The Movie- Part 2


AN:- I won't go into exact details cause I've stalled this for a long time and I'll just write this as a 3rd person POV and narrative thing

Need to start the actual plot

Still need to set some things but I'll get there

And let's be honest plot or not

No one's interested in watching some fake pov for too long

And even though I say this is the movie I'll try to skip over some boring stuff like him gaining nicknames or his missions and tell this as a story, well except for the plot changing stuff

And the character may be fake but remember leo made him in his image ....part of it, so some things may be same for Leo

Oh and this chaps is gonna be big cause can't tell 20 years in few words can I....I can but you get the point



~The screen continued playing ~

*3rd PPOV*(3rd person pov)*

The day of his birth, a powerful wave was felt by their Tracker mutant

They thought a powerful mutant awakened his /hers powers

So they immediately left to capture him/her

And they did, just didn't think that it would be a newborn

For them this was a good thing

They didn't have to waste time torturing anyone

The child was a clean slate

Easy to manipulate and make a perfect weapon

But they didn't exactly know what his powers were, and they couldn't exactly cut it open, so they just decided to hand the child to one of their agents to raise him till he was suitable for test

And the time passed day by day

They raised the child with subtle manipulation

Nothing too die-for-cause type just enough to make him apathetic to friends, love, life and death to make him less attached to things and to make killing easier down the road

5 years passed

They started training the child when he reached 3

From gymnastics to swimming and other sports

And at 5 they shifted him to another facility

They tested various things on him cut his body at various places, filled him with drugs to see what reaction they would get, made him sit in a darkroom for hours, take his blood for more tests

And this continued for 3 years till he was 8

Now normally his powers should have awakened fully

The child had minor healing and heightened senses with strength equal to a grown man

But these were not his limits they believed

So in those 3 years they tried various things and increased their ways of experiments

Smalls cuts turned into stabs with fingers cut off and more torture

Instead of drugs they used poison to increase his regeneration limits from the outside and inside

After more research they found his healing capable of regenerating his damaged organs

So they harvested his organs

To clone or create more like him

2 years later

The child was nothing but a empty husk, he had a expressionless face like nothing mattered

He was only 10 but looked like a pale teenager

His powers were limited to high healing and now instead of super strength it changed to Super resistance

It became harder to pierce his skin

Even diamond drills didn't work

So they gave up on that and focused on mental torture

They gave him a pet to raise and they made him watch genocide of various people over the years on field

Killed people in front of him

And finally asked him to kill the dog which he did without hesitation

Thankfully the childhood manipulation was showing its effect

The boy started to enjoy the expression of pain and fear others made before their death

He too participated in the killings

He started to enjoy the feeling of tearing flesh and breaking bones slowly but his strength wasn't enough

As if responding to his wishes, his body started to change

He gained little muscles and became stronger

And when they thought he was ready

They ordered him to kill a couple

And like in any other cliché movie

The couple turned out to be his 'parents'

*The Night of the mission*

"The time has finally come to fulfill your mission, 1 " his 'mother' said with her back to him

He never had a name

They just called him one or Erste

For some odd reason he found this scene familiar, like he had seen this before just like watching a movie

"Go on, finish your mission " his 'father' said to him, pulling him out of that blurry memory

Without hesitation he stabbed them both in the chest with his bare hands and removed their hearts

His 'mother' looked at him proudly while coughing blood

"Finally.... our work is done *cough* shame....we won't be there to see our rise "

"Hail ....Hydra" they both said with their dying breaths

Something clicked in the boy's mind

Like a locked door being opened

Those words always triggered some headaches and unknown memories

The words 'dream' 'winter' 'light' 'dark' 'thing' always repeated themselves again and again and again

He held his head in pain and fell to the floor squirming and turning

It continued for a while before he stopped and got up

"....." he continued to stare in the air before Turing in head to the fallen glass

" this?" He asked to no one, confused as if seeing his face for the first time

As confused as he was he still made it back 'home' and after reporting his success he went back to his room

