Introduce Himself?

Greatly amused, Leng San smirked as he saw the core disciples coming this way and greeted him in an unfriendly manner.

‘They really wanted to kiss the floor.’

The man who spoke to Leng San was around twenty years old. His qi was at the ninth level of the indigo stage. Perhaps he would be promoted to an instructor soon. It was apparent that he was the leader of the core disciples!!

Leng San stood up, cupped his hands, and bowed.

“Please let me apologize. I saw that all of you were practicing, so I didn’t want to disturb.”

Instead of endearment, Leng San’s humility sent the core disciples into a fit of laughter.

“Hahaha, Senior Brother Yang Jing, look at this spoiled brat, he knew how to save his own ass.”

“Hey, rich boy, don’t think that you’ll get smarter by staying with Master Yi Longwang.”

“If you didn’t have a strong connection with the higher-ups, we’d probably beat you to a pulp. Don’t act too arrogant.”

Yi Longwang could not stand them anymore.

“It’s inappropriate for the core disciples to insult a new member like this...”

Yi Longwang suddenly stopped speaking as an icy hand touched her arm. She was a little startled before seeing Leng San grinned in a way that sent a cold sensation up her spine.

“,” her lips quivered.

“Master Yi Long, please calm down. Please let me and the seniors settle this tiny issue by ourselves.”

“But…” As Yi Longwang was hesitating, she saw Leng San squinting his eyes at her. All she could do was to let out a sigh. The girl wasn’t afraid that Leng San was going to get injured. But she was afraid that the gang would be too ashamed to continue their career as core disciples of the sect!! Yi Longwang held Leng San’s shoulder, moved her face close to whisper to him...

"Please go easy on them."

Leng San slightly nodded. The girl then walked to the direction of the core disciples and tapped the leader’s shoulder.

“This is all I can do.”

After speaking to the leader, the girl left the core disciples behind. The group looked at each other with great unease. Leng San quickly approached the leader of the group once he sensed their hesitation… and bowed as a sign of respect.

“Senior brother, to maintain our good relationship, why don’t we participate in an activity together?” Leng San slightly smiled.

“An activity?” The leader of the core disciples frowned.

“Let’s have a little friendly sparring. So, we can know more about each other!!”

Leng San had the smile of a devil on his face.

“Haha, you want to have friendly sparring with me to improve our relationship!! This is the funniest story I’ve heard this month.”

The leader laughed in amusement to which the rest of the core disciples laughed along. However, Leng San’s smile became even more intense. This was the boy’s peculiar habit. His smile got wider as he got angrier!!

“Who told you I was going to have a one-on-one match? I was about to challenge all of you to have friendly sparring with me.”

Their laughter grew quiet. Rage was brewing inside them. The face of the core disciples turned red. The Indigo Cloud City called them prodigies!! There were more than ten thousand disciples in the sect, but only thirty of them had risen above. But now they were being taunted by a new disciple who just joined the sect today!!

Normally, they wouldn’t lay a finger on Leng San, no matter how much they taunted and insulted him as Leng San was going to represent the sect in the tournament which would decide the sect’s reputation until next year’s tournament. Furthermore, the boy had been endorsed by the leader of their sect, Yi Longhu, himself. They would never take the risk to injure Leng San. But now the boy had mocked them and proposed to take them on.

“Great!! As you are the one who proposed that you wanted to get closer to us, we will not turn your request down!!”

The leader of the core disciples released an overwhelming amount of energy. Some core disciples even took a few steps back to get away from the pressure of the level nine indigo qi but...

Leng San picked up a manuscript without care, read a few pages of the manuscript, and said, without looking at the face of the core disciples.

“If you come at me one at a time, it would take about fifteen minutes. I recommend that all of you should come at me at the same time to save some time, which is certainly better for the both of us.”

The core disciples were stupefied. Their bodies trembled with rage as their teeth forcefully ground as an outlet for their anger. Leng San said that if all of them were to spar with him one by one, it would take fifteen minutes, which meant that it would take only half a minute for each of them to be taken out!! This was the first time in their lives to be abhorrently insulted.

“Shit!! You spoiled brat. I don’t care what kind of ties you have with the higher-ups. If I could not step on your face today, I will shave my head!!” The leader of the disciples declared. It made Leng San’s brow jerked a bit.

‘He is going to shave his head. This is going to be fun!!’

The declaration made Leng San put the manuscript down. He then turned to face the core disciples to grin at them, cupped his hands, and slightly bowed.

“Your proposal is very enticing. Let’s make a bet. If your group could defeat me, I will give you this,” a light flashed from the boy’s dimensional ring. Suddenly, a massive amount of gold coins dropped down to the floor.


The sound of gold coins that fell onto the floor continued for a while. The eyes of the core disciples almost popped out of their sockets!! Leng San looked straight at them and grinned.

“The amount is five million gold coins. If any of you can defeat me, I will give you all of this. But if none of you can defeat me, all of you must shave your head and call me Senior Brother Ma Chen!!”

Leng San’s words didn’t enter their ears. They just nodded along as their attention was focused on the five million gold coins!!

Leng San spread his arms out and eerily smirked. His threatening and killing intent gushed out from his body. The intent then regained the attention of the core disciples, who were looking at the gold coins. They gradually looked up… but they were too slow. All of them were trapped in Leng San’s field of energy!!

“The fourth of the Five Leng Clan’s Techniques, Illusory Dragon!!”