Changing Attitude...

Illusory Dragon was a technique for disturbing the mind, directly with qi, by mixing up killing intent and threatening intent, creating an illusion within the conscious mind. The merit of this technique was it could be used on a crowd, affecting each of them simultaneously!! The area of effect spanned over a hundred meters with Leng San as the center. If this technique was used on a user with high stage qi or a veteran, their movements would be halted for only about two to three breaths. But if it was used on these inexperienced core disciples, the effect would be exceptionally intense!!

Within the field of illusion, the core disciples saw Leng San grow larger to more than two meters, five meters, ten meters... until they could not see Leng San’s face. It was as if the boy could cover the sky by extending his hands!!

The pupils of the disciples dilated. Their lips quivered as energy drained from their hands and legs. Every step that Leng San took created an earthquake. Whenever the boy blinked, the sound of a thunderstrike resonated. The boy’s breath felt like it could blow them away. The core disciples shook in fear like hatchlings that were holding on to each other, in front of the king of dragons!!

Leng San stomped on the ground once. Thirty disciples were pressured to sit down on the floor, unable to resist. Five of them were wetting their pants. The hair of three disciples stood up as if they’ve met an apparition that came from hell. Leng San smirked and flicked his hand once. The illusion suddenly disappeared, leaving the core disciples in a pitiful condition. Leng San circulated qi for a new technique he just learned by reading the manuscript earlier...

Level Five of the Qi Swords Manuscript!!

“Ten Thousand Heaven Qi Swords.”

Over ten thousand swords made from qi appeared in the sky. Each of the swords was imbued with immense energy!! The atmosphere distorted from the thousands of qi swords in the sky that covered more than three hundred meters of area.

Then Leng San flicked his hands once. Thirty qi swords out of ten thousand vibrated and shot towards the core disciples. Each qi sword was imbued with blue qi, radiating an overbearing pressure. The qi swords looked like a beam of light through the bare eye. They couldn’t catch up with the speed of the qi swords at all!!

Thirty beams of qi sword pierced into the ground between their legs as they were sitting. The spot that the qi swords landed on was only half an inch away from their crotch!! The color drained from the hatchlings’ faces. Nothing could describe their feelings as they were about to become infertile!!

“Tomorrow, when I see you guys, your heads must be shaved, without leaving even one strand of hair. Otherwise, the qi swords will land on your crotches instead!!”

Leng San shouted and turned his back towards them to go and pick up the gold coins and manuscripts. Ten thousand qi swords instantly disappeared from the sky. The atmosphere then returned to normal. The whole performance was only thirty breaths long!!

The leader of the core disciples was the first to regain composure. Even though his body was still trembling, he tried to get up. He then looked at Leng San with fear before cupping his shaking hands, bowed, and said...

“Th...thank you for teaching us a lesson, s..senior brother.”

Leng San grinned as he walked to tap on the man’s shoulder, softly.

“You didn’t break your promise. From now on you must act as my representative and teach your junior brothers well.”

After finishing his sentence, Leng San left the training ground, leaving a trace of overbearing horror behind...

“You are a monster. It took me three years to learn that level five technique!! And the potency is only twenty percent of what you just did,” Yi Longwang stood with her arms crossed as she was waiting for Leng San.

Leng San slightly shook his head.

“Actually, I am able to use these techniques right away because I’ve seen the original techniques of the Soaring Dragon Sect. And the basics of the techniques were more than forty percent similar to the Leng clan’s techniques. I have never practiced them before, but if I wanted to, it wouldn’t be hard for me.”

“’ve seen the original techniques of the Soaring Dragon Sect before? So, this means that some of their members are still alive!?” Yi Longwang’s eyes opened wide. She always thought her sect was the only sect inheriting the Soaring Dragon Sect’s techniques.

Leng San was dumbstruck. Being careless, he realized he spoke too much. But it took him only two breaths to fabricate a new story.

“Few members of the Soaring Dragon Sect are still alive. But they are not in the Human Realm anymore. They were staying in the Deva Realm. I’ve visited them before when I was younger.”

Leng San smoothly told his story, smiling. Yi Longwang had no way to prove that his story was a complete lie. Leng San then looked at the girl and saw her reaction. Her eyes dilated even more as if it was about to pop out!!

“The Devas actually exist!?” She was completely thrilled. Her eyes shone bright as she was talking about the devas.

“Of course. Even the Asuras exist,” Leng San’s expression became a bit stern when he said about the Asuras. The boy let out a sigh and returned to his normal self.

Yi Longwang’s mouth was hanging. She raised her hand to cover it. The girl was on the fence about what Leng San told her. As she was about to open her mouth to ask more about these legends, Leng San abruptly changed the topic, seamlessly. The girl then followed Leng San’s lead and eventually forgot about the existence of the realms...

In the next morning, there was an exciting occurrence within the Soaring Sword Sect. Thirty core disciples had completely shaved their heads!! Even the instructors and elders of the sect tried to get an explanation out of them, but no one said anything. They only said that it was what they wanted to do, and it wasn’t against the rules of the sect, so nothing could be said against the core disciples.

Leng San walked to the training ground with Yi Longwang. He saw that all the core disciples were bald. The boy only grinned without saying a word. But Yi Longwang laughed out loud as she held her stomach. She was the only person in the sect who knew about the reason behind their baldness.

The core disciples continued to train under the supervision of the same instructor. Leng San cupped his hands and slightly bowed like yesterday. The instructor acknowledged with a smile and a nod as usual. But what changed was the attitude of the core disciples. They ran in unison towards Leng San. The sunlight that reflected on their shiny bald heads almost blinded Leng San.

They lined up in front of Leng San and bowed together, before shouting with a loud voice.

“Good morning, senior brother!!”

The instructor was, of course, confused by their attitude towards Leng San that drastically changed overnight...