Then he started remembering things that happened in the last 10 years but the weird part, is that he's seeing someone standing at a distance, watching him as they experimented on him

And with each year, that figure got closer and closer to him

And today the figure watched him kill his 'parents' and then.....he looked at the figure right in front of him

He couldn't describe the ...thing he was seeing

It looked like a humanoid black mass covered with cracks all over it while missing some parts

And the moment he met his 'eyes'

He watched the same memories again but from a different perspective until he met 'his' gaze and he passed out

And now 6 years later

The pale child was not to be found

He changed... a lot

He grew upto 190cm with tight muscles and had a athletic shape and not too buffed

He had scars on his face and body from the missions he did

For some weird reason his hair went form back to dark red

And the change was just not physical, it was mental too

He went from acting like a blood thirsty maniac to being a 'normal' person for the most of the time

Today he was tasked to escort a person to a facility in middle east

This was a joint operation with another organization called 'Ten Rings'

They weren't exactly on friendly terms but didn't go out killing each other on sight

This was a mandatory mission but he took it anyways cause of the name of the person.

"Tony Stark" he muttered

For some reason this name seemed familiar to him and not because of Stark being famous

He felt as if he knew him as a different person

It was weird but he has gotten used to it

In the last 6 years he had dreams of watching some things called 'anime' or watching random things

It wasn't anything detailed just glimpse or certain parts that were triggered when he hummed some unknown songs

At first he thought it was something he heard when he was child

But it didn't make any sense

The 'him' in the dreams was older and the things around 'him' looked high tech and he hasn't found anything related to his dreams in real world and the songs he hummed didn't exist

So he started believing his 'dreams' may be related to that 'thing' he saw all those years ago

And the mission caught his interest and something inside him was urging him to accept it

So now he was on his way to bring in the target from the US forces, well, wating as others planned an ambush

"Agent Erste the target will be here in 2 minutes and we'll proceed as planned, any questions?" A hooded man asked him

"No" he said while loading a gun

"Good then get ready, Ali tell truck A and C to load the guns and get ready to fire, the target is almost here "

And so the shooting began with the army completely outnumbered

Erste fired his gun and shot few people when he noticed a trigger happy idiot loading a RPG

He suddenly saw a vision where the rocket fell in front of Stark and blasted him, he spaced out for a minute

He shook his head to clear his dizziness and before he could stop the idiot, the said idiot fired it

He watched the events that went exactly as his vision

Stark got hit by shards and bled from his chest

They called a guy named Yinsen to operate and get the shards out

Erste watched the monitor displaying Stark being 'asked' to make a missile in silence

He was confused

He saw dreams yes, the things he saw didn't exist, but how the hell did he know what was gonna happen next ?

He first thought this was his dormant power or something

But the old men back 'home' said he had unlocked them and his already existing powers are still in growth phase, slow but still growing

This was also the reason they stopped trying to test the limits

His limits increased sure, but the progress was too slow, so they just stopped and just assigned him random missions

He was brought back to reality when the door to the security room was opened by the 'leader' of Ten Rings

'Yeah right, like he's the Mandarin...' he thought but paused again at a unfamiliar name that popped out of nowhere but chose to ignore it ....for now

"The mission has already been completed Agent Erste, so why are you here ?" The man Raza asked in somewhat of a fearful tone

"I don't exactly have anything to do and the commander has given me a vacation so here I am watching children play I guess " Erste shrugged and went out to roam around

Red Demon, one of the many nicknames he gained while completing the missions and for a good reason too

Even though he changed and kept his bloodlust in check, he let lose during the missions

Slaughtering his enemies with bare hands, tearing them apart and laughing like a madman covered in blood

Some say his hair got red by the blood of his victims

Raza knew this

Even though he acted nonchalant most of the time, the moment he enters combat he changes into a maniac

He still couldn't forget the smile of Erste's face when he crushed the necks of those soldiers while shooting them on legs just for the fun of it

