Mistakes were made -Part 2

"Soooooo...." I asked the person in front of me

"So? " He asked back


"You already know the answer " Said another person who is now chilling on a beach chair....wait how tf did he even get that ?

"I mean I can guess.....So what happens now ?"

And that got everyone's attention

Well 'my' attention

Cause well apperantly splitting your mind,soul and memories can create alter ego ?

.....I wish I could trun back time and strangle myself


Memories ok it just creates a clone


That's just like giving Hitler nukes (bad example I know but it's just that bad )

"Okay then ...now what ?"

And they just looked at me with a face that said 'Bruh you for real?'

"You are the main one, you tell us " The One with black hair

"Yeah thank you for giving me existential crisis " the one with red hair

"Okay that was random but I feel you bro " golden haired / a fucking blonde?

"Main you better decide this quick before Dark over here goes emo mode " Said the one with a....yukata ?

Seriously where the hell are they getting all this stuff from!?

"Alright , Alright! Clam down everyone! First Introduce yourselves " But I'm immediately hit with a

"Are you kidding me ?!?!?" x 8

"You all know we can't use our previous name we need to come up with a new one....I mean I already had mine but you all need one "

One of them raises his arms


"Why do we need one ? Aren't we just your clones ?"

".....Fair point....well not exactly 'name ' but something like a ...Pet name ? The hell am I suppose to call you, 'Hey me come over here ' something like that ?"

"Yeah.....just call me Red then "

"Okay red thank you for that, everyone else ?"

"Fine ....call me Fate " said the golden haired

"For real?" x 8

"For real"

"Did you just absorbe the Fate divinity? " I ask dumbfounded

"I mean you did keep each one of those things inside so that was a passive effect I guess ? And we didn't exactly absorbe all of it, just 0.01% enough to change our appearance"

Then I looked at each of them

"So that means ...." I point at the emo looking one

"You're Death ?" and he nodded

"Not.Emo" he said and we just ignored him

"You're Dark " I said to the black haired one

"No call me Yang " he said


"Well Yang Is Dark so.... Yang"

"Not happening I'll just call you ....Kuro"

"....OK fine " he sighed but accepted the name anyways

"You're .....Dormamu ?" others just looked at me with a deadpan face

"Hey don't blame me he's wearing all blackish purple look like he's burning from the inside by a purple fire and I'm pretty sure I'm not nowhere near the damn stone so ...."

*Sigh* x 8 (Seriously why are they so in sync?)

"Yeah, you're right " Dorma- wait what do I even call him then, purple ? Okay going with purple till I get his name

" Till we are born we can't exple some of this stuff, Fate,Death,Luck and love are okay cause they are the natural cycle of life but Red and Purple are not" Said the one with Yukata

"He's right" Red says

"We are just like their agents or avatars or something, just there to cause chaos or Conqueror this planet for them " Purple continued

"So any idea how we should do it ?"

"Well theoretically we can just create a empty vessel for it and throw it somewhere " answered Death


"Or we can rip open space to void and throw it in and close it ?" Suggested Neon purple haired one

"Dude that's literally telling everyone 'Hey I can delete everything in existence, Notice me !' ...So denied " Said the one with black...hair.....

"Wait who the fuck are you !?!?" I point at him


"Yes you !"

"I'm You"

".....I mean which one are you ? Death is the emo looking one " I say but I'm immediately hit with a

"Hey! Not EMO! " Still gonna ignore him

"Kuro is over there chilling on the beach chair...

Seriously! Where the hell did a beach come from !? And where the hell are you getting that stuff !?!?" I'm losing my mind

"Bruh you dumb "x 8

Kuro pulling his glasses and staring at me

"We are literally in our mind, everything is possible, did you forget the shit you did last Chapter?" OK this mf can break the 4th wall too

Wait...why did I say too?

Nevermind he has a point

".....Fine I'm just gonna ignore the Blackie "

"Hey! Call me anything but that and you're the one who put that gift in me !"

"Now that mentioned it ...what the heck is that gift ?" x9 me included

"Well I thought it was some blessing or some stuff cause it was ...."

"Then what's the problem ? And why didn't you just absorbe it ?"

"Well the problem is that the energy in that is equivalent to a core of a low leveled Heavenly Immortal "

"Wait don't we already have that ?" I say pointing at the ground

(This conversation is taking place on the planet/core )

".....No , Heavenly Immortals aren't that weak,

I just went through every memory related to Cultivation and stuff and we are nowhere near the damn thing, we're just equivalent to a peak level Human Immortal "

And with that I knew the shit I had to do .....

"I need to reach Ascendant Immortal if I want to have a fighting chance against these kinds of things " (For more info go read Everlasting )

"OK what should we do then ?"

"Death,Fate,Luck I need you guys to see what you can learn from those divinities, don't try to actively absorb it, they'll probably notice it but don't create new laws keep that on hold,

Death, you're basically and technically a Shinigami so try to see if you can learn Bleach techniques, it'll be helpful fighting spiritual enemies.

Fate, see what the voyeur has in store for us, I doubt it's gonna be anything good considering the shit we went through.

Luck, check how blessed we are , don't wanna die by a lightning tribulation and see if you can increase our luck just to the point where we won't draw her attention. Now everyone got it?"

(AN:- For context, Luck is the one with Neon purple hair )

"Got it "

"Will do boss "

"Yup~ I'll check it ~"

'.....He's a airhead huh ' x 8

"Red and Pur- You know what I'm calling you Murasaki and red I'm calling you Rauđr,

I want both of you to see what you can learn from those, Chaos magic is good stuff and plus points with Wanda and Dark Dimension + Chaos can increase our Cultivation to atleast a low level Ascendant Immortal or mid level putting us on somewhat of a equal playing field"

"Yukata Dude See if you can learn Renewal Taekwondo and Rokushiki or atleast Geppo and Soru and see if you can find anything related to 7 Steps cause that shit is too OP to be left alone and as much as it's hurts me, we can't use our Cultivation cause we don't have a dantian yet to learn those or atleast learn them enough so we can start practicing"

"Kuro...Just go and chill or try to find where the damn thing came from "

"Ummmm guys ?" said the black haired one

"Yes Blackie ?"

"I swear to God I'll self-destruct if you don't change it !" he said starting to shine a little

"OK ok, chill, can't call you kuro cause we already got one ...any suggestions?" I ask the guys

"Well ...you can try it in another language?" Kuro

".....How about ....Surtr , means black in Norse " Said Fate

"And how do you know that ?"

"I don't know, it's just random knowledge from the passive absorption I guess ?"

"....OK...Fair enough....Then Surtr what were you gonna say ?"

"Well ....if each of us represent a things that was in our soul ....then where the hell is our soulmate thread ?"

"Shit" x 8 and we just faceplamed ourselves at the same time

"Looks like the explosion did do something, I thought it was just a dramatic effect ?"- Death

*Sigh* "Forget about it, we'll deal with that later

Survival is more important than some imaginary happiness "

A little sad I know but I don't wanna chase someone who might have not even be born yet and knowing Gods and their boredom, it'll probably be some sad love story ....so I'll deal with it later

But first things first

"Who the fuck has the recording device ?" I kinda forgot that .....tehe~

"I do " Yukata Dude

".....OK then, forget everything I said

We are making a Movie "

And with that I grin like Sukuna and everyone mirroring my smile