Amidst the Enemies (2)

On the other side, Su Songyu and the others were in a state of chaos due to the detonation of the runic weapon. Tens of instructors had sustained serious injuries, to which some of them had lost their limbs. As the explosion was so sudden, the majority of them did not circulate their defensive qi to protect themselves in time.

“Elders, please look after the wounded instructors. Elder Lin, the leader of the elders, please look after my son. I saw Leng San throw Su Guanyu’s body to the bush over there to save him from the blast. I could sense my son’s life energy. Please take care of the rest. For Su Zhao, if you want to kill Leng San with your own hands, follow me!!” Su Songyu swiftly gave out instructions.

“Understood, my lord,” all elders cupped their hands to acknowledge the commands.

Su Songyu and Su Zhao hastily followed Leng San’s traces...

The moon, dimly lit amidst the dark sky, was, all of a sudden, masked behind ominous clouds, blacking out the night completely.