Chapter 16


"Then let's go ?" Death then ripped open the space in front of us and was about to jump in

"Wait" I held her back


"Message the boys to cancel the plan" I said while apologizing to them I my head

"What part of 'I killed your clones' didn't you understand ?" She said a little annoyed

Hearing that I smiled and caressed her face

"You are many things dear, but cruel you are not " I finished patting her head at the end

She was shocked at first, then smiled while holding my hand

"How did you figure that out ?"

"Well, the moment I saw you I knew what happened was a illusion" I say while looking at the sky

"You are kind and merciful no way you would just kill them" I laugh a little at that

"Life is the ugly lie " I looked at her eyes

"But you ...."

"You my dear are the beautiful truth" I smile at the end

"Wait...isn't it supposed to be 'Life is a beautiful lie and death the ugly truth' ?" She said while raising her brow

"For others that might be true but I'm from the world where even love can be bought and life is sold cheap in that world, only death remains pure " I give a helpless smile at the end

"Sure I can't say anything to the people who had to go through war and I respect that

But the time where I lived, we had to fight the unseen battles

People became fake hiding behind their masks suppressing everything, changing them on the drop of the hat

We had to make sure no was ploting against us all the time, had to keep out guards up to not get caught in the craziness of the world, at the end it was corrupted by greed and was already on the verge of destruction" by the end of it death looked like she wanted to strangle me so I kept quiet and changed the topic


"So....message the boys ?" I asked as if nothing happened

"I'm curious though, what was your plan?"

"Want to know the detailed one or the short vers-"

"Short version"

"That was quick....anyways the plan was actually simple, I grow up, train, fight a lot, find a way to rip open space, go back and go Kratos on them, there simple "

"And after that ?" Now that caught me off guard

"...I don't know " I say after taking a pause with a dead expression face

You see if I did everything according to the plan that would've taken around 80 chaps ...sorry author

But now I just threw the plot out the window

and I have no idea what I'll do

Sure I can end things like any other OP protagonist and go Harem mode with segs and all but I don't wanna live that illusionary life

At that point I'll be strong enough as a Multiversal Being capable of traveling through the Omniverse and get stronger as time passes

And at one point.....I'll be the only thing that remains

"I have idea what I'm supposed to do, I only wanted to get stronger to the point where I'll be able to kill 'em all, and fucking and going around in the process ....but what after that ? " I say while the air around me starts to change from bright to dark

*Audience POV

Leo looked at Death and she flinches as she looks at his eyes which started turning into Spiraling Abyss

He turned his head a little while rubbing his chin

"Maybe.....K̴͇̆̏̽̅̓͒̂̈́̂̚̕͝i̴̢̛̤͍͈̹̰͈̳͚̫̰̬̦̹̯̅̐̓̓̆͑͌̄̾͠͝͝l̶̖̣͇̠͇̓ͅͅļ̷̦̫͇͎͖̠̣̜̎͝͝ ̴̡̼̼̬̜̞́͆̀̆̇̆̚m̷̫̤̞̗̥̯̗̹͓̓̍͊́̿̚͝ý̴̩s̶̟̝͈̻̟̗͓̗̤̿́ě̷̺̱͓̭̺̆l̷̟̪̫̦͖̩̥͓͍͙̮̜̫̓̈́͊́̊̉̓f̴̟͔̦̠̤̗͉̲̜͉̦̍͆͊̽̈͋͋̕̚?̸͚̥̮̥͎̣̳̞̘̹̺̤̊́͌̐̾̑͛͗̀̇̒͌̿͑?" At the end his voice distorts into static

Death just sneaks away from him

While he's considering that option

After a while he snaps back and looks at the empty surroundings

*Back to MC pov *

"Did she seriously leave me here ?" No wait I can see her standing away ....why though ?

"So done with your questions ?" I moved closer and she flinched a little as I did

"N-No let's go "

'Hmmm did she stutter?

Nevermind let's go visit some old friends~ ' I think happily while wondering what their reactions might be

No wait before that

"Hey can you change my appearance a little " She paused and look with empty eyes

".....Is that important ?"

"Not really but it'll be fun? It'll be fun to see their expressions after they've watched the movie " I say smiling a little after remembering that movie

"Hmmmm sounds interesting...OK what do you need ?"

"Change my hair color to red, make a scar run through my face from left chin to my right eye and turn it blind, give me a broke armor and Two handed Sword "

"That's...oddly specific but here you go " she snaps her finger and I can see the changes in the mirror she conjured

"Perfect, now let's go and enjoy the show " I grin a little like sakuna

~Back on Earth ~

*10 mins after Death kidnapped MC*

*3rd POV*

Kuro opened his eyes and sat up immediately before looking around

Last thing he remembered was getting ripped limb by limb and he watched others die

"What....the..fuck...was that?" He said a little dazed and walked towards others

Luck was awake and from the looks of it really pissed cause he was biting his fingers till they bled instead of his nails

"I'll kill em I'll kill emI'll kill em I'll kill emI'll kill em I'll kill emI'll kill em I'll kill em..." he kept repeating it like a broken record and Kuro just slowy backed away from him

'Scary!' he thought

Rauđr looked like he was about to break with cracks all over him

Murasaki for the first time wasn't Burning and he looked normal

Dude was looking depressed cause he couldn't help in any way, he looked like he was about to stab himself

Surtr was helping Death who looked paler than ever before while rubbing his eyes

He did take most of the damage


Kuro couldn't find Leo anywhere

"Um...guys ?" they looked at him

"Where's main?" Everyone looked down to the ground not meeting his gaze and pointing at the sky

Kuro looked and saw the origin was missing

And so was the Main Sea (Leo's Soul Sea)

"Wait.....he didn't? " he couldn't belive it

'Did he die ? Just like that ? who's gonna fight with us then ?'

All of them didn't know what to do

'Should we kill ourselves then?' Or should we combine and continue the plan?' Kuro thought for a while before making a decision

"Guys, Recover " he said no ordered

"We will continue the plan " he said with a solem expression

Sure Leo's powers were their main weapon against their enemies but that didn't mean they were weak

They had came up with many methods should they lose that power

It may take more time then calculated and they may need to search for more things

But they'll get there, eventually

"Try to find if you can conne-" Kuro's words were cut short when he received the mental message which said

'I'm alive, cancel the plan, gonna kill em and be back before dinner'

The moment the message ended everyone's wounds healed like nothing happened

And they just stared at each other with blank expressions

"Did you guys get it ?" Luck asked

"Yes"x 6

Silence followed for a few minutes before

"Now what ?" Surtr asked





"Let's just go to sleep " Death said before turning around and going to his dimension

And they slept

~Meanwhile in the Real World~

"It's quite the lucky day for us isn't it Litta?" Cyrus asked his wife

"Yes it is, both the kids are asleep " Litta said a little shyly

"Should we give them a sibling?" Cyrus tried to heat up the mood but just did the opposite

"I will make you sleep outside if you suggest that again" Litta said with smiling face which didn't look like a smile

Cyrus started sweating a little before saying

"Let's just sleep today ?"

Litta stared for a bit before nodding her head and sleeping

'Phew, almost got kicked out, gotta be careful' he thought before falling asleep too