Consequences of the Battle

After every great battle there were consequences, it was inevitable and obvious. Zayne and Elein's fight was no exception to this rule, on the contrary, it was perhaps one of the most striking examples in general.

Zayne and Elein didn't just get attention because they were strong and the audience wanted to see them fight, but also because of the moment in which it happened.

People's lives changed overnight, everyone was puzzled, and many didn't understand what was going on and how to live their lives, but Zayne and Elein gave them the answer to that question.

Regardless of who that person was and what role they played, everyone understood one simple thing - if you were strong, no one could stop you, you gained freedom even in the new world.

By then, a full day had passed since Zayne and Elein's fight. The government used all its powers and resources, both forceful and political, to bring the city to order and calm the chaos.