He was honestly sacred of him snapping because of some random reason and he was right calling them children playing around with guns

No discipline, no hardcore training and no coordination...well it was there but compared to soldiers back 'home' this was a playground at best

*Sigh*"Amateurs" he sighed watching them run around and turned the corner and went to the room where they were 'requesting' Stark to build the missile

He whistled while walking

It was the whistled he heard in his dreams and found quite catchy so it kind of became a habit

(AN:- Kill Bill whistle on YouTube, and it's really catchy)

He entered the room while whistling and watched as the people 'requested' Stark while waterboarding him, he stayed for a while before going out towards his room to sleep

Months passed and nothing big happened, except for some occasional reports and going out to stretch his legs and sometimes watching Stark work

Over last 3 months he kept having repeated dreams of a man in red robotic armor flying around and a hammer in a pit with huge green 'human' jumping around

For the 1st month it didn't make any sense but over time they got clearer over time

He thought this was some sort of future prediction power or something

And his theory was proven right when he saw how Stark made a armor and got out by killing everyone

Erste watched while smiling as Stark took off after blowing everything

"Hehe....hehehe...hahaha..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He laughed like a madman

It's been a while since he last felt this thrill

His powers were down right cheat

At first he could at least enjoy fighting and get hurt, but over time his body adapted to that and he became bullet proff

Sure he can move faster than a bullet and dodge them at a point blank range but where's the fun in that ? So he just stopped dodging....but it got boring, fights that he enjoyed, the thrill of danger, the close encounters with death and avoiding it by a inch, everything lost it's meaning, sure he still enjoys crushing and tearing his enemies apart but that too got boring

So he switched to new things like guns,Swords, sniping and other things but that too got boring after one point

His dreams were the only reason he was still somewhat sane otherwise he might have already destroyed everything for that thrill

After laughing like a madman for a while he turned his face towards a burnt Raza getting out of the rubble

"Tell the commander I'm extending the vacation " and just went in a random direction

2 years later

In these 2 years he went around the globe trying to see if the visions are true and their accuracy

So in 2010 he watched as military attacked a green monster calling itself hulk and miserably failing

Then he watched 2 green monsters fight and everything went according to his visions

Well he wanted to try his strength against them but chose to wait

In 2011 he found the hammer and was about to lift it when black cars started to surround it

He knew it were those pests called SHIELD oh how foolish they were believing they were in control

He later visited the bar where the 'God' almost got into a fight and him being bored just decided to participate in the fight and somehow became friends with the man

Of course that was not all he did

The Commander was getting impatient about his leave and he never really bothered hiding so they couldn't just label him as a rouge and start hunting him and besides they couldn't stop him unless they fired a nuke

Sure they took his blood and organs, but for some odd reason his powers didn't transfer to his clones, it became impossible to extract his powers and the anti-mutant gun didn't work on him

Well, points to them for trying

So to avoid the annoying flies, he just destroyed his 'home'

And they still couldn't stop sending their 'ultimate weapon' ...well weapons ...more practice for him and his powers were also growing steadly so good news

Another probably good news is that he became more social and less bloodthirsty....well not exactly less just got better at hiding it and meet with lot of people, banged some chicks, made money by making songs he heard in his dreams, life was good....


A explosion went off near him then he remembered a little detail he kinda missed

He's in New York

And the year is 2012

"Fucking Avengers" he hissed angrily while crushing the alien's head and throwing it at the flying one

He remembered most of the things he watched

Including the movie called 'Avengers', parts of it anyways

He knew something was not right with his mind so the best thing that could work was the gem inside the scepter

He only saw a battle of New York and here he is searching the one called Loki while flying on the alien flying thing?

