Squinting my eyes against the bright light that my body rose to unwillingly, I wriggled my nose as the smell of antiseptics invaded my nostrils. I knew this smell, this suffocating smell I detested more than anything in the world cause of the dreadful memories associated with it.
The first time I got to inhale this smell was my first visit to the hospital which happened last year when my dad got diagnosed with an illness that almost claimed his life. I can't recall being in any hospital before that cause instead of going to the hospital whenever I fell ill as a child, which happened seldomly, dad would always call our family doctor to our house to treat us, so I never knew this smell.
My frequent visits to the hospital for almost a year through his stay here changed my perspective on how fragile the human body is and also how things can change drastically in a blink of an eye into something disastrous. The terrifying emergencies that occurred every day also added to my plight.