We're here to turn ourselves in

The day Felix stormed into Elixirium with his crew, a lot of folks saw it happen. It was 'William' and his buddies who snagged the Regeneration Draught from Evelina and brought Felix back from the brink of death. 

There were plenty of witnesses to back this up, making it impossible to dispute. So, the killer leaving William's name at Cedar City's gates wouldn't normally hold any weight. 

To pin a murder charge, you first need a motive. Why would William save Felix with the Regeneration Draught only to wipe out Cedar City? It's a huge contradiction that doesn't add up. 

But what's even stranger is that the Order Association in Lysander City used this as a lead to issue a warrant for William and his pals! When you think about it, the whole situation is full of contradictions and weirdness. Yet, that's how things unfolded. 

Who is the real killer? What's their goal? Julian was pondering this when a knock came at the study door.