Amidst the Enemies

“Hmph!! It doesn’t matter what reason you spit out to justify your offense. In the end, you’re the one who had brought so much loss to our sect,” Su Zhao fought back to cover up the boy’s reasoning.

“Hmph!! You dirty old geezer, Su Zhao. Remember that you are the one who brought the demise of your sect,” Leng San pointed at Su Zhao’s face.

“Bullshit!! You scoundrel will not leave this place alive. I might not know how you cut the bond of my Heaven Shattering Axe, but I know the fact that I will kill you tonight and cut that bond from you!!” Su Zhao held up the Heaven Shattering Axe, but the rune did not glow as he was not its owner.

Leng San took a glance at the Heaven Shattering Axe. The boy was not afraid to lose the axe, as he would certainly take it back once he had the chance to revenge. As long as he could escape out of this place tonight, Su Zhao would not be able to use the Heaven Shattering Axe.