
Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Zayne paced forward, as the shattered asphalt of the bridge broke beneath his feet. He used the dance, the most powerful skill he had, to end the battle, but he hadn't made a single move yet, leaving it to Elein.

"Shit... I have to move... I can't let it end like this..." Elein muttered; she was used to fighting to the very end and was going to follow that rule now, but she didn't have the strength for it.

As soon as she tried to move, she felt great pain all over her body, and blood trickled from the corners of her mouth. She'd spent all her energy on the last attack, and now the best she could do was stand on her feet and lean on her katana.


Elein's eyes went wide when Zayne was suddenly in front of her. It took him a while, but Elein just didn't notice him as she was thinking about something else entirely.

"This is the end." Zayne said confidently, looking at Elein with his dark eyes.