While flying he saw how Stark, Captain America, Thor and 2 other people got together

"It really is a fucking movie isn't it ?" He chuckled while taking few pics but the fun was cut short as another alien shot his ride making him dive towards the group


He fell down and made some cracks on the ground with his landing

He then picked a stone and threw it faster than a bullet at the one who shot him

The stone went through it and destroyed the large turtle looking thing too

"Hahahaha take that fuckers!" Erste shouted while flipping them

"Hahaha I knew you weren't a normal mortal friend! " a voice called him from behind before he turned and gave the God of Thunder a bear hug while laughing

"Having fun are we ? How can I sit this one out ?" Erste said while laughing with Thor

"Thor, introductions please?" Cap asked after confirming he was not a enemy

"Yes, this my friend Erste who fought together with me in the mighty battle of the Molly's Bar and we drank till we passed out "

Stark just stayed away as if not knowing Thor

Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff looked like she was interested in the details

Captain just faceplamed himself while Hawkeye laughed

".....So Erste wanna help us out ?" Nat asked trying not to laugh

"Sure, I always welcome a good fight " Erste laughed with Thor joining him

Same as his vision, Cap gave orders to others and he tasked him and Thor to destroy hostiles as many as possible

The battle went of before he heard a explosion going off somewhere in the sky

He saw a man in golden and green fly towards the Stark building

He immediately went after him for the scepter

When he reached he saw a green giant coming and quickly started recording the iconic moment

After Hulk finished smashing the puny God he found a human giving him thumbs up

As odd as it was, Hulk too gave the guy thumbs up and jumped

Erste quickly searched for the staff and found it

The moment he touched the staff something tried to control him but he shrugged it off

He then broke the cover of the gem and took it

The moment he did his mind became clear and he watched all of 'his' memories

He stayed still for some time before opening his eyes which shined with golden light for few seconds before going back to their original color

"Just as I thought " he said while dropping the staff

"My soul got fucked pretty bad " he said while searching for a transmitter

"Let's solve this issue first "

Erste then called everyone and told them he had a way to close a portal but Stark said there was nuke heading there

And same as the plot he diverted it and Erste closed the portal with his hands while channeling the power of the stone

His original powers were not working at full capacity

Only at 10% as his soul was damaged

But he could still use a Infinity stone

He needed to heal his soul and what better way than to use the soul stone

Now the problem was that he didn't have anything precious so using space stone to get to Vormir plan was out

Waiting till endgame was a option but he didn't think the planet would be ok till then cause he'll just destroy everyone cause he was sure everyone will find out who he is and come after him resulting in many deaths

So that plan was out too

Now he still didn't think 1 stone would be enough as some of his memories are still blurry, he might even need multiple soul stones

And where is the best place to shop for them ?


They literally used them as paper weights

The only problem was their tech and making sure to not get caught

He'll survive yes, but with his powers down to 10% it will take too much time to break out

And so he waited for Loki to escape and follow him

He did follow him after giving Stark a heart attack by whistling the tune he played while Stark was getting tortured

As they both landed in desert he suddenly felt a change in surroundings as a yellow door appeared

He immediately backs away from it and hides from the people who came out of it

They captured Loki and left one to set charges to erase the timeline

That was his cue

He quickly rushed to the TVA agent and knocked him out and stole his arm band

It took around 20 mins of fiddling around to figure it out and after setting a disguise he went through the door

Of course the disguise was never gonna work but he did it for fun anyways

He just casually walked towards the office where stones were kept and picked few of them including few power, time and space stones cause why not

"Ummm what are you doing ?" a voice asked giving him a jumpscare

"HEILIGE VERDAMMTE SCHEISSE!!" He screamed almost like a reflex and quickly turned around to find the guy who met Loki in office

(AN:- Translate that you'll get what he said)

"Oh it's you " he patted the guy on his shoulder and took a deep breath to recover from that

"Do I know you ?" Casey asked the weird red haired guy who was rummaging in his desk

"No you don't, I just joined and was searching for some paper weights " Erste said while pocketing the stones

"Oh! I didn't knew they were hiring new people!"

