

AN:- I absolutely have no idea what to write

Sure I have planned all the training and stuff he'll go through before the plot of eternals begins and how he'll have to go through lot of things but I have no idea how to get till there

I know the goal but don't know the road

So this will either be meh Chapter or something else

Depends on the reader I guess ?


~ Unknown Location~


'I had a dream

Everyone died and I had my head ripped by lady death

Good one huh .....'


Why does my head feel like it's floating in the clouds?

Probably the dream right ?

I feel like I should open my eyes but feeling tired .....'

'Yeah.....I think I'll sleep a little bit lon-'

"If you can go through your inner monolog, I think you can wake up too, right ?"

'...F '

I opened my eyes and saw a white haired woman staring at me

And from the angle I can tell that she's giving me a lap pillow


"Why the sigh ? Not enjoying my thighs?" She said acting hurt

"I would've been happy if I could feel my body" I replied with a 'U kidding ' look

She's just casually carrying my head around like Kratos did to Mimir

No one spoke a word for minutes and it was starting to get awkward so had to break the silence

"Why am I still alive ?"

"Hmmm....cause I'm bored ?" She said with a smile while playing with my hair

'The lion the Witch and the audacity of this bi-'

"Don't even try to complete that kid "

'Ok she can read my mind good to know

So again Death....yup gonna call you Death cause you killed mine '

"You know you can talk right? And aren't you angry I killed your frien-?"

"Clones " I corrected her

".....Clones, shouldn't you be angry ?"

"Like I said Clones, meaning they were a parts of me, doesn't make any difference if they live or die, it just means I lost some helpers? " I said with a blank face

'If I had my arms, would've made a thinking expression' the moment I thought that i had my body back

'Oh how I missed you my dear limbs'

"You miss your limbs more than your clones, are you sure you are sane ?" Imagine making even death question your sanity

"Watched too many memes, can't blame me for trying to troll everyone and besides everyone's a little insane, they just don't known it yet " I tried to get up from those cloud thighs but she just held me back and made me sit on the throne between her legs catching me in a reverse hug

And stared molesting me....

'FBI Someone call the FBI! '

"Your soul feels a little weird "

'Oh false alarm she's just checking my sou....wait how the heck am I even here ?'

"I just ripped your soul out of that thing you call Domains and brought you here "

'What about my body then?'

"Time doesn't exist here so just relax and enjoy "

She would've been a lot more believable if she wasn't rubbing her face on mine

'But not gonna lie though

Her cold skin feels great '

"Really?" She asked pressing her cheek against mine

"Really" and I just relax by body and lay back feeling her soft body against my back

'But still doesn't answer the question ...Why am I here? And don't say bored, I would be dead not here '

"Fine~ " she groaned making me float and turning me around staring me in the eyes

"He ordered me to see what kind of being you are " she just started another round of cuddling, I'm enjoying this so far

"Tribunal?" Now that just doesn't make any sense why the heck would he care ?

She stopped, looked at me and pointed her finger up

"....." And I just started dumbfounded

'That makes absolutely no sense'

'I mean I know even 'he' gets bored but what did I do to even get 'his' attention?

Sure I ripped my soul, have a piece of void (Kuro), small divinities, a time bomb, more bombs and Saita- '

"So that's why huh?" I ask Death who for some reason looks proud like her son came first in his class or something

"Yes, that's the reason" she said kissing my forehead

'Ok seriously I'm getting mixed signals over here

One moment she's acting like a killer maniac

Next she's a lovey dovey housewife

Another she's acting like a old Pervert

And now she's acting like a loving mother '

'I'm more confused than horny right now '

"Hahahaha it's fun to tease you!" She laughed happily before increasing the cuddle intensity

'Well at least someone's enjoy themselves '


I sighed again before hugging her back and enjoying the soft body

I mean I get the point why 'he' would be interested in knowing anything about me

You see the rule of this Multiverse is that it tries to balance everything

And I'm not OP to the point where I'm a singular existence

Meaning no other version exists of me if I was a Singularity, like Death,Eternity, Infinity, Phoenix Force and other beings

And I'm not like them, which means my other versions exists

And I'm probably the only one who has Saitama's powers

That just tells you how OP I can get

So 'he' needs to make sure I'll not be a danger to his home (Marvel Multiverse or Omniverse)

And probably eliminate me before I can grow to that point





*After 3 hours of cuddling*

"What next ?" I ask Death who is again giving me a lap pillow

"How about I kill those gods ?" she asked in a amused tone patting my head

Tempting offer indeed

Should I refuse, then I'll just have to bid my time before going Kratos on everyone back home

Tearing them apart limb by limb

Feeling the blood drain from their bodies as I slowly cut them to pieces~

Burning, Blowing shit up~

Total Destruction !


*Takes a deep breath*

Ok gotta clam down

And should I take the offer

All those years of planning and the time

wasted on the movie

Gone to waste

Won't have the satisfaction of doing all of the above


Decisions Decisions

What should I choose ?








Yup gonna pull the ultimate

'Imma call my mom' move on them