And the Xuanwu Dynasty might have some records about my clan, tracing back one thousand five hundred years ago.”

“Hmm… not a bad idea, and why are you running towards the south gate? The Valley of the Ten-Thousand Trees is located to the west of this city.”

“I am ninety percent sure that the old geezer, Su Zhao, will wait for me at the west gate, so I have to take a roundabout to avoid confrontation with him. He’s the only person that I won’t stand a chance of surviving.”

Once the boy reached the south gate. Two members of the Fire Fortress Sect, with blue qi, had just arrived as well. Even though Leng San possessed the light-body technique, his speed was inferior to both of them because of the difference between the two stages of qi.

The men’s names were Jia Aodi and Jia Aodong. They were instructors within the Fire Fortress Sect, their qi was at the second and third level of the blue stage, respectively.

Once Jia Aodi caught sight of Leng San, he immediately lit the signaling fireworks.

‘I must finish both of them within twenty breaths, or else Su Zhao will reach here first, to which my chance of escape will be reduced to zero percent.’

Without a word, Leng San circulated qi to his palm and dashed towards Jia Aodong instantly!!

“Raging God’s Sky Breaker!!”

Jia Aodong was startled. He never thought that a young one with qi that was twelve levels and two stages lower would initiate the fight without hesitation!!

The man circulated defensive qi and used his right hand to receive Leng San’s attack. But, due to underestimation, he used only seventy percent of qi, while chuckling at the stupidity of this kid who attacked without calculating the difference of qi.

However, once their palms touched, Leng San’s Raging God qi absorbed seventy percent of the man’s qi. His face turned pale, as he couldn’t understand what was happening, but he knew that he underestimated his opponent!!!

Jia Aodong’s body traveled a distance of thirty meters before hitting the city’s wall and dropped to the ground. Blood spilled from his mouth. The man’s life wasn’t in danger, but the injuries were serious enough to have him bedridden for a month!! His qi was two stages higher than the boy, but he didn’t even have a chance to attack!!

“Aodong!! How could this happen!!”

Jia Aodi couldn’t believe his eyes. Everything happened within a split second!! He couldn’t even put down the signaling fireworks in his hand yet, but his brother was already seriously wounded.

Jia Aodi didn’t dare to undermine his opponent after seeing what had happened to Jia Aodong. He circulated one hundred percent of his qi and fused it with fire qi within his body. The heat from the man’s body made Leng San feel like he was standing before a large bonfire.

Jia Aodi sprinted towards Leng San. Previously, he aimed to capture his prey for Elder Su Zhao. But now, seeing his brother who was seriously wounded, he changed his objective. The man would kill his prey instead.

“Searing Palm!!”

Blood drained from Leng San’s face. The boy circulated qi and used his left hand to receive Jia Aodi’s powerful fire qi attack.

As the man’s palm touched Leng San’s palm, he felt nothing, as if one hundred percent of his qi had evaporated into the boy’s palm.

“Arghhhhhhh!!” Leng San hollered in pain from the burning heat. He ground his teeth and released his killing intent as he sternly glared at Jia Aodi.

“At first, my plan was just to escape, but you gave me no choice!!”

“Ocean-Shifting Dragon!!”

A hundred percent of Jia Aodi’s qi that had been absorbed by Leng San’s left hand was transferred to his right hand. Then the boy coupled one hundred percent of his qi to the qi he absorbed into an attack to Jia Aodi’s chest within half a breath.

Previously, the boy used the Ocean-Shifting Dragon to transfer incoming qi to the ground. But this time he chose to reflect the damage back to the source!!

“Arghhhhhhhhh!!” Jia Aodi wailed in agony.

The man attacked Leng San with a hundred percent of his qi, meaning that there wasn’t much qi left he could use for defending himself. As expected, his defense was shredded like a piece of paper.

Blood flooded Jia Aodi’s five orifices. The pulses that ran through every part of the man’s body burst. The man’s body plopped down to Leng San’s feet and lost its life!!

Leng San’s condition wasn’t any better than his opponent’s. In addition to absorbing qi that was two stages higher, the boy was visibly burnt by Jia Aodi’s fire qi, sustaining second-degree burns to more than thirty percent of his body. His internal pulse line that ran through his body was seriously injured. The boy couldn’t move his body anymore. His consciousness slowly slipped away as he dropped down beside Jia Aodi’s corpse...