A little Surprise


I look at the thing which is apparently a fucking planet ...

Ok wtf ?

Like seriously wtf ???







After cursing ever word in my dictionary I clam down a little.

"I really need to control myself

Don't wanna start kicking and have a early delivery "


After giving myself a mental faceplam and rubbing my eyebrows a little I look at the 10th thing

"So this is what the kiss gave me ?

A fucking planet? Since when did we travel to a fucking Cultivation novel ??"

For context and from my understanding of stuff

That is probably a inner core

Like the thing you get when you compress internal energy (ki, Qi , chi, Immortal energy, mana, Whatever fucking energy that allows this shit to happen)

It's like Gas -> Liquid -> Solid

Then you start creating a eco system on that

And work your way towards creating a Fucking Universe

"Just had to rub it in huh " Still trying to get over this shit

Sure Saitama's powers are just downright plot breaking but this? THIS !

This is path to Godhood served in your morning breakfast.

Sure he's strong can break reality down the line and beat the living daylights out of Gods and is practically Immortal and Invincible

but doesn't change the fact he's still mortal


Normal dimensions can't hold him

He'll just break em while just existing and doing absolutely nothing

The only place he can let lose is the upper dimensions or Dimensions of Gods or Immortal lands .....basically Godhood

So...am I God now ?

Honestly didn't need this big of a cheat this early

Could've just given it when I got 100% control on my normal powers


"It is what it is "

*In background *

"It is what it is " (just watch the damn video on YouTube you'll get the meme )

"...O...kay?" Yeah, I'm not even gonna bother to think about what just happened

It was the meme spirit I think?

Anyways now back to this problem

The question is

Can this thing be used to monitor me ?

....wait, if it is

Doesn't that mean the auto translator is also bugged ?






"Fuccccccccccccccccccccccck" I just give up

Fuxk this

I'm killing myself the moment I can grab something or move

"Hmmmmm Falling from a height will kill the baby me I think ? Let's hope the powers don't kick in or the way only to kill myself will be to rip my heart out by my hands "

If my powers do kick in then I'll become the living example of

'The only one that can kill me, is me '

Now why did I say that ?

Cause people only think Saitama is just a OP bored mf who lives however he wants

But they forget some points

Like his potential or growth

I mean the only reason he progressed slowly was because there was no one to match him or make him use his full strength

Boros tried, but his body couldn't handle his own power or he might have been able to make him a little serious.

Remember this, Boros is also insanely op and the only reason he lost was cause of his own body otherwise we would've seen a even more insanely op Saitama.

~Now Spoilers for those who didn't read the opm (One punch man ) Garou Vs Saitama ~

(You can skip the below explanation or just read the opm chapters, it's worth it )

And for those who read(red) it

Remember the speed at which he adapted and how fast he was improving

For those who didn't here's a basic comparison

At start of the fight Garou was improving at the speed of a F1 and Saitama was still able to fight him

But the moment his speed/improvement/potential increased

He straight up changed from a F1 car to a rocket

And that's when Saitama's potential started to unlock

At first it was slow

Like truck speed but as the fight progressed his growth also kept increasing

It went to the point that Garou couldn't even belive it

He had the power of a fucking God

He was getting stronger

More than ever


This ....thing in front of him was keeping up with him

No ....he was growing stronger

With every kick,punch , clash

He was going beyond him, he who was a God

And this mortal was able to superpass

(don't know if there's even a word like this in existence) that - God mode Garou

(His words not mine )

So yeah beyond God level growth so let's hope powers don't kick in the moment I'm born or I'm screwed

Imagine the shit I'll have to do just so I don't destroy everything around me just by random tantrum


I've got a lot work to do ....

A lot of work indeed

(mentally faceplams himself while throwing himself on the floor of mindspace )

"I'll leave those problems for the future me, now let's sleep "