
*1 Hour after Fate died*

~Real World~


After Fate died I just came out to the real world even though that wasn't necessary

I have PM (Parallel mind ) so I can just keep the passive thoughts (like eating drinking sleeping and other stuff ) and keep my active ones in the mindscape

But after what happened I just need a change of scenery I guess

Never gets easy no matter how many times I see it

And him being my clone didn't help either

Just made it worse

Watching myself die....again


'I think I'll just relax a bi-'

(Play Bleach OST On The Pricipice of Defeat on exactly 0:25 seconds )

My thoughts are cut short by the pressure that suddenly appeared

It looked like it was raining and it was getting stronger and stronger

'Whose fucking Spiritual Pressure am I feeling ?' I tried to joke but didn't end well

The pressure just kept increasing and I went back in mindscape ASAP

~Inside mindscape~

The moment I entered I dropped to the ground on my knees barely keeping myself from kissing the floor

If outside pressure was like a heavy snow storm

Then it was like heavy hail strom multiplied by 10

I couldn't even get up

I looked around and everyone was the same

Death kept trembling cause he took most of the damage, being a Reaper he felt it the most

Luck was barely able to keep himself awake by biting his lips till he bled

Murasaki was buring in purple to fight the pressure but his purple fire was also affected by it

Rauđr was shining crimson but still can't do anything other than siting in lotus/meditation pose

Dude and Surtr were passed out

And Kuro .....His eyes were pure black and his hairs were waving like affected by wind and he kept emitting dark smoke like a Aura but he too dropped to the ground

And it increased more and more till even the soul sea was trembling

And suddenly....

It all stopped

We didn't drop our guards and immediately got into combat mode

1 minute

3 minutes

10 minutes

And we stayed like that for 30 mins but.....nothing happened

There was eerie silence in the air

I immediately ran towards Dude and Surtr and slapped them to wake them up

While Rauđr and Luck went to Death to check up on him

Kuro stopped emitting smoke and dropped to the ground panting

"Ha...ha.....everyone a-alright ?" I ask after waking both of them and panting heavily

"W-what was t-that ?" Death asked trembling cause he felt it the most

"Probably...some .....cosmic entity passing by?" Murasaki said taking deep breaths and calming his fire

After checking everyone and making sure we were alright I turned towards the sky and saw the other Soul Sea/Domains/Universes which had cracks on them

".....That's a lot of damage that even Flex tape won't be able to fix " Which earned me a shoe in the face, courtesy of Surtr

"Really!? We almost died and you're making a meme about it !?"

Understandable but hey humor never hurts anyone right?

"Oh come on! I'm trying to lighten the mood a little ! And look at Death he's still shaking " I say while pointing at the emo of the group

"The damage must be pretty high to even shake the Emoest of us all huh... " I mutter while looking at Death who's lying on the floor

"not.....ha...ha .....emo...." he said before passing out

"....Or not " I was about to turn to Kuro but stopped

"Leo what is it ?" Kuro said after seeing me freeze

"Don't. Move" I say still in place looking at the emptiness in front of me while a sword materializes in my hand

And that got everyone on high alert and tried to summon/make their weapons

But before they could ....

They just .....

Got torn apart by something

Death didn't even realize what happened and died passed out

Kuro tried to doge by turning his body into smoke but got ripped into pieces with his arms ,legs and head apart

Rauđr burst into a bloody mist while still shining Crimson

Muraskai got burned by some black fire, he tried to burn the thing but his flames lost and got burned to ash

Dude and Surtr got diced by invisible threads

Leaving me the only one standing in blood, bones and ash with some blood on me

Luck was affected by some sort of gravity

He was slowly crushed like a watermelon thrown from a height

And everything happened in a nanosecond

I couldn't even process what happened

And before I could even register that .....

Something caught me by my throat lifting me in the air and turning my body around

And all I saw was Bones

All Bones and Blood

Even the sky changed into a darker shade mixed with gray

And on Top

A throne

All of Bones

And siting on it

Is Mistress Death

"Shit...." I say under my breath

What are the chances of this happening right after the day I said it ?

Oi Author are you messing with me !?

I watched as she pulled me closer till I was on the same eye level as her

"Aren't you interesting? With all these pieces and things you did in here " she said while turning my face side to side with her hand

"Quite a nice place you have here, Traveller" she said while bring the death dimension towards her and looking at it then throwing it away in disdain

"And a insect's aura on you "

"Well I didn't exactly volunteer for this you know, had to do a lot of stuff just not to get monitored 24/7 " Not gonna lie to her and digging a early grave are we

"Hmm....you still have one left " she said while bringing Surtrs Dimension

"....can you get rid of it ? It's becoming a pain to keep that here " Not gonna leave a chance of getting shit done for free, ain't no way in hell am I gonna absorbe that

She just stared at me amused and said


Before throwing it out again

"So tell me something....why is there a piece of void inside you ?" she said making the Black smoke float above her hand, Kuro's dimension

"No idea "

"Really?" she asked amused

"Really" I lie as naturally as breathing

"Hmmmm.....I don't believe you " she said and then

*Rip* (or sound of tearing cloth )

She ripped my arm without blinking

And we stared at each other for a while



"No reaction at all ?" she asked

"Nope~ Gonna take a lot more than that, didn't work for the last one who tried " I say not even bothering about the arm

"Tell me about it ?" She asked smiling

"....How about... no ?" I answer with the same smile

She smiled and held my face with her hands

And then.....

Ripped my head off

That was the last thing I see before darkness takes my vision