Temporary Alliance

“Of course not. I do not know how to open and close such an ancient portal. But that does not mean that I do not know how to fix or change it. It is all up to you whether to accept my condition.”

Leng San spoke with a firm look in his eyes.

Qinglong Xuanyuan opened his eyes wide and showed a staggered expression.

“What? Can you do that?”

“Your Majesty, please do not trust the boy's words!! Lu San is a member of the Institute, which has joined the war on the side of the Federation!! He even came here on an assassination mission and executed it successfully.

How can we trust him?" War God Qinglong Hao said it.

“I agree with Qinglong Hao. It is clear that Lu San cannot escape from such a situation, so he lies to you. If we give him a chance, he will escape at once!! Or even worse, if you agree with him on something, he might use it to trick us into accepting some conditions!!” War God Qinglong Chun immediately added.