Are you sure this is a vegetable garden and not a zoo?

Birds, pheasants, wild rabbits... all sorts of creatures were crammed into the vegetable garden. Squeezing through the gaps between these animals, one could spot numerous snakes coiled up on the ground, resting. The beasts that couldn't fit into the vegetable garden were packed tightly around it, layer upon layer, making it impenetrable. 

At a glance, one couldn't see any of the lush green vegetables, only these wild animals!

"Are you sure this is a vegetable garden and not a zoo?" Troy asked Alexander, who was standing beside him.

Alexander's face darkened as he strode forward. It had only been a few days since his last visit, and the vegetable garden had turned into this mess? What concerned him most were the vegetables and the Starfruit he had planted here before. 

Given the density of these gathered animals, the Starfruit he had planted... was probably trampled into oblivion by now.