"Well you know how it is, too much paperwork and too many variants are popping up like mushrooms, so it's a all hands on deck situation " Erset sighed and rubbed his temples as if he was having a stressful day

"I know right! Good thing They hired new guys, the workload is too much !" Some other guy from the side cube joined in

"OK guys you keep chatting duty calls, they just caught a new variant and are calling me to process him " Erste made a random excuse to get out before anyone else discovered him

"OK! See you around new guy!" Casey smiled and waved his hand

"Sure, see you next time !" Erste waved back and dissapeared from their view

"Did you know him?" the guy from the neighboring cube asked

"No, he said he was the new guy here for some paper weights" Casey shrugged and got back to work

"Since when did TVA start hiring people? Hmmmmm.....Well not my problem got too much work " the guy had some suspicions but ignored it and went back to work

Erste after the sucessessful Sneak operation was back in his Universe

He looked around and found out he was in space surrounded by some shield, courtesy of space stone

He didn't exactly have a Infinity Gauntlet so how do you use all the stones ?

"Well let's first heal the soul, then we'll deal about the other things " he held the soul stone and started using it's energy to heal

"I knew it " he sighed after letting go of the dust which was the Soul Stone

"Good thing I got backups " he pulled out 8 more from his pockets, good thing he wore pants with 6 big pockets, bless whoever came up with that idea

He held all of them and absorbed them

It took some time but he did it

After healing he felt 'complete' like he just recovered from a fracture and can finally use his arm

"Ahhh that feels good ~" he almost moaned but stopped

"Now then" he looked at all the stones before him

12 space stones and 9 time stones with 6 power stones

He stared for a while before he held them all together and ....

"Itadakimasu~" ....ate them all

He felt a whoom like sound and wave spread from him and felt power like never before

His hair started changing colors from purple to green to blue to red again before stopping at dark red again

"Phew~....that worked " he breathed out a sigh of relief and clenched his fist


A Shockwave of pure energy spread with him at it's center and destroyed few galaxies around

"uhhh.....Tehe?" he bonked himself on his head slightly while tilting it a little

As if on cue 8 Blackholes appeared around him

He looked at them expressionless before folding his hands and waiting

From the backholes came Celestials with Arishem leading them

"Why did you destroy them?" He asked with a deep voice and everyone started giving off pressure

".....Accident " Erste still folding his hands answered while releasing his own pressure


That clash was enough to tear and break the space around them resulting in more cosmic destruction

Reality almost cracked and crackes started shining white

The Celestials quickly restricted their pressure while Erste did the same

He wanted nothing more than to use his new strength to get used to it

It's like overeating and then taking a walk to digest it

He knows he needs to fight to digest all that energy quicker

"Now that you're done with scare tactics, why are you here ?" He asked

The Celestials didn't know what to do, they just wanted to pressure this 'thing' before them and kill it if possible

But it turned out to be more powerful and dangerous then they thought

He was giving them the same feeling as Knull

They didn't have enough numbers to come out unscathed

So Arishem being in the lead punched towards Erste before telling others to call for backup

Erste watched as the large fist comparable to a fucking planet was heading towards him

As if that wasn't enough Arishem added Cosmic Energy to it

Now if this was before Erste would've just said 'fuck this' and bailed

But now was another story

If his powers were growing at a snails pace before healing his soul, then after healing it, they were growing as fast as a Rocket

And add Infinity stones to the mix ?

It was beyond Light speed

He growing power could only be described as logic breaking

He calmly watched as the fist neared him while bending space around it

Erste reached out his hand and...


