More thinking and things getting chaotic ?

"Well past me, Fuck you " are the first words the moment I wake up

"Back to being Sherlock Homes "

Well after checking that planet/core for a while

I've got good and bad news

Good news : It won't affect me in any way

It's just there to save my

mind/soul/consciousness, pretty sure they thought I'll die from something random before gaining my full strength so she put it there as a fail safe

Should I die by any chance, she gets my soul

and she'll probably start again by erasing this runs memories, kinda like checkpoint or something?

Basically stealing me from Death of this Universe? Multiverse? Reality? Omniverse?

Honestly at this point I don't know

(Lady Death's either gonna be pissed or she has some kind of a deal. I'm not navie enough to think Gods of this world aren't in on this. They're pretty bored so anything goes )

Now the bad news is

When I said I checked it for a while

I wasn't kidding .....

I checked it for 10 freaking years !

And how do I know ?

Well got a birth timer remember?

So it became pretty obvious in 1st year and I immediately exited the planet waiting to be born but that never happened

Then I counted and waited

Result ?

I spent 9 years counting

And now I got a passive clock in my mind so a small win I guess

Doesn't make any sense does it ?

Well, when you can travel FTL you need to have processing speed and reflexes so you don't just destroy everything with a casual Shockwave

Otherwise Moon craking a little and Boros's ship tilting a little would've been the least of their problems

Conclusion: If I don't control this I'm gonna experience what all speedsters experience

Time Dialation (more than I already am )

Meaning expanding or well speeding my thought process to such levels that time literally freezes for me

And no I can't control time

It's just that my perception of time gets really messed up

Like 1 second suddenly becomes 1 hour or sometimes 1 day and it just keeps on getting worse and worse

Remember the small naps that I took ?

Well turns out those were really small naps

Like 1 hour small

And that's counting the total time I slept cause from my perspective, I slept for around 2-5 days

So basically I've just arrived in this world for 1 hour and I can already pull this shit .....Damn

Don't know if I should call myself badass or just plain Monster at this point

So to put it in simpler terms

If a normal person can think like 3-5 thoughts per second

Then I am at something around 1M TpS (1 million thoughts per second )

It just got Op to the point where it's not even funny anymore

And the worst part

It's getting bad

Cause it just went from 1M to 10 M





I need to clam down or I'm brain dead

Although it's not possible cause my adaptability is kicking in so my brain doesn't fry but the problem is my soul

I don't think it can handel this burden

Soul also have their limits

Why do you think Thena went mad

Too many memories without filter and fuck things up.

That's why people with photo graphic or Eidetic memory try to kill themselves most of the time or just go mad

If your brain can't process all that, it will literally shut itself down to protect itself

So in my case even if it's not memories or something

It's just random things

Really really random things

From rewatching all anime, movies, series to reading every single thing I've read(red:past tense u get the point)

And also thinking about the plot

like should I change it ? go with the flow ? cause chaos ?

What happens when I do ? Will I ever die?

Should I just kill myself and see what happens after breaking every connection I have to this or previous dimensions?

..... Okay you get the point

It's as difficult as trying to pause the song that's always in your head ....wait can I use this

Like sing a song to clam down ?

Not my idea but it should work right?

But then I'll just have Million voices singing that song

Wait.....If I can process all those thoughts....doesn't that mean I basically got every wizards wet dream ?

A freaking Accelerated Thought Process with Parallel Mind ?




I just came up with a very very absurd idea

If I can use Parallel thinking....then doesn't that mean I have a 2nd mind ?

And if I have a 2nd mind....doesn't that mean I can create a separate mind space ?!?!?!

Oh and quick side note

Although I've been saying this is my mindspace it's actually my soulspace

Cause when I thought about it ....

'Where do my powers come from ? Cause I'm damn sure they didn't just gave his (Saitama's) powers to some random fetus

And if they gave me powers then how can I have them while being here '

Then I thought about the process and every step I took

'It(light) never touched my body

It touched my soul '

So my powers are connected to my soul

And the floating planet just confirmed that thought

Technical it should be in my dantian

But it's here in my soul space/mindscape

Don't know how but apparently mindscape and soulspace is one thing cause as Cultivators progress their minds connect with souls?

No.Focking.Clue. Mate

Something to do with Unity I guess ?

So yeah I can theoretically be able to do that

And I have time ....well not exactly but you get the point

So let's get to work boys

wish me luc- no wait I shouldn't probably say that

Already have her curiosity

Don't need her attention

How do I know ?

Well.....remember those things in mindscape (ain't gonna call it soulspace, just makes it more confusing )

yeah so this is what they are .....I think ?

Golden Thread = Fate, cause why not ? there are legends about how fate is woven (is that even a word ?) in a golden thread

Black thread = Well Death duh, is that even a question

Red String = Probably to my soulmate, hey if I have a core of a Heavenly Immortal( I think ?) then I can bet that's a thing too

Black smoke thingy? = Honestly no idea, probably something related to Dark side (not evil or some shit, just Dark as in Yin of the Yang, Negative of the positive, you know opposing force stuff )

Red Crystal= Probably related to some dimension possibly from Cytto.....yeah don't know his name or that one guy who gave Wanda her magic? Gotta seepdrun memories for those names but no way in hell gonna say those out loud. Don't wanna summon them, names have power, calling someone's true name especially some dark gods can possibly summon them or you gain their attention nope

Neon Coloured smoke = Luck I guess, nothing comes to mind

Light = The gift when that flash light flicked my forehead

Blackish Purple Crystal = Dormamu that you ?

The planet or core ?= Is supposed to help me store stuff ? Cause one of the functions of the core is to store stuff on it's surface ....Damn Cultivators and their Cultivator stuff

Those just give me headache every single time

Anyway have lot of grinding to do

And hopefully will survive this without blowing my brain,

The Grind is real