Making a Movie and Time problems

"Well....How do we make it ?" asked Kuro

"The same way you have sunglasses "

"Fake memories in our POV ...How ?" Yukata Dude

"Don't know, We have bullshit power and besides if you haven't noticed ....we've become a discount Telepath" I say with a blank face

"Pfft Hahahahahahahaha!" x 8

"Don't laugh fuckers we're the same !!" I say while chasing them with stick

"Why are you running? Why are you running ?" Now I'm just going meme mode

"DROP THE SPEAR FIRST !!" Surtr hiding on the tree....I changed the stick into a spear hehe

*After 10 mins of fucking around *

"Ha...ha...ha Y-you fuk-haaaa fuckers ...don't run ...*pants hard* next time " OK we may have gone a little overboard


"I mean I did copy my memories and did some insane shit so.....we Telepath boi"

"and how do you want to make it ?" Dude pulled a note pad and asked

"Make it Dark " I say with a evil grin

"....How Dark?" Kuro asked with interest

"Dark enough to make a God fear us " and I smile again like Sukuna

"Man, I swear to God we're just one 'Ryoiki Tenkai' away from becoming Sukuna " Fate said while making a flower with his fingers

(Pinky pulled back by middle finger and put ring finger down before doing that , ring finger with thumb, and cross hands and put index fingers together ...Yeah can't explain try if you can make it )

"OK...*clicks pen*'ll be done, but you still need to check it for edits and stuff ...but....Discounted really?"

"Well ...we aren't even born yet and we can't really feel what's outside so....."


"Alright everyone we got our jobs so get to wor-"


"What is it Rauđr ?"

"Don't you think we around deal with the time issues first ?"

"What issue "x 8 we all asked the same thing

*Sigh* he sighed while rubbing his nose bridge

"Look at the timer " he said point to the right

We did

"We've been through 1159 years in just 30 mins !"

(Well he fucked around a lot with speed up and shit before he could figure the exact way to do it so that took some extra time, real and speeded one)

"...OK that serious "

"Why ? I don't see the problem~ ?" asked Luck

"Well the problem airhead is we've been through 1000+ years in just 10 mins, now imagine 9 months at that speed " with that silence spreads everywhere

"We fucked up...again " Death said while looking up

"We can try to slow down.....any ideas ?"

"None" x8

"But ....?"

"But we'll find a way "x8

"Now that's the sprit!"

"Come one lads we've got work to do and time to slow " (not really time just trying to get out of fast thinking )

*The Grind Begins *

~5891years later ~

We improved our understanding of our a lot

Luck found a way for us to remain lucky ....not bullshit level Luck but not randomly dying on a walk lucky, so that worked

Fate ....things did not end well for him,

He did find what fate had in store for us and it was bad Shonen protagonist level bad

If her plan succeeded we'd be having a seriously enraged me making Punisher look like kid with killings done, makes me shiver everytime,

But as a result, he's been in coma for around 500 years for us and 6 months in real time

Yes, we found a way to do that

Well, not us exactly, Death did

He just meditated in his domain (gonna call other spiritual seas as domains )

He notice his thoughts getting slow

And boom time started flowing for him

He practiced going in and out of that state for around 4 months real time and 1803 for him cause he ended up speeding up the process sometimes....meaning we have a new limit... 100M seconds became 1B or 31 years 1 second = 31 years ...we just keep hitting new bullshit levels that shouldn't be possible

But we do slow down once in a while but speed it up to limits again sometimes

Kuro and Murasaki ended up working together cause Kuro's divinity and Murasaki's match so they made the most progress out of us

Can probably control everything Dark....and boy did they create some really cool things, Spoilers for later

Surtr ended up speed running memories again and again and learned new techniques and theories behind them for me to better control my strength, but still gonna need to practice cause don't wanna pull shit Omniman pulled on Flaxan Planet, though I don't know how to fly its only a matter of time before I figure it out

But that's on hold till few years after birth

(If you don't know, then watch Invincible, good stuff) And he did find something

Remember when he said that gift had enough energy to push us till Ascendant Immortal? Yeah there was a tiny bit of a problem there

It had a Errosion Law deep within it

Meaning, the moment I tried something close to a breakthrough it would've collapsed and me ending dead

So what he do ? Erased the trigger and absorbed the law and now I have a poison/erosion ability with poison immunity ...noice

Rauđr tried to learn but it's chaos's just random and time is only slowed for us not everything so he didn't learn things only understood the intent of chaos clue

He said we'll gain access to powers after birth so no rushing those, after that I just told him to help Death with Soul Society Techniques, he's our best shot against Demons and ghosts and other incorporeal stuff

Dude and me worked on the flim and after shit ton of edits and acting a lot....cause we don't exactly have a crew now do we ?

We completed the damn thing

And after slowing down the speed sate by 1B->7.2k(so 1 second = 3 months) we're watching the movie

*Movie starts *

It started with me getting pushed into the rip seeing the smug smile

" I swear imma go back and slap that smug off her face " Rauđr

"Shusshhh" x8

It continued

*In movie after 10 years *

"Was that necessary?" Death asked with a deadpan face

"Yes" x2 me and dude say at the same time


"They need to realize the things that I'm capable of...."

