Unexpected Incident…

“My lord, could you please answer one question of mine?”

The question marks on Lin Yecai’s face were apparent. The boy’s background was shrouded in mystery. Whether it be his sudden appearance in the north part of the Black Tortoise Continent, the number of runic weapons that he had given to those who were loyal to him, generously, despite the scarcity, the boy’s fire qi that was far superior to other fire qi, or his miraculous ability to cross the stages of qi.

Lin Yecai, a man of knowledge and experiences, could not explain any of the phenomena that seemed to center around the boy. He previously intended to follow Leng San’s orders without question or hesitation, but now he could not suppress his curiosity anymore.

“Please do.”

Leng San’s reply was concise. His calm demeanor made it clear that he was ready to listen to the question, but he did not promise that he would be able to answer them. The boy responded by saying ‘please do’ in order to hear out the question first...