Some Random thinking while waiting [Edited]


Soooooooo we have around 9 months...


This is gonna be a long wait even with my patience

So let's recap some point that I may or may not have missed

A gender-bender God? (I'm still doubting that walking taking flash light ) kissed me and threw me blue balled and I can't do shit .....

Got Saitama's physique....sweet deal btw

Got a built in auto translator if in another world (like skyrim or other worlds where earth based languages don't exists)....wait now that I think about it ...isn't it totally useless ?

It's supposed to translate only languages that aren't related to earth in any way and now I'm on earth- no wait aliens exists here...

I resist the urge to faceplam (not that I can)

Ok so that's usefull

Moving on,

Got mind protection, another sweet deal but I really wanted to fuck with telepaths

Imagine this, you're just randomly scanning people and suddenly hear some Eldritch/World ending level stuff and boom I start some secrect war or just freak them out and yes I'm talking about Jean, would be totally fun to do that know what I'm adding that to my bucket list

Good job me

And pretty sure that's possible cause his(Saitama's) powers are totally illogical

Man could literally travel at FTL(faster than light) even before finishing his training, Imagine the stuff he can do after completing his training and I don't even need to talk about after his fight with Garou man could literally rip wormholes apart like it was nothing

Now let's...nah probably gonna keep the 'gifts' till I'm out

Don't wanna be born without a mum now do we ? That's just a perfect Emo MC background, so no

And I say gifts cause no way in hell that was just a normal kiss

Will gladly jump in front of a moving truck AGAIN than doing that

.....Why ?

Well here's the thing

I didn't just watch my death Just to zoom in and feel grossed out

I did it because I died from a FREAKING TRUCK-KUN in the middle of a crowd who just DISSAPEARED somewhere and it got me with a freaking 10/10 accuracy!

AND another thing


Why do you think I zoomed in ? just to see my guts ? (pun intended)

Fun Fact :- Spatial Distortion causes glitches or some random 'miss placed' effect or a light distortion on a small scale like really small scale, around cm or mm scale

And what did I find ?

A damn spatial distortion right at the moment when I jumped just a few centimeters in air

So in video it looked like I got jump scared and died by truck





Now let's put all this together

A ROB hired a Truck-kun

It missed

Then someone manipulated space and time (cause I remember dogging it, and then I'm back in the same place) to keep me in place

Got sent to this world

Now the only thing that was out of their calculations is Saitama's power

Bless whoever put that option in there

And let's be honest, they'll probably be watching me while I go around in this world so I really need to find a way to evade that, again Saitama's power break logic so I'll probably find a way to do that

Can't find my way back cause there's no lin- wait!....I can use their monitoring ways to track them!

Wow, Good job me

So that's solved

Then I need to find the damn truck-kun to find the ROB who commissioned my hit

cause for people who don't know full form of R.O.B, Random Omnipotent Being, it's literally in the name

Mf can be anyone and yes I'm counting Light as the 1st suspect but hey I can be wrong

Or I just blast the entire Omniverse problem solved...

Yeah not happening

Do you have any idea how big the Void is ?

It's endless

In every way possible and imaginable

So it's either

1: Play Spy for a bit find the little shit and skin em' alive with little torture..Yeah let's be honest imma make Joker's torture look like a good Sunday barbecue compared to what I'll do.

he...hehe .....hehehehehehe


Okay let's stop the villian act

2: Just go Klee on everything, end the omniverse

and find another one and invade it as a outergod?

Like I said Void is endless In every imaginable way

And no way in hell is there only one omniverse

Infinite possibilities remember?

And let's think about the main question

Which time will I be dropped into ?

Cause light said 16 years And said mcu but the problem is, will we go with the Iron Man 1 cause technically 1st flim or will be follow the plot ?

Because if we do then the 1st movie is

*~Drumroll ~*


They are technically the 1st cause they literally aided the civilization and are the guide of the entire human race

Yes 7000 years of doing absolutely nothing and holding the urge to destroy everything

Honestly he (Saitama) could control all his powers in just 3-4? idk years

Now imagine the stuff I can do in 7k years

That's just speed running the entire fucking plot of the novel

What ? You seriously thought I didn't know ?

Dude if Deadpool can go around pulling this shit

Bet your ass I can too

Cause one part of me still thinks it's in comma and this is just my comma dream.....





But again who cares

Imma just sleep and wait

Till next time

Peace ✌