They all looked at me with blank faces slowly turning dark

While my face starts to distort

"I only need ....̷̞̄͐͗̉.̸̧̧̛͈͍̝̱͔̱̗̞̥̹̦̝̫̠̊̄́͒̑̄̔̋̍͊̌̒̊̈̃̑̔̐͒̆́͛̀̒̿͒̀͋̈͘̕͘͠.̵̢̱̥̳̥̤̝̞̭͈̯̜̹̲̝͖̄̋̓̄͊́͆̉̇͘ͅ.̶̡̡̛̛̮͍̥̦͈̟̲̼͇͚̫̥̘̫̭̥̻͔͓̹͓̖̲̹̮̻͚̗́̓͗̀̆̋͑̓͌̈̀͗̈́͒͋͒̂̕͘͜͜͝͝.."

(My voice has started to distort into kind of a static My face turns black with background glitching into blackish purple with red eldrich things with me sitting on a throne with white shining where my eyes are supposed to be )

" T̴̛̳̥̪̞͙̫̋͋̍̊͐͋͌́̈́̄́͋̄̿̾͗͛̔̓̊͝͠h̸̢̗̬̻̻̑̓̒͐͂̒̂̊̊̽͂̈́̆̎̀̆̓̚͠͝͠ę̴̲͖͓̥̣̻͚͖̝͍͉̫̞̤̼̰̺̹̤̹̣̙̹̟̩̝̗̗̬͕͙̖͓͖̻̂͊̿̽̈́͑͌͘̚̚ị̷̡̬̳̦̼̤̺̟͉͙͚̜̻̩̬͎̼̘̤͚͗̃̀͂́̊̈́̈́̾̑̑̀̍͜͜͝͝r̷̢̫̠̬͉̠̱͓͓̜̮̲͕͉͉̟̥̻̙̬̈̈́͒͆̏̐̆ ̷̡̧̨̮̯̫̟͇̣̣̣̫̤̥̯̰̮̗̝̟̯͕͖̞͉̇̄̅̅͜͠ͅF̶̨̛̲̬͈̰͉̱̼̼̤̲̼̹̤̽̾̆̋̾̔̇̅̃̈́̈̽͗̍̕ẹ̵̢̛̛̛̜̦̹͈̙͙̦̯̱̜̬̱̖̼͇͓̎̔̀̅̆̾́̏͊̄͐͛̓͐̍̂̏̏̆͑́͗̔̿̍͘͜ͅë̵̼̖̠͎̤̳̥̳́̒̂́́̈̈͑̀̑̕ͅą̴̡̢̗̦̩̣̫͓̳̩̘̤̣͙̲̮̺̦̼͙̯͔͇̪̺͈̟͔̟͐̍̿̃̂̀̈́̊̔́̈́̅̓͆̔͆͛͐͑͊̔̈́̂̾̇̚̕͜͜ą̵̢̛̛̬̖̱̬͍̦͉͖͈̞̖̞̲̠̖̗͔̞̬̺̜͖̩͖̲̲͍̫̭͈̱͕̫̆̅̓̋̊͂̈̔̑̓́̌̀̔̓̎͛̆̿̎̄̉͑̑̑̆͘͘̚̚̚͜͝͝͠͝ͅr̵̼̪͈̹͈̬̈́̀́̽͋̽̔̃̈́̋̉̽̀̌̌̀́̑̓̈́̅́̑͂͂̃̽̇̎̕̕͘͜͝͠͝r̷̨̛̮͍̮̯͔̼̣̗̘̻̦̣͔̗͚̼͓̭͛̿́͌̌͗͂͂̎̓̔̿̑́́̈́̀̆͘͘͜͝͝ŗ̴̨̮̲̭̠͕̦̘̹̮̰͕̅r̷̢̘̪̱͉̹̹̈́̾̔͗̈́̓͗́̕̕͘͠ŗ̴̧̡̢̡͖̥̳͙̖̺̝̺̜͖͉͚͎͎̤̩̯̖̩͓͓͉̠̙̩̣̞̞̾̎͋͌̔͌̐͂́̾͋̾́͒̎͐͂̊̏̐̐͜͠͝͠ͅͅṟ̵̨̧̧̛̜̥͓̦̦̤̘̣͓̩̦̣̩̼̫̱̳͖̮̖̹̦̰̼̘̟͑̌̈̎͂̓͒͆̈́̈́͊͗̈́̂̿̋͑̈́̽͆̕̕͜͠ "

and with that everyone has the same expression as me

*Sound of tape getting Rewind or when Arishem made his exit *

"So yeah ....that was necessary " I say like nothing happened while everyone keeps watching the movie

*Finally after 20 years the movie ends *

(Time is going in movie, basically he made fake 20 years of his life, that's why they speed it enough so only 2hrs pass in reality )

"Damn.....that was good " Kuro said while wiping his tears

"Whyyyyy did it end so quicklyyyyy" Luck cried out loud

"That was good one indeed " Rauđr just nodded

"So we good to go boys ?"

"Yeah it'll do " x8

"And now we wait

Till I'm born and put that on play in front of the timer or put it in the empty sea and do that "

And so we slept for the remaining months without worrying about the chaos we're gonna cause

Oh ~I can't wait ~

*smiles in sukuna *

(AN:- Pattern Fate made in comments)