Space shattered around them as Erste stopped Arishem's fist with a single hand without moving

It looked as if a ant had stopped a grown man in place

"That's it ?" He asked mockingly and took a square stance before pulling his fist back

"My turn" he said and released his fist and smashed Arishem's fist

At first nothing happened but


A high frequency sound was heard as if someone rang a bell and cracks started spreading across Arishem's body and his eyes started losing their glow

"NOOOOOO!" Some yellow Celestial cried before rushing at Arishem

Others were too stunned to move but the cry snapped them out of their daze and they started rushing towards Erste

Some fired beams of concentrated Energy while other used blackholes as balls and launched them, while others tried to bend reality around Erste

While this was happening

Other Celestials quickly arrived and watched Arishem crumble to dust

They quickly attacked as well

Erste was glad they fought back

He could feel it

With every punch, energy beam and occasional kicking something was being released

It was like a Cultivator who was breaking a bottle neck that held him back for a long time

He felt more and more comfortable as he fought

But Celestials were not having a good time

8 out of 18 were already dead

Some had holes in them, while others were missing parts of their body

The universe was already fucked beyond repair

6 Infinity Stones could already erase half life or just blow it to Hell

Imagine someone with 36

Sure they won't work cause he didn't have all 6 and he is still in the process of unlocking their full potential but, does it even matter ?

He turned them into pure energy

If he wants, he can just blow the Multiverse or cause irreversible damage to it

So the fight went on as expected

All the Celestials died

Some big body helmet wearing thing also appeared which he recognized as Galactus but was blown to bits by stray energy spread from the clash

And now he was standing in the void watching the Universe crumble into it

He felt someone looking at him from the darkness and looked up

The Watcher nearly got a heart attack as he watched the 'Thing' look at him straight in the eye

He just closed his eyes and sighed when Erste looked somewhere else

"Mitsuketa~" Erste said while smiling creepily while inches away from the Watcher's face separated by thin glass

Before the Watcher could change the view a hand caught his face and threw him to the glass ground

"Let's Talk " he said while siting in front of him in a lotus position

*After 1 hour?* (Time doesn't flow in the space where the Watcher resides )

They just mostly just talked about multiverse and other worlds beyond this one

Erste didn't do anything other than asking questions and drinking tea which he got from opening space in Ancient One's Office and ste-*Ahem*taking it

He did eat around 12 space stones, pretty sure he can do much more than that

The Watcher was honestly scared

He could feel the energy in the being in front of him still growing at a insane pace

He was getting more and more powerful to the levels of Aspects

After a while Erste got up, said his goodbyes before dissapearing

"Thank the God above " The Watcher immediately fell down and lied on the floor

Erste had to find a way back home

Even though he could just rip open space, he didn't have the co-ordinates to it

So he had to find a being who most likely had it and he had a perfect being in mind as she was the easiest to find

Mistress Death or Lady Death

Just had to grab that bald purple simp and kill him

Or he could just find a way to Death Dimension

But it was only accessible to dead

So he grabbed the simp

Killed him and waited....for a while before blasting that universe

If she won't come out, then he'll make others come to him

Just as he was about to erase his 4th Universe Mistress Death appeared

"Now that you've caught my attention, what do you want ?" She asked a little irritated

I mean who would blame her ?

She was just having a nice day, chilling in her realm when suddenly mortal souls appeared out of nowhere flooding the entire passage and her getting a call from Living Tribunal to take care of the mess

"Just need to find the co-ordinated for my original home world/Universe " Erste said not bothered by the threatening tone

"...just that ?" Mistress Death asked dumbfounded

"Just that" he said a little confused

'Is it that easy?' he thought

Mistress Death looked at his face for a while and sighed before pointing a finger at random direction and bringing it down opening a rip in space like separating curtains

"Thank You" he said bowing a little before stopping in front of it

"Now what ?" She asked ready to kick him in

".....Wanna come ?" He asked while pointing at the rip

"Why would I?" She asked little interested but still irritated

"I don't know, you got anything else to do ?" He said while holding his hand out for her

She thought for a while before nodding and taking his hand

And both of them stepped into the portal

*The Movie ends and the screen goes black*

~Present time~

As soon as the Movie ended

Leo Jumped in front of everyone holding Death's hand and shouting

"Honey! I'm Home ~!!" He said to Light as the smile on his face creepily spread from ear to ear