Leng San's Encounter

A little earlier...

Leng San was heading for the battle without any information. He could only sense the enormous power of many people. The number of people he could sense was greater than only the experts of the Qinglong Dynasty. There were also intense battles taking place.

On his way, Leng San sensed a familiar aura and immediately went to the position. He met Ye Niuhong, who was escaping from the battle area.

“General Ye, what happened inside?”

“Leng San!! Where the hell have you been?!!” Ye Niuhong spoke in a furious manner. It took another moment for Leng San to calm him down. Then, Ye Niuhong began to tell the whole story that had happened, from his own point of view.

Of course, Leng San, after hearing it, had to spend time analyzing the true story from the words of Ye Niuhong. From everything he said, not even one in five parts of